Source: has obtained a statement to the heads of the Russian security bloc, which claims that the head of the Federal Forestry Agency Ivan Sovetnikov and the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Nikita Chaplin created an organized criminal group with the aim of receiving bribes and stealing state property worth billions of rubles.

Никита Чаплин

"Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu. organized a criminal community, which includes receiving bribes, acting as an intermediary in the transfer of bribes from entrepreneurs, civil servants and politicians.

The organized criminal community carries out its activities against the national interests of the Russian Federation, causing damage to the Federal budget, more than 300 billion rubles per year.

The organized criminal group under the leadership of Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu. has been operating for +- 15 years, receiving cash from illegal activities, in particular, for resolving certain issues related to professional activities in the field of forestry, property and other relations, providing mediation in resolving other interrelated issues and organizing the transfer of bribes on an especially large scale.

Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu. put the receipt of bribes on stream as part of an organized interrelated group of persons, and established tariffs for personal enrichment for patronage in resolving issues of professional activity, including: coordinating project documentation, passing state examination of projects, obtaining rights to lease forest areas of the State Forest Fund, without holding auctions, and other necessary approvals.

Chaplin N.Yu. uses his official position, as well as the political influence of his father, Chaplin Yu.K., born 02.02.1955. and his many years of experience as a professional solver of "delicate corruption issues", was able to organize the appointment of persons under his control to the personal composition of the commission for conducting state examination of projects of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the FC MO). Who acted exclusively in the interests of the OPS participants, influenced the adoption of collegial decisions, and carried out the instructions of Chaplin N.Yu. In connection with this, only those projects that were approved by the OPS participants during internal approval, after receiving cash, passed the positive approval of the state examination of projects. His influence on the decision-making by the commission in the FC MO has not changed to this day, despite the numerous criminal cases initiated against officials of the FC MO.

Only one example below can be used to assess the scale of the illegal activities of the OPS under the leadership of Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu. and other persons involved in illegal actions involving officials. In the spring of 2017, the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, K.A. Dmitriev, contacted the Governor of the Moscow Region, A.Yu. Vorobyov, with a personal request for assistance in dividing the auction forest plot of the State Forest Fund with K№ 50:20:0010336:358 for the purpose of formalizing the transfer of lease rights for 7 forest plots of the State Forest Fund from Eximart LLC to actual land users, which were previously transferred without formalizing land legal relations, on which third parties carry out economic activities, a 3-5 meter fence was installed, objects were placed without approval, in connection with which disagreements periodically arose with the district foresters of the Zvenigorod branch of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles". The Governor of the Moscow Region, A.Yu. Vorobyov, instructed the Chairman of the KLH MO, I.V. Sovetnikov. resolve the issue of dividing the auction forest plot of the State Forest Fund with K№ 50:20:0010336:358. In turn, Sovetnikov I.V. worked out the order of the Governor of the Moscow Region Vorobyov A.Yu., and refused Dmitriev K.A., in resolving the issue of dividing the land plot provided through an auction from the State Forest Fund with K№ 50:20:0010336:358 in accordance with the current legislation, citing the impossibility of circumventing in a legal way: the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws, Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Rosleskhoz, territorial administrations of Rosleskhoz "on the elimination of violations, incl. related to the assignment of lease rights to land plots granted through auctions or competitions to third parties with multiple divisions and loss of legal grounds for the return of plots from the State Forest Fund, non-receipt of payments to the Federal Budget. ". In connection with the negative result of the execution of the order of Vorobyov A.Yu., being dissatisfied, Dmitriev K.A. instructed his long-time "trusted" business partner, "a professional corrupt official, a fixer with government agencies", a seller of lease rights for auction forest plots of the State Forest Fund in the Odintsovo urban district of the Moscow region, the oligarch Branovitsky I.S., to contact Sovetnikov I.V. and offer him to resolve issues for a bribe, bypassing the current legislation, the methods of which are known to Sovetnikov I.V.

Previously, the oligarch Branovitsky I.S. had experience in transferring bribes, for a commission, in coordinating project documentation in the KLKH MO, including the transfer of lease rights to auction forest plots of the State Forest Fund, for his business partners and high-ranking government officials, through intermediaries, including Uspensky E.A., who is a trusted person of Sovetnikov I.V., who was closely connected in other "forest affairs", in the transfer of bribes that Sovetnikov I.V. accepted personally from him.

The oligarch Branovitsky I.S. contacted Uspensky E.A., who, after a detailed conversation with Sovetnikov I.V. and agreeing on the cost with Chaplin N.Yu., announced the final amount of 4 million US dollars, turnkey in 4 stages, including the organization of the "necessary positive" court decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.

Uspensky E.A. announced to the oligarch Branovitsky I.S. from Sovetnikov I.V. the terms of services for supporting the activities of the road map:

1. 100% advance payment of amounts with reference to the stages of the road map;

2. also at what stage problems and irreversible risks may arise that must be accepted;

3. also that 100% will have to go to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region to reduce the risks for the decisions taken by the KLKH MO on auction forest areas, which in the future can be canceled by order of the supervisory authorities: the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, Rosleskhoz. This decision will create a criminal scheme of interaction in the future and will open the possibility of continuing to divide auction forest plots of the State Forest Fund in a calm manner, without regard for law enforcement and supervisory authorities.

Oligarch Branovitsky I.S. did not immediately give an answer, citing that the amounts of the bribe must be agreed upon with Dmitriev K.A. and other interested parties, the actual land users of the forest plots of the State Forest Fund.

Dmitriev K.A., having received the cost of services and the stages of the roadmap from Sovetnikov I.V., transferred to him through the oligarch Branovitsky I.S., having administrative and political influence in the state authorities of the Russian Federation, turned to the top management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia for assistance in resolving the above-mentioned personal issues.

The top management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia instructed Rosleskhoz, Vinokurova A.O., to work out the personal request of Dmitriev K.A. for the division of the auction forest plot of the State Forest Fund with K№ 50:20:0010336:358, for the purpose of formalizing the transfer of rights to lease forest plots to actual land users.

Vinokurova A.O., the above-mentioned instruction of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, reported to Sovetnikov I.V., who became “furious” and began calling Uspensky E.A., demanding an urgent meeting, at which he announced that if “Dmitriev K.A. will go from office to office with this request, the issue will be exposed with a negative position of the Federal Forestry Agency and the Forestry Department of the Moscow Region, and he will be able to do everything possible so that the issue is “finally drowned” and can never be resolved by anyone, among other things, Eximart LLC will be brought to administrative responsibility for transferring auction forest plots without the consent of the Forestry Department of the Moscow Region for use by other persons, all fences and structures will be dismantled, illegal improvement of forest plots, his “exclusive vegetable garden with flower beds”, everything will be brought into compliance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations, and the lease agreement for forest plots will be terminated.” Uspensky E.A. conveyed the specified tough position of Sovetnikov I.V. to the oligarch Branovitsky I.S. and Dmitriev K.A. stopped further actions to promote his request with the top management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and the Federal Forestry Agency. As a result, the amount of the bribe of 4 million US dollars for his services, which Sovetnikov I.V. announced through Uspensky E.A. to the oligarch Branovitsky I.S., was agreed upon, and ultimately amounted to 6 million US dollars, taking into account the intermediary services of the oligarch Branovitsky I.S., Uspensky E.A. and other persons involved in illegal actions. After the transfer of an advance payment of 1 million US dollars in cash to Dmitriev K.A. through the oligarch Branovitsky I.S. then to Uspensky E.A. to the bribe-taker Sovetnikov I.V. in June 2017, together with Chaplin N.Yu., Kazimir E.Yu., Pomozova A.L., Goroshansky N.A., Kapitalinin D.Yu., Uspensky E.A. started implementing the activities of the pre-agreed roadmap to resolve a set of issues of auction forest plots of the State Forest Fund in the interests of Dmitriev K.A., oligarch Branovitsky I.S. - a representative of other interested parties - actual land users of forest plots of the State Forest Fund, Eximart LLC for 4 million US dollars." To be continued

Timofey Grishin
