
After a series of publications by the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and about the assistant to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District Yuri Chaika and at the same time his trusted person in the sphere of business and personnel - Aidamir Valiyev - he became very agitated.

According to sources, the reason for this was that the Plenipotentiary Representative Chaika received a call from FSB Deputy Director Alexei Sedov, possibly on the instructions of the Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In essence, Chaika was asked to quickly sort out the problematic information and take measures to prevent further similar publications. Oddly enough, there were no offers to sort out the personality of Valiyev himself and his actions and who he ultimately works for - for the criminal structures of the family of Yuri Chaika or is he still a federal civil servant.

After the conversation with Deputy Director Sedov, the Plenipotentiary Representative held a meeting at which he conveyed to all those present and not present that they would investigate where the information was leaking from, find and deal harshly with those who facilitated its dissemination.

At the same time, Chaika portrayed Valiyev as some kind of victim of intrigue. This is understandable, as an "old guard" Chaika "does not abandon his own."

No checks were conducted on Valiyev's activities. And it is not surprising. VChK-OGPU sources indicate that it was on the instructions of General Sedov that the existing incriminating evidence on Valiyev was "erased" in inquiries, when appointing him to the position in the Plenipotentiary Representative's Office, including dismissal due to lack of confidence and other materials that would have been sufficient to prevent him from getting any positions in various federal services.

Let us recall that the falsifications in Valiev's declarations were covered up for 2 years on the orders of Yuri Chaika by the head of the department supervising the personnel work of the plenipotentiary representative - Maksim Zinchenko - a "professional" in mass approvals of state awards and personnel appointments for a "bonus" to natives of the Caucasian republics without checking their merits and achievements. Another would have been fired, but Valiev was "clearly" mistaken, several times either not indicating income in companies where he had shares, or forgetting about real estate, or something else.

The VChK-OGPU will help to objectively sort out this situation.

According to sources, deputy director Sedov is an old comrade from their joint service in one department - the Federal Drug Control Service - with the chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Dagestan Azizbek Cherkesov. The Cherkesov family has been friends with the Valiev family for a long time, and Azizbek Cherkesov’s son, Rashidbek Azizbekovich Cherkesov, is a long-time friend and close business partner of Aidvamir Valiev. Their common main company is OOO SGT-CAPITAL, INN: 7705555854, Legal address: Legal address: 121099, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 11A, building 1, where the general director is listed as Rashidbek Azizbekovich Cherkesov, who is also the founder, and the second founder of the company is Aidamir Aleksandrovich Valiev himself, who, after repeated falsification of declarations of a civil servant, was forced to register his share of 20 percent to a fictitious person, a certain Anna Nikolaevna Ivanova, INN 690600200608, and continues to receive dividends from the company's activities, only formally not participating in its activities.

This business has its own interesting history. According to sources of, in 2011, in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Krai, LLC “SPK” ​​“Limited Liability Company “Construction and Production Company” was registered, INN: 2632098611, Legal address: 357500, Stavropol Krai, Pyatigorsk, st. Ermolova, 30, the general director of which was at one time a certain former Individual Entrepreneur - IP Grebennikov Gennady Anatolyevich, INN 440400068761, registered in the city of Lermontov, Stavropol Territory, then the company was headed by a certain Kireev Igor Nikolaevich INN 712804604918.

It immediately draws attention to the fact that the founder of this company is an interesting organization: "LIKOR CORPORATION", Country SEYCHELLES, registration number 174868. Name of the registering organization: DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES OF THE SEYCHELLES ISLANDS REGISTRAR OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL COMPANIES.


In the Russian Federation, this offshore company created more than 50 companies (Moscow, Samara, Ulyanovsk) and liquidated them after laundering funds received from various contracts.

It would seem that this is a small company in the city of Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory and the Seychelles. However, not everything is so simple. According to sources close to the SVR, it is indicated that the company "LIKOR CORPORATION" in the offshore is one of the "dumps" created to transfer funds abroad and the dark machinations of the former Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Kolpakov Alexander Sergeevich.

Established in 2011 in Pyatigorsk, LLC "SPK" "Limited Liability Company "Construction and Production Company", INN: 2632098611, was a contractor for various Federal State Budgetary Institutions, Federal State Budgetary Institutions and departmental sanatoriums, including the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Money stolen from contracts through her and withdrawal were transferred to the offshore by Kolpakov's people.

The schemes for the withdrawal and "rashalov" of these issues were handled by the General Director of the company, Igor Nikolaevich Kireev, INN 712804604918.

Later, I.N. Kireev, mentioned above, moved to Moscow and in a few years opened, then liquidated from 55 to 100, and maybe more, companies where he is listed as either the founder or director.

Moreover, in some companies where the General Director is I.N. Kireev, the sole founder or General Director is a certain Dag Refik, and what is interesting is that the founder's INN is not indicated.


For example:






Legal address: 127566, Moscow, st. Rimskogo-Korsakova, 20


Rent and management of own or leased real estate


INN: 7715819023




Dag Refik: 10 thousand rubles (0%)


According to sources, Dag Refik is a front man and manager of the schemes for withdrawing part of the funds of the clan of Lieutenant General Kolpakov A.S.


The following company is currently operating in Moscow:




GENERAL DIRECTOR: Igor Nikolaevich Kireev


Legal address: 127106, Moscow, Gostinichny proezd, 6, bldg. 2


Purchase and sale of own real estate


INN: 7715554835


The founder is also listed as that "dark lord" Dag Refik.


The specified company and LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "SGT-CAPITAL", INN: 7705555854, Legal address: Legal address: 121099, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 11A, bldg. 1, where Rashidbek Cherkesov is listed as the general director Azizbekovich, who is also the founder, and the second founder of the company - Valiev Aidamir Aleksandrovich, actively interact in commercial activities.

To be continued

Timofey Grishin
