
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and continue to publish an investigation into the assistant to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, Yuri Chaika, and at the same time his trusted person in the sphere of business and personnel - Aidamir Valiev.

As it turned out, numerous investigations against Valiev do not have much effect not because of the person of his boss Chaika. Valiev has a higher cover. We are talking about the Deputy Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation Alexei Sedov.

According to sources, Deputy Director Sedov is a long-time comrade from their joint service in one department - the Federal Drug Control Service - with the Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Dagestan Azizbek Cherkesov. The Cherkesov family has been friends with the Valiev family for a long time, and Azizbek Cherkesov's son, Rashidbek Cherkesov, is a long-time friend and close business partner of Aidamir Valiev.

Their common main company is SGT-CAPITAL LLC, INN: 7705555854, Legal address: Legal address: 121099, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 11A, building 1, where Rashidbek Azizbekovich Cherkesov, who is also the founder, is listed as the general director, and the second founder of the company is Aidamir Aleksandrovich Valiev himself, who, after repeated falsification of declarations of a civil servant, was forced to register his share of 20 percent in the name of a fictitious person, a certain Anna Nikolaevna Ivanova.

According to available information, Cherkesov (the son of the closest friend of the deputy director of the FSB Alexei Sedov) and Valiev, using their established connections with Kireev (a participant in the schemes to embezzle funds from the former Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation Alexander Kolpakov) and his entourage, who are in turn connected to certain heads of the central office of the FSB and the former head of the Presidential Property Management Department Kolpakov, were and are actively involved in resolving issues of large entrepreneurs with the withdrawal of especially large sums of money abroad to offshore accounts, including the Seychelles, and the money of large agricultural corporations, trading companies, real estate rental companies, fuel trade, and regional energy supply companies is being withdrawn.

In this area of ​​criminal business, Cherkesov and Valiev have long since earned decent money.

It is precisely with the capabilities of Valiev and his friends in the FSB that Chaika's attention to Valiev is associated, given his connections in law enforcement circles and among the leaders of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and especially Ingushetia, where the Chaika family has very big plans to monopolize the garbage business, and in general to withdraw part of the business to the North Caucasus from under the "dangerous" Moscow jurisdiction, where not all of the family are friends.


It is precisely with this that Chaika and several other big figures from his circle are actively lobbying for the appointment of Mikhail Gutseriev to the post of Head of the Republic of Ingushetia. The price of the appointment may be "services" for redirecting business flows and "protection" of the family business, in areas controlled by the Chaikas.

The appointment of the son of the Plenipotentiary Representative Igor Chaika to the Rossotrudnichestvo organization is connected precisely with the fears of the Plenipotentiary Representative that under certain conditions he himself will be removed from office and certain people will convince the President of the Russian Federation to check the Chaika family affairs. For example, where did about 7 billion of budget money go, allocated from a special budget fund created to support Russian companies directly doing business with foreign companies. Allocated to one of the companies of Chaika's son - to establish direct deliveries of allegedly ice cream and beer to China. The subsidy was simply "mastered" with kickbacks to "responsible" persons from the Government of the Russian Federation, in other words, stolen, since no business happened. And this was a condition for receiving it.


Being in Rossotrudnichestvo, it will, of course, be much easier and cheaper for Igor Chaika, hiding behind state interests, to withdraw the accumulated funds to foreign accounts, since Rossotrudnichestvo is actively involved in organizing and implementing anti-sanction measures, including "gray" schemes for transferring money abroad and back. And this is no secret for business.


Chaika's son "sat down" competitively on a very "sweet" topic in terms of corruption.


It is for this reason that the Republic of Ingushetia and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are very convenient for wire transfers under the supervision of Rossotrudnichestvo for money transfers from the Russian Federation, and Islamic banks work very well in the regions of the North Caucasus. The Valiyevs are very much needed for the purposes of running around on similar cases in the republics. The Plenipotentiary Representative himself should not do this, supervise - he is in the federal civil service. There is a son and "loyal" guys.


VChK-OGPU and have established that A.A. Valiev received and receives funds for direct participation and cover-up of criminal schemes for withdrawing money into criminal circulation, abroad, for money personally invested in this business in firms:




"GLOBALCONSULT" 119034, Moscow, Prechistenskaya embankment, 15/1, building 5, fl./off. 3/10, INN 7723497130.






119034, Moscow, Prechistenskaya embankment, 15/1, building 5, fl. 2, off. 1.


The director of the companies is listed as a certain Akhkubekov Akhkubek Khalidbeevich, INN 772831446183.






Address: 123056, Moscow, Krasina St., 3, building 1, office 801.


General Director: Alexey Aleksandrovich Vostokov, INN 246520630508.




GROUP OF COMPANIES "RESULTATCONSULTING" 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 10, building 4, floor 5, room 1, office 22. INN




General Director Goncharov Yuri Aleksandrovich, INN 77260350212.8


The registration authority has decided to exclude the legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the presence in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of information about a legal entity for which an entry has been made about unreliability) from December 18, 2024.


Goncharov Yuri Aleksandrovich founded 5 companies and transferred money through them, which were closed by decision of the Federal Tax Service as left-wing. Valiev Aidamir conducted a joint business with this person, protected him with connections in the FSB for laundering and withdrawing money through various types of contracts. These companies were later "closed down" as criminal "dumps". In addition to the main apartment, while already working in the Plenipotentiary Representative's Office, Valiev acquired an additional apartment in Moscow and non-residential premises.





Has three expensive foreign-made cars, additional real estate and cars, and bank accounts. Everything is in the classic style of a corrupt civil servant.

Arseny Dronov

To be continued
