
At the disposal of was a special message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about the events with the Mytishchi shooter Vladimir Bardanov, who fought for more than ten hours with special forces soldiers. As a result, he died in a fire that blazed in his mansion in the elite village of Veshki near Moscow. This special message is interesting to compare with another - Rosgvardia - published by the deputy Alexander Khinshtein. The main thing that catches the eye is that the special message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs clearly states that officers from the 2nd Department of the FSB Directorate for Moscow and the region came to Bardanov's mansion, along with officers from the GUUR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Department of Criminal Investigations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Defense. And it is clearly seen from the document that the counterintelligence officers were the main ones during the events. However, the FSB officers simply disappeared from the Rosgvardia special message. It indicates that only the employees of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation acted. What measures the counterintelligence officers intended to carry out with Bardanov and within the framework of which, we will probably never know. How and why he decided to give battle to the "guests".

In a special message from the National Guard it is indicated that the special forces soldiers initially accompanied the operatives on the basis of the assignment dated 03/29/2021. On the basis of what the operatives acted - it is not clear. But it was especially noted that the officers of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation acted in relation to an “unidentified person”. That is, their target was not specifically Bardanov.

 In the special message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, it was explained that the operatives acted on the basis of the decision of the judge of the Moscow Regional Court (w / n dated 03.24.2021), at the address “an operational-search activity was carried out“ Investigation of premises, buildings, structures, areas, terrain and vehicles ”in regarding Bardanov Vladimir Alexandrovich ". That is, it turns out that they went specifically to Bardanov.

However, I would very much like to see this court decision without a number, and to understand whether it was actually issued on March 24. And what arguments did Bardanov have about the need for measures.

In the special message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the description of the death of Bardanov is also interesting. It is very evasively indicated that at 20:30 the premises caught fire, without specifying the causes of the fire. Then immediately Bardanov stopped resistance. After waiting 20 minutes and making sure that the shooter really showed no signs of life, the firefighters proceeded to extinguish the fire. At 21:19 he was localized, and at 22:16 he was eliminated. And at 22.40 Bardanov's body was found. publishes a special message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:

"1093. INFORMATION of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region Dezh. Demidova KUSP / / Reported to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: to the Department of Internal Affairs: to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: 03.30 16:41 Arrival time of the order: Arrival time of the SOG: INFORMATION MU MIA RUSSIA "MYTISHCHINSKOE" KUSP 5210 03/30/2021 at 10:10 the Duty Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a message from the head of the ESD MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Mytishchinskoe" Syunyaev that at the address: g. Mytishchi, pos. Veshki, st. Coastal house 10 (owner Bardanov V.A.), the help of police officers is required, claps are heard behind the fence that fenced the house. Onsite, it was established that the officers of the 2nd department of the FSB of Russia in Moscow and the Moscow region together with the employees of the GUUR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the office of the 1st department of the ORCH of the UR No. 1 of the GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow region and the employees of the ESD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Mytishchi", on the basis of the ruling of the judge of the Moscow Regional Court (w / n dated 03.24.2021) at the above address, an operational-search activity is being conducted "Inspection of premises, buildings, structures, sites, terrain and vehicles" in relation to Bardanov Vladimir Aleksandrovich 196 ... b. , registered at the address: Moscow, st. Rodionovskaya, house 2, apartment ...., previously convicted under Part 2 of Art. 145 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility by the traffic police, who locked himself (barricaded himself) inside the house, did not react to the demands of the police, did not open the door, fired multiple shots from an unidentified firearm towards the employees, after which he threw in their direction 2 grenades, one of which exploded. Around 13:30 Bardanov V.A. set fire to his house from the inside and moved to a room on the third floor, from where he began to actively resist law enforcement officers (he defended himself with grenades). At 20:30 there was a fire in the room in which Bardanov V.A. was, after which the resistance ceased. At 20:50 the employees of the SRSU No. 17 of the Federal State Institution "18 OFSP in the Moscow Region" began to extinguish the fire, at 21:19 localization of the fire on the 1st floor, at 21:41 localization of the fire on the 2nd and 3rd floors, at 22:16 the elimination of open combustion ... At 22:40, in the course of a partial analysis of the rubble, the burnt corpse of V.A. Bardanov was found. At 05:15, the fire was completely extinguished. Four fire brigades (15 people) of the SRSU No. 17 took part in extinguishing the fire. V. Bardanov. is the owner of a civilian weapon (registered with the Rosgvardia State Administration for Moscow): - DP-O1 carbine No. Н0954, caliber 7.62x54, ROHA permission 15960202 dated 05/05/2016; - carbine MA-136 (MA-135S) No. AS69982014, caliber 7.6

2x39, permission of ROCHA 15960210 dated 05/05/2016; - ANSCHUTZ carbine No. 1515-1516 No. 3063244, caliber 22 MAG, ROHA permission 15960204 dated 05/05/2016; - carbine BLASER R 93 No. 9/48007, caliber 9.3X64, POCHA 15960203 approval dated 05/05/2016; - gun ММЦ-109-12-07 No. 980283, caliber 7.62, Х54R, ROCHA 15960207 approval dated 05/05/2016 - Grand Power T-10 gas pistol No. 174242013, caliber 10Х22Т, ROHA 15960210 approval dated 05/05/2016. In the course of the measures to detain V.A. Bardanov An ambulance brigade at the Lobnenskaya Central City Hospital with a gunshot wound to the right foot, an open fracture of the 2nd toe, the head of the 2nd metatarsal bone, an employee of the special unit of the FS VNG RF was delivered (data are being established), treatment is outpatient. 03/30/2021 in relation to V.A. Bardanov the investigator of the SO for the city of Mytishchi of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow region Bulygina opened a criminal case No. 12102460033000035 under Art. 317, part 1 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At present, a cordon has been set up, 24 officers of the police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 15 officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and 10 official vehicles are involved in protecting the scene. Inspection of the scene will be carried out by the staff of the Investigative Department for the city of Mytishchi of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region after daylight. "

And now we are introducing readers to the special report of the Russian Guard, which was published by Alexander Khinshtein:

 “March 30, 2021 at 10 o'clock. 04 minutes by the office phone from the duty station of the SOBR "Lynx" of the SOBR SR of the Russian Guard from the senior duty shift of the SOBR "Lynx" of the SOBR of the Russian Guard to the senior duty shift of the operational response department of the SOBR SR of the Russian Guard a message was received about the use of firearms by the SOBR "Lynx" officers of the SOBR SR of the Russian Guard. March 30, 2021 from 06:00 30 min. 10 employees of the SOBR "Rysy" TSSN SR of the Russian Guard on 2 service vehicles, on the basis of the assignment dated 03/29/2021, carried out a trip to the Moscow region, g. Mytishchi, pos. Veshki, st. Pribrezhnaya, 10, for the conduct of military escort of the ORM and investigative actions carried out by officers of the 9th department of the GUUR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, against an unknown person, committing a crime under the suspect of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

 During the special operation (event), an unknown person who turned out to be Vladimir Bardanov, born in 1960, put up active armed resistance using firearms and improvised explosive devices. In order to suppress illegal actions of gr. V. Bardanov, on the basis of Art. 21 Ф3 dated 07/03/2016 226-Ф3 "On the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation", the staff of the Lynx SOBR TSSN SR of the Russian Guard used service weapons. at 10 o'clock. 04 minutes the operational response department of SOBR "Lynx" of the Central Service Center of the Russian Guard SR received a message that at 10 o'clock. O3 min. fire contact occurred. The head of the TsSN SR of the Russian Guard made a decision on the allocation of operational-combat reserves to the area of​​the special operation (event). "


To be continued

Timofey Grishin
