The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and continue to introduce readers to the actors in large-scale thefts in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Today we will again talk about the former General Directorate of the Main Directorate of Troops Arrangement JSC, Andrei Valentinovich Nazarov.
On May 14, 2024, we wrote about how, miraculously, the General Directorate of the Joint-Stock Company "Main Directorate of Troops Arrangement" Andrei Nazarov did not get involved in the case of the arrested Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov.
Andrei Nazarov "got away" with it until now, when on February 17, 2025, he urgently resigned from his very profitable post as General Director of JSC "GUOV".
On February 13, 2025, after the Moscow Arbitration Court published a ruling to involve the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation as a third party in the bankruptcy case of JSC Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops under number A40-230958/2023, with the court requesting information from the Prosecutor General's Office on all initiated criminal cases involving JSC GUOV, Andrei Nazarov decided to hastily leave such a high post of General Director of JSC GUOV and passed the baton to Oleg Gennadievich Kazantsev, who had previously headed FSUE GVSU No. 14 for many years (former FSUE SPETSSTROYINZHINIRING PRI SPETSSTROY ROSSII), the financial hole in which after his departure exceeds 210 billion rubles. According to a source of the VChK-OGPU, Andrei Nazarov always resolved the most sensitive issues legitimization and dilution of the volumes of withdrawn funds, patching up holes and liquidating problem organizations through bankruptcy procedures in the interests of Timur Ivanov and his close patrons, was the head of the department of problem assets of OAO Oboronstroy, which was eventually liquidated with losses of 29.7 billion rubles, in 2016 - the head of OOO Oboronmedstroy, which belonged to AO GUOV, which traditionally for him went bankrupt, in 2017 - the first deputy head of Dalspetsstroy, where more than 5 billion rubles were stolen. Nazarov headed various companies in the Ministry of Defense - Oboronlogistics, AO 356 Office of the Chief of Works, was the acting head of FSUE Main Military Construction Directorate No. 6 (currently liquidated with huge debts), was the owner of OOO M-Stroy, which in 2020 he transferred to AO GUOV and reorganized in the form of a merger with headed by him JSC "GUOV" with obvious signs of bankruptcy and asset stripping with a debt of 823 million rubles (with a balance of 10.2 billion).
Similar to previous places of work - during Andrey Nazarov's work as the general director of JSC "GUOV", including the period of his leadership of JSC "Garrison" from the beginning of 2020, as the management company of JSC "GUOV" - the debt of JSC "GUOV" to creditors grew to enormous sizes from less than a billion, which could have been freely repaid, to 82 billion at the beginning of 2025, not counting banks that do not collect debts, for example, PJSC "Promsvyazbank", which is hushing up the multi-billion debts of JSC "GUOV" by agreement with Andrey Nazarov. Since our last publication on May 14, 2024 (10 months), under the leadership of Andrey Nazarov, the debt of the Joint-Stock Company "Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops" has increased from 59 to 82 billion rubles and continues to grow.
According to, the demonstrative lack of interest of law enforcement agencies in this person is not accidental, and is explained by the fact that since our publication, despite the impressive amount of information and materials accumulated by the FSB Investigative Committee on the crimes of Andrey Nazarov himself, the case is not being pursued due to the fact that Andrey Nazarov has agreed to cooperate and has taken a position of gradually surrendering accomplices and companions who are no longer needed by him, and periodically leaks the necessary information, and also allows security forces to get into the pocket of JSC "GUOV", prioritizing the payment of the purchased debts to their affiliated structures. Thus, having reliable information about JSC Oboronlogistics, he leaked information about the machinations of Timur Ivanov and Andrey Bulgakov in the purchase of rusty old ships in Turkey for the Syrian Express at the price of new ones, testified against his long-time accomplice Larisa Levina about the machinations in obtaining a loan for the purchase of ships from the Interkommerts bank, leaked information about the schemes for embezzling funds for Crimean ferries by Anton Filatov, who worked as the general director of JSC Oboronlogistics, and Dmitry Purim, the owner of JSC Sovfracht, gave information about Damir Gilfanov, a native of JSC GUOV, who worked as the head of the Construction Directorate for the Leningrad Military District of the PPK VSK, leaked incriminating evidence about the general director of the FSUE Main Directorate of Special Construction Alexander Molodchenko, reported information about his former accomplice - the head of the department of problem assets of JSC "GUOV" Nikolai Grachev, the bankruptcy trustee of the OJSC "Construction Administration of the Moscow Region" Alexey Astashkin, with whom they stole real estate objects in 2019-2021, as previously written by the Cheka-OGPU.
For sufficient loyalty to the DVKR, the FSB of the Russian Federation does not give way to information and evidence of thefts committed personally by Andrey Nazarov, however, Andrey Nazarov also earned this loyalty at the expense of JSC GUOV itself, allowing the “right” people to receive funds from JSC GUOV without legal proceedings and on a priority basis, bypassing the interests of the creditors of JSC GUOV and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is the main creditor in the enforcement proceedings of JSC GUOV with claims of up to 80 billion.
Andrey Nazarov himself, through the structures under his control, buys up the debts of JSC GUOV, and these debts are immediately repaid without the appeal of the “lucky” acquirers of the rights of claim to the bailiff - executor of the OIOVIP FSSP of the Russian Federation, and to the detriment of other creditors of JSC GUOV.
As previously wrote, Andrey Nazarov's special achievement is assigning JSC "GUOV" the legal status of a natural monopoly, which allows him to freely ignore and repel in court creditors' applications for the bankruptcy of JSC "GUOV" and not pay creditors even after the writ of execution is presented.
As shown by the ruling of the Arbitration Court of Moscow dated February 13, 2025 in case number A40-230958/2023 on the bankruptcy of JSC "GUOV" with the dismissal of the creditor's application without consideration, the scheme with a natural monopoly entity, despite the lack of actual activity, is working, and allows creditors to refuse a bankruptcy case and endlessly not repay debts. Obviously, without financial support from the court, this scheme will not work, and Andrey Nazarov also succeeded in this, finding an approach to the judge and resolving the necessary issue before the court hearing.
It is interesting to look at the structures through which Andrey Nazarov hides property and stolen funds, and these are JSC IFG AGASTON 9703047810, LLC AGASTON INVEST 9703047810, CLOSED-END COMBINED MUTUAL INVESTMENT FUND AGASTON CAPITAL, LLC INVESTOR 7842200660, LLC INVESTOR 4 9724125674, LLC INVESTOR 3 9724125427, LLC INVESTOR 2 9724125427, JSC INVESTOR No. 1 6449092777 and related structures, individual entrepreneurs and individuals, often related by family and friendly relations, affiliation through third parties. Through them, Andrei Nazarov conducts bankruptcy auctions, transfers the necessary property through affiliated bankruptcy trustees, pays off the presented debts in priority order without going to court, to bailiffs, to the detriment of the interests of other creditors, concluding settlement agreements, providing property as compensation.
According to the VChK-OGPU, Andrei Valentinovich Nazarov's patrons are preparing a new place of work, where his "talents" will be fully in demand in their interests, and the losers, as always, will be the state and ordinary contractors who previously had the imprudence of working with the structures headed by him.
Yuri Prokov