

In 2010, the story of the arrest for extortion of the deputy director of the Voskhod factory Alexander Shchukin made a lot of noise. He demanded $ 12 million from businessman Yevgeny Vasiliev (currently the common-law husband of a famous actress and public figure - Maria Kozhevnikova). The piquancy of the situation was given by the fact that support for Shchukin was carried out at that time by the two most influential thieves in law, Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan) and Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik). As a result, Shchukin went to trial alone. What was left behind the scenes of this story was told by a source Not only Vasiliev, but also his partner, a citizen of Great Britain, Israel and Ukraine, Eduard Shifrina, took part in all negotiations with the thieves. General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Derevyanko (who later became Shifrin's business partner) acted as his "roof". It was he who undertook to sort out the problem with the "thieves in law", with whom, as it turned out, he was well and for a long time familiar. For Ded Khasan and Yaponchik Derevyanko requested $ 10 million. Shifrin agreed, the money was prepared by his employee Nadezhda Filicheva. You can see this moment in the photo, Nadezhda decided to pose with money. After the transfer of money to Derevianko, the "thieves in law" really dropped out of the negotiations on the part of Shchukin. However, later Yaponchik talked with Shifrin and it turned out that only half of the amount reached the mafia. Derevianko kept 5 million dollars for himself. At the same time, he also received a reward of $ 2 million from Shifrin for settling the problem with thieves in law.

Золотая дружба

Here's how events developed.

On December 23, 2008, Eduard Shifrin, the chairman of the board of directors of Midland, phoned Yevgeny Vasiliev and suggested that he urgently come for negotiations at the Blue Elephant restaurant located in Novinsky Passage. Here, the case says, Yevgeny Vasiliev saw men unfamiliar to him in the company of Alexander Shchukin and Eduard Shifrin. As it turned out later, among them were the influential thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), as well as Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) - both already in a better world and not with us.

Source, told what events preceded this meeting of "the best people of our city." Eduard Shifrin and his partner Evgeny Vasiliev bought out a property located on the South port - the old Bumizdely factory. Subsequently, this property was sold to Sberbank for USD 250 million. The sale was organized by the business partner Shifrin Derevyanko SS. The main task was to resolve issues with the tax and Sberbank, so as not to pay taxes on the transaction, which were supposed to amount to about $ 80 million. In the course of the transactions, “friends” of Derevianko SS, Yaponchik and Usoyan, emerged and the classic “cop divorce” of the fat businessman Shifrin EV began.

To begin with, a hit was organized on Shifrin's partner - Vasilyev, Yevgeny (currently the common-law husband of a famous actress and public figure - Maria Kozhevnikova), who took a tough stance - "no one fucks." At the same time, there were no real prerequisites for a showdown in reality.

Васильев и Кожевникова

Vasiliev warned Shifrin not to deal with any issues and not get into the situation.

Shifrin decided to "play it safe" and turned to Derevianko SS for help.

General Derevianko SS immediately began to frighten Shifrin - literally: “They shoot first, and then ask. This is a serious question, we will solve it. "

Shifrin finally got scared and quickly matured for the endgame.

Derevianko SS organized a meeting at the Blue Elephant restaurant, but did not warn Shifrin about anything, who, although he had arrived with security, was not morally ready for a meeting "at the top" with the leaders of the Russian underworld.

Usoyan was the first to appear. Shifrin almost fainted when he saw the "grandfather". After some time, intermediate players began to catch up on the arrow, including Shchukin Alexander, who had a conflict with Vasiliev.

A little later, Yaponchik pulled himself up. Seeing him, Shifrin was already ready for all conditions, he could practically be carried out of there.

The entire delegation, with thieves, guards and servants, began to attract the attention of visitors to the shopping complex and the administration politely offered to occupy a large meeting room on the same floor.

Everything moved there, including Shifrin, his director of the legal department Ganus P.V., Shchukin, Yaponchik, Usoyan. 15 minutes later Evgeny Vasiliev appeared. Shifrin summoned him to the meeting, NOT KNOWING who would be at the meeting. That is, spread it into the dark.

In the negotiation room, some claims were made to Evgeny Vasiliev, Shchukin, in the presence of everyone, forced Vasiliev to sign a receipt for 50 thousand US dollars and demanded more money from him. To which Vasiliev was forced to agree to anything in order to get out of there.

The next day, Vasiliev and his family flew to Geneva, from where they resolved issues for several months. The situation ended with the fact that Shchukin Alexander received 8 years for extortion, and both thieves said that they just ate there and had nothing to do with it whether to this process.

But the main goal of the “cop divorce” was Eduard Shifrin. After the meeting, Derevianko presented him with a "bill" for "resolving" the situation with the thieves. The bill was 10 million US dollars and Derevianko asked for another 2 million for his services. At the same time, E. Shifrina owed nothing to anyone, he fulfilled his obligations to pay for the purchased object in full and on time. That is, there were no grounds at all for and reasons to pay Derevianko or the thieves he had. It was pure gop-stop from scratch, organized by his partner - Derevyanko SS.

In February 2009, Shifrin called Yaponchik from Ukraine, who was very interested in how much Shifrin paid then. Shifrin was "spinning on his ass" as best he could and did not tell Yaponchik the amount. Then Yaponchik told him everything so that Shifrin could check the numbers. According to Yaponchik, only 5 million US dollars reached the thieves, and 5 more "got stuck" at Derevianko, to whom Shifrin also paid 2 million dollars for "help"! Then Shifrin realized that the man to whom he regularly paid bribes helped buy a house on Rublevka, formalized it for himself and thus legalized it, simply “divorced” him like a sucker and earned 7 million US dollars on it. For several years Shifrin could not calm down about this, but he did not interrupt his partnership with Derevianko and continued to "unfasten" money for him.

As for the money, it was physically, in cash, transferred to the person of Derevyanko SS by an employee of Shifrin - Kvashuk Sergey Ivanovich. Drove - head of the security service Yordan Vasily.

In the office, everyone took pictures with part of the money - no one had ever seen such an amount in cash.

$ 10 million for the transfer was prepared by Filicheva Nadia - Kvashuk's assistant, who can be seen in the photo.

Надежда Филичева

To be continued

Denis Zhirnov
