The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and continue to publish investigations into the corrupt nexus between the top leadership of the Lipetsk region and local security officials.
The Lipetsk region prosecutor's office has never seen such corruption scandals. The reason is the extreme corruption of the former head of the anti-corruption department of the Lipetsk region prosecutor's office Dmitry Chistyakov, and the regional prosecutor himself Gennady Anisimov.
After taking office, Chistyakov positioned himself as Anisimov's right hand and friend, and immediately began creating corruption schemes to make money. He became close to the head of the regional UBEP, Vladimir Mrichko, whose department specializes in protecting illegal mining farms, cash-out operators, and counterfeit goods manufacturers, which are popping up in the Lipetsk region like mushrooms after rain. Instead of stopping such things as part of his official duties, Chistyakov began to receive his share of the protection of illegal businesses, covering for Mrichko and helping him. Mrichko made indicators of his work in this direction on those who refused to "cooperate" with him and on visiting performers. According to the VChK-OGPU, having acquired the necessary connections in the regional FSB department, Chistyakov became one of the main decision-makers in the security bloc. But, in general, being an extremely greedy person, he took on everything where he could earn money, got people jobs in the prosecutor's office and other structures for bribes, solved migration issues on the flow, pushed through the initiation of custom-made criminal cases, through the head of the regional social policy department Andreeva pushed through state purchases from his business partners, solved issues with MREO, etc., etc. According to the recollections of the interlocutor of, Chistyakov also took everything, but not greyhound puppies. He did not disdain food products, they came to his table from the territories in abundance and on a systematic basis, and not only for holidays. But there are still mysteries here, the employees of the prosecutor's office of the Dobrovsky district still do not understand what Chistyakov did with water and drinks from their local producer, which were brought to Chistyakov in Lipetsk in boxes every week. The construction of two houses, which Chistyakov organized and supervised on his behalf by the prosecutors of the Dobrovsky district Maslov, Sazonov was financed, among other things, by commercial structures, for example, by the owner of the recreation center "Golubaya Dal". Recreation centers are generally a special weakness of Chistyakov, he traveled to all of them in the region and rested in them for free almost every weekend. In the parks "Oleniy", Agromach-Palna, Skornyakovo, at the recreation centers "Golubaya Dal", "Khvoya", Chistyakov and his friends were not only accommodated for free, but also generously fed and watered for free. To expand the possibilities of corruption, Chistyakov pushed his people into positions in law enforcement agencies, together with Anisimov squeezed out intractable employees from the system. For this, Olga Kashirina was appointed to the position of head of the personnel department of the prosecutor's office, whom the prosecutors, not without reason, consider part-time to be Anisimov's lover. "Chistyakov was also a fan of office romances. During his tenure, he persuaded young assistants of the prosecutors of the Levoberezhny, Pravoberezhny and Sovetsky districts of Lipetsk to enter into intimate relationships with him. One of the employees dared to refuse Chistyakov, for which he began to harass her at work, and the girl was forced to transfer to the prosecutor's office of the Novgorod region," a source told
Chistyakov's closest associate in his corruption cases was the former prosecutor of the Yeletsky district Stanislav Zhivalov. Zhivalov has a reputation as the most illiterate, unprincipled and corrupt prosecutor of the Lipetsk region. He was also caught on the protection of brothels with prostitutes, illegal mining, pushing through custom criminal cases, resolving issues with law enforcement agencies, land brokers. Moreover, he succeeded so much in this that they were forced to carry out his urgent "evacuation" and transfer him to work in Lipetsk.
According to the VChK-OGPU, Anisimov is now pretending to be a gullible leader who did not know what his inner circle was doing. But in reality, this is not the case. Anisimov is very closely connected with Chistyakov and is afraid that the latter might turn him in, which is why he allows Chistyakov, who was fired back in September 2024, to continue to illegally live in the service apartment at his own risk, while he evicted his deputy Ruslan Strelnikov from the service apartment just a few days after his dismissal. But in general, confusing the state pocket with his personal one is normal for Anisimov. In fact, Anisimov assigned one of the prosecutor's office service cars, along with the driver, to his wife Galina. She was driven to and from work in the Tambov Region court in the official prosecutor's Camry every day until her dismissal. And so that the car would not be seen, the state number on it, the prosecutor's series R-RR, was replaced with a regular one. and for writing off gasoline they wrote out fake waybills. And this is already a pure criminal offense, abuse of office, misappropriation of gasoline and official forgery of documents for the purpose of concealing theft, committed using official position, and for such tricks the prosecutor's office itself brings the embezzling officials to criminal responsibility. Will Anisimov get away with this, as well as free operations for his wife and her friend?
Timofey Grishin
To be continued.