The investigation asked the Tagansky court of Moscow in absentia to arrest the developer Pavel Fuchs - the brother of the ex-co-owner of Teremka Roman Fuchs. Pavel Fuchs is the owner of the development company MosCityGroup and a defendant in the criminal case of fraud on a particularly large scale (Article 159, Part 4 of the Criminal Code of Russia). Previously, he was wanted.
The case was opened due to problems with the construction of the elite Moscow long-term construction of Sky House on Mytnaya Street. The developer of the residential complex is the MosCityGroup "Olter" structure, the founder of which from 2010 to 2013 was the brother of Pavel Fuks Roman. The amount of damage in the case is estimated at 6 billion rubles. According to sources, during the investigation of the case, where the Fuchs brothers appear in the investigation, their partners Roman Trotsenko and his Aeon Corporation may also appear. The company was responsible for these projects by top manager Dmitry Starostin.
First of all, the Fuchs and Trotsenko brothers actively “sawed” the projects captured from Sergei Polonsky.
For example, the residential complex Literary Newspaper. (Kostyansky, 13). According to the source of, the fate of the object is this. When Polonsky agreed to sell his empire with banker Alexei Alyakin and his friend Pavel Fuchs, Alyakin became the head of Potok and began to actively take away the company's assets. Alyakin took loans under the pretext that they are needed for the daily needs of the company, but in fact paid the proceeds with Polonsky. Moreover, loans were taken on the security of Potok facilities in banks controlled by Alyakin and Fuchs. Polonsky understood this all and broke off relations with Alyakin and Fuchs. However, by this time Alyakin and Fuchs managed to remove a number of objects from the Stream. In particular, an object of 200 hectares in Khimki was pledged to the Pushkino bank. The same fate awaited the object "Literary newspaper". It was laid down under a credit line of $ 25 million. Pretext: money is needed to pay salaries to employees of Potok and other companies from the Polonsky empire. Out of this line, “Potok” under the leadership of Alyakin allegedly spent $ 19 million. In addition to Pavel Fuchs, Roman Fuchs participated in all these transactions with banks.
In March-April 2013, the lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, with the money of Roman Trotsenko, bought back the shares of Pushkino bank from Alyakin. 74% of the bank's shares came under the control of Dobrovinsky (Trotsenko), and they, respectively, also began to own 200 hectares in Khimki.
Even more interesting was the fate of the Polonsky Paradise Living objects. (Fili-roofing) and Myakinino.
According to sources, these two objects have such a story. When Polonsky was engaged in restructuring huge debts of companies, the authoritative businessman Vladimir Golubev (aka Barmaley) and Roman Trotsenko helped him in this. The first allocated $ 60 million, the second - $ 120 million. In return, they received control of the facility from Polonsky: Trotsenko - Paradise Living, and Golubev - Myakinino. Object Polonsky "Kremlin Embankment" also crossed Trotsenko.
According to the source of, there were big problems with this object. Since 2010, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District investigated the case (Art. 30 and part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) (see the appendix) in relation to Stanislav Rubtsov. Until 2010, he headed the Polonsky’s "daughter" - MIRAX COMMUNICATION LLC, and then took the post of director of the Moscow city branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostekhinventarizatsiya-Federal BTI. At this post, he began to actively register and register cadastral not yet built buildings, including the object on the Kremlin Embankment. In connection with this case, searches were carried out at the Miarks office in 2010. The investigation, oddly enough, is still ongoing, but without any apparent prospects. Rubtsov, as was the suspect, remains.
The structure of Aeon Corporation Roman Trotsenko also got the object of Polonsky "Rublevskaya Riviera. Before this, the project was overgrown with criminal cases. There were cases in the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow regarding fraud in the sale of apartments in the Rublevskaya Riviera residential complex. The Investigative Department also conducted a preliminary investigation in relation to the subsidiaries of the former Mirax Group - LLC Bildinvest (former LLC Mirax-Build) and CJSC Medical Center for Geriatrics and Rehabilitation. Check about the fact that they had to build a medical center, and sell apartments in a residential complex.
In 2006, the company of Sergei Polonsky won the tender of the Ministry of Health and the Federal Property Management Agency (then the Russian Federal Property Fund) for the construction of the health center rehabilitation and geriatric complex (37,000 sq. M) on 3rd Cherepkovskaya Street in Krylatskoye. In addition to this center, the project initially included a residential complex of 190,000 square meters. m., and then it increased to 300 thousand square meters.
At one time, Glavmosstroy acted as a co-investor in the proportion of 50 to 50. In 2011, Polonsky negotiated with Basel on the full sale of the Rublevsk Riviera to Glavmosstroy, but they ended in nothing. At some point, “Mirax” - “” - “Stream” - directly led the sale of apartments in the “Rublevskaya Riviera”.
There were few of them sold, after the initiation of the case, the right to claim apartments was bought out from the majority of equity holders.
But when Roman Trotsenko got the medical “Rublevskaya Riviera”, then the questions of law enforcement bodies disappeared. At least for now.
To be continued
Roman Trushkin