Denis Manturov was born on February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. In 1994 he graduated from the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in sociologist, in 2006 - the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) with a degree in jurisprudence.


Denis Manturov began his career as a housing and communal services mechanic, but already in the early 90s he worked in a Russian-Indian joint venture that was engaged in air transportation. From 1998 to 2000 - Deputy General Director of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, 2000-2001 - Commercial Director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil. From 2001 to 2003 - Deputy Chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation". In 2003-2007 - General Director of OJSC United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom.


Since 2008 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade (Ministry of Industry and Trade) of the Russian Federation, in 2012 he became the head of this department. Since July 2022, he has held the post of Deputy Prime Minister, combining it with the positions of head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and chairman of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation. On May 14, he was appointed to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. In the government he is responsible for issues of industry and defense, as well as the nuclear, rocket and space, shipbuilding, aviation and radio-electronic sectors.


Marital status: wife – Natalya Manturova, son – Evgeniy, daughter – Leonela.


Denis Manturov has more than once become the richest member of the Cabinet of Ministers and is considered one of the most scandalous officials of the Russian Federation. Manturov's official source of wealth is income from deposits and sales of property. Unofficial - long-term friendship with the head of Rostec Sergei Chemezov and his son Stanislav, who does business with the Manturov family. His relatives own boarding houses and hotels in Gelendzhik, Moscow and the Kaliningrad region, wine production companies, medical clinics and many other assets.


The property sold by Denis Manturov could have come to him from the Oboronprom corporation, which ceased to exist in 2018. When it was created, it belonged to Manturov; at first he was the general director of Oboronprom, and then headed its board of directors. Since 2004, the corporation has received government assets worth billions of rubles. Manturov’s partner in Oboronprom was Sergei Chemezov, whose interests Manturov subsequently lobbied in the Russian government.


Manturov and Chemezov together practically ruined the domestic aviation industry. In 2022, Denis Manturov promised Russian airlines 1,000 aircraft, but in March 2024 it became known that the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), part of Rostec since 2018, had postponed deliveries of new civil aircraft to 2025 and 2026. And it is not a fact that the UAC will meet these deadlines, which have already been pushed back for several years.


Employees of the Ministry of Industry and Trade have repeatedly become involved in various criminal cases, and Denis Manturov himself has become involved in high-profile scandals. The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade flew almost a billion rubles at the expense of the Russian Helicopters state company, and during trips abroad he lived in presidential hotel rooms worth up to 1.4 million rubles. However, such “little things” never prevented Sergei Chemezov’s protege from moving up the career ladder.




In the dizzying career of Denis Manturov, approved by the State Duma as First Deputy Prime Minister, there is one unpleasant moment, about which, on the one hand, everyone seems to know, but on the other hand, for some reason it is not customary to remember. The Cheka-OGPU decided to recall how, as Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation in 2007, he wanted to gain control over the NPO Saturn plant (now UEC-Saturn) in the Yaroslavl region. In the 2000s, the company, together with the French Snecma, was developing the SaM146 engine, which was subsequently equipped with Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft.

05.14.24 VChK-OGPU


Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov did not become an honorary citizen of the Mytishchi urban district. His name completely disappeared from the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Deputies of the Mytishchi urban district, which took place on Thursday, August 18. Denis Manturov was also reminded of the information previously voiced in the media about his and his relatives’ ownership of land plots and houses on the territory of the Pirogovo golf club. And the construction of a gigantic temple complex with a budget of 2 billion in the forest on the site of the “Forest of Victory” planted by children.

08.20.22 VChK-OGPU


Denis Manturov, who the day before told senators about the plans of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, which he heads, was again on the media agenda. Some experts suggest that the security forces are tightening their ring around Manturov, who has held the ministerial chair for nine years now. To substantiate their opinion, they cite criminal cases against representatives of the minister’s team. And all this is happening against the backdrop of growing personal well-being of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. To assess the assets of the Manturov family, REGNUM news agency analyzed the family business, in which both Tamara and Natalya Manturov are involved, whose data coincides with the data of the minister’s mother and wife.

02.12.21 IA REGNUM


As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and learned, the Investigative Committee has completed an investigation into the criminal case against the deputy head of the department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Olga Pokidysheva, the ex-head of the department Olga Kolotilova, a member of the executive committee of the Russian Olympic Committee, the president of the Federations of synchronized swimming, water polo and diving water of Alexey Vlasenko and a number of businessmen. According to investigators, the Zubkov family, which controlled a number of pharmaceutical companies, managed to agree through intermediaries that the Ministry of Industry and Trade would enter into several government contracts with structures controlled by the brothers for the purchase of medicines. More than 500 million rubles were stolen during the execution of government contracts.

11.30.21 %D0%BD%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2


The Investigative Committee and the Federal Penitentiary Service have a gigantic scandal that they are trying to hide with all their might. A person involved in one of the largest investigations, the details of which investigators and FSB officers are trying to keep secret, died in a pre-trial detention center. We are talking about the owner of a pharmaceutical company, Vladimir Zubkov, who was arrested in a corruption case in the Ministry of Industry and Trade. He and his partner Vladimir Novakovsky entered into pre-trial agreements and gave testimony. Sources of said that Zubkov was promised in return to release his wife (she is also in a pre-trial detention center), and then himself. But then they began to demand from him to testify against the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, and they are extremely interested in him in this case.

06/22/21 %82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2


The Investigative Committee of Russia opened three criminal cases of theft during the construction and design of the Ka-62 helicopter. Cases have been brought against officials of the Kamov company, the Russian Helicopters holding company and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. If investigators and operatives continue to work in this direction and expand the scope of their interests, then their paths will certainly lead to Minister Denis Manturov. Industry Minister Manturov flew almost a billion rubles at the expense of Russian Helicopters. For the period from 2013 to present. In connection with the purchase and operation of the A109SP “Grand New” helicopter for Minister Manturov (factory serial number 22287, registration number RA-01985, year of manufacture 2013), Russian Helicopters JSC spent more than 800 million rubles from its own funds.

10.18.20 VChK-OGU


As our readers are well aware, all kinds of “pests”, “enemies of the people”, “agents of foreign states” and so on are all in the past, so to speak “excesses” of the Stalin era. However, looking in more detail at the “creative” activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade under the leadership of Denis Manturov in the field of Russian civil aircraft construction, there is a strong feeling that not all foreign agents were able to expose Comrade. Stalin. Because the deplorable state of providing national carriers with domestically produced aircraft is not the usual bungling of officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, but a situation that clearly fits into the corresponding ministerial program.

07/06/20 Version