2024-07-22 21:13
“We invite Andrei Skoch to court”
Oligarch-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation against a miner with many children
New dossier

Moshkovich Vadim

Owner of the company "Rusagro"

New dossier

Roitman Evgeniy

Owner and general director of Clean Energy LLC


2024-07-22 21:13

“We invite Andrei Skoch to court”

Oligarch-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation against a miner with many children

2024-07-21 21:41

The most shy oligarch of Kazakhstan

Attended Putin's live broadcast

2024-07-20 20:41

“Packs of people pushing worthless players”

Interview-revelation of the famous coach Boris Ignatiev - especially for the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info

2024-07-19 22:03

Skeletons of Timur Ivanov in the closet of the deputy head of Sochi

Yuri Tsitskiev: from budget “feeders” to his terrorist uncle

2024-07-17 20:08

Authoritative Skoch and Manturov became related through business

What the family of the first deputy prime minister, deputy and billionaire are hiding

2024-07-16 19:22

How Timur Ivanov made a fortune on Crimean ferries

Will corruption ties help the ex-deputy minister of the Moscow Region escape from new charges?

2024-07-15 19:34

The Kolokoltsevskaya mafia “dumped” the military

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs is provoking a new “March of Justice”, only now not on Moscow, but on St. Petersburg”

2024-07-14 19:58

How Usmanov, Skoch, Kocharov hide their connection with the Russian Ministry of Defense

"Patron", a deputy and a Swiss resident are embarrassed about business on armor plates

2024-07-13 20:43

Cemetery Pengivin, removed “power from the run”

Ikizli, Boiler, Kashchei, Asya-drum: how the “ritual world” of the Leningrad region is tripled