The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel has obtained a video recording from outdoor surveillance cameras of a gas station, where a driver of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region steals fuel and lubricants allocated for official purposes in the official car of the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bessmeltsev, on his instructions.
This gas station is located next to the house of this driver, where the official car is stored after work hours.
It is no secret to anyone in the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region that Bessmeltsev often uses the official car and driver for personal purposes not related to official activities.
With enviable regularity, the Investigative Department receives orders about the violation of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation by the driver Bessmeltsev, including the speed limit outside the Yaroslavl Region. Such violations are recorded during Bessmeltsev's vacation, and, as a rule, in Moscow and the Moscow region, Kostroma and other cities of the Golden Ring, for example, in February 2025. Bessmeltsev's wife also uses this car on a regular basis. Drivers of the Yaroslavl Region Department complain behind the scenes about the special 24/7 work schedule, when it is necessary to carry out endless personal off-duty assignments of A.A. Bessmeltsev and his family members. According to the source of, observing such permissiveness and impunity of A.A. Bessmeltsev and inspired by it, the head of the control and investigative department of the same department, Murastov E.S., left for Sochi in a service car during his vacation in January 2025. The service car was absent from the investigative department for two weeks. The same facts of using a service car as one's own and for personal purposes can be traced in the activities of the deputy head of the department, P.P. Bakuhin.
I wonder what the amount of damage caused by such actions by A.A. Besmeltsev, P.P. Bakuhin and E.S. Murastov is? Will any official or procedural check be carried out against them by the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and what conclusions will follow regarding these "dealers"?
Of course, these facts are seen by ordinary employees of the Investigative Committee for the Yaroslavl Region, working under conditions of high workload with a significant excess of the eight-hour workday. At the same time, as a rule, investigators use their personal cars to carry out assigned tasks, which they fill with personal funds, for which no one reimburses them.
What reaction should an investigator have when he spends the money he earned with sweat and blood on fulfilling the tasks of the Investigative Committee of Russia, that is, on his own work, not on himself, not on his family, but on the same work, and the head of the Investigative Department and those close to him, Bakuhin P.P. and Murastov E.S., with impunity and without limit, spend state gasoline on personal purposes.
This is also one of the reasons why investigators in the Investigative Department of the Yaroslavl Region are resigning en masse. Several investigators have already been dismissed this year, including a young specialist who completed training at the departmental academy of the Investigative Committee.
It should be noted that this employee, under the previous head, coped with the assigned tasks with distinction, and was repeatedly encouraged. However, with the arrival of Bessmeltsev A.A., various types of disciplinary responsibility were applied to this investigator in a short period of time. As a result, the investigator decided to resign of his own free will. Also, as found out, this year one of the most experienced investigators, who had the longest service record in the entire department, was dismissed from a position that was not subject to reduction. Needless to say, the manager's hands were itching so much from the desire to "remove" this employee that all organizational and staffing measures were carried out with gross violations of the law. As a result, the dismissed investigator was forced to go to court with a claim for reinstatement at work.
In addition, the first deputy prosecutor of the Yaroslavl region, based on the results of the inspection of appeals from an employee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region regarding the facts of non-payment of wages and other payments on time in accordance with labor legislation, on 12/10/2024, a submission was made to the head of the department for the Yaroslavl region to eliminate violations of the requirements of federal legislation.
During the inspection, the prosecutor's office established facts of non-payment of part of the wages to more than 120 employees of the Investigative Department with a month's delay. The salary was not paid on time due to the untimely issuance of an order by the head of the Investigative Department, A.A. Bessmeltsev (he returned from vacation on September 2, 2024), on its payment (the payment deadline was September 5, 2024), the order, in the absence of any objective reasons why it was impossible to do this before September 5, 2024, was issued by the head of the Investigative Department, A.A. Bessmeltsev, only on September 19, 2024, and the salary The salary was paid to employees only on 05.10.2024.
The Yaroslavl Region Prosecutor's Office also established the fact of non-payment of monetary compensation to the SU employees in accordance with Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which the employer is obliged to pay in case of violation of the terms of payment of wages, as indicated in the submission of 10.12.2024 in the form of a requirement to take measures to eliminate violations of labor legislation, as well as in the conclusion of the State Labor Inspectorate of the Yaroslavl Region.
Despite the submission made by the First Deputy Prosecutor of the Yaroslavl Region, the said compensation has not yet been paid to the employees of the department and no measures have been taken to eliminate the violations by A.A. Bessmeltsev and, on his instructions, by the responsible employees.
Thus, the head of the department, over a long period of time, at a minimum, commits an administrative offense, and at a maximum, a crime under Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It should also be taken into account that the policy of intolerance towards disloyal employees, the creation of unbearable working conditions and the boorish, arrogant attitude towards subordinates on the part of Bessmeltsev A.A. and those close to him, led to the mass dismissal of competent employees. In turn, this led to the fact that in 2025, the performance indicators of the Investigative Committee sharply decreased by an average of 35-40%. Due to the lack of control and uneven workload on investigators, cases of falsification of criminal case materials began to be allowed. Thus, the VChK-OGPU learned that in criminal case No. 12302780014000070, in which the victims are a prosecutor and a federal judge, in order to hide from the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia the maximum time limits for the investigation, the absence of any control over the progress and results of the investigation, and to prevent the study of the case by employees of the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia, an unidentified person prepared a forged document signed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Kaburneev E.V.
It's simple, during the investigation of the criminal case it was established that the crime was committed on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation, which did not allow the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl Region, in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the current orders of the Investigative Committee of Russia, to bring charges and begin the procedure for familiarizing the parties with the case materials, and sending the criminal case to another subject through the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia threatened serious problems. Thus, a forged order to organize a preliminary investigation dated 24.12.2024 on behalf of the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Kaburneev E.V. appeared in the case. On the same day, Deputy Head of the Department Bakuhin P.P. deliberately assigned the investigation of this criminal case to an investigator who, due to his inexperience, would not have been able to determine the fact of falsification of this document.
Bessmeltsev A.A., who was aware of the presence of a falsified document in the case materials on behalf of the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, on 27.12.2024 at an operational meeting after the report of Deputy Head of the Department Bakuhin P.P. on the need to extend the procedural deadlines for the case, made a decision to extend the investigation period to 12 months, until 05.02.2025. It was due to the forgery of the above-mentioned order on behalf of Kaburneev E.V. criminal case No. 12302780014000070 was completed within the established time limit. At the same time, a forged document was submitted to one of the courts of the city of Yaroslavl in support of the investigator's petition to limit the period for familiarization of the accused and defense with the materials of the criminal case.
In fact, the order to organize the preliminary investigation was signed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Kaburneev E.V. only on 31.01.2025, that is, five days before the end of the maximum investigation period, which under no circumstances would have allowed the criminal case to be completed within the established time limit.
Here, there are signs of a number of official crimes committed by the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region Bessmeltsev A.A., his deputy Bakuhin P.P. and the head of the OKO Murastov E.S., who were reliably informed about this entire situation.
Under these circumstances, the head of the department in which this criminal case was investigated, based on the results of its study, returned the case to the investigator for additional investigation. At the same time, the investigator was instructed to conduct a procedural check on the facts of falsification of official documents.
Having learned about this, in order to conceal the traces of the official crimes committed, the deputy head of the department, P.P. Bakukhin, on the instructions of A.A. Bessmeltsev, canceled the said decision in terms of conducting a procedural check.
A number of questions arise here. Why, despite all the lawlessness committed by A.A. Bessmeltsev and his associates P.P. Bakukhin and E.S. Murastov, taking into account the transfer of a forged document by the inspectors on behalf of E.V. Kaburneev and other information, did not reveal any violations in their activities and point-blank wanted and does not want to notice them? Why does Bessmeltsev A.A. continue to head the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region despite everything and no response measures have been taken against him, because, as is known, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation mercilessly punishes investigators for lesser offenses?
And the answer is very simple! Bessmeltsev A.A., Bakukhin P.P. and Murastov E.S. are covered in the central office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
At the expense of the employees of the department and the corrupt talents of Bessmeltsev A.A. and his associates, they organize hunts, fishing, leisure and other entertainment events for high-ranking employees of the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Thus, in 2024, Bessmeltsev A.A. organized leisure time for the Central Office employee Makarov V.A., the author of the article “If you don’t grease the pot, they won’t kick back” and the main fighter against corruption, in the Yaroslavl Region. Apparently, they really liked the services of Bessmeltsev A.A., so much so that Makarov V.A. visited the future "general" again that same year. Bessmeltsev A.A. does not hide the above-mentioned facts, he presents them as an advantage, demonstrating to the staff of the investigative department, apparently, his connections and strength.
At the same time, Makarov V.A. is a person who, by virtue of the position he occupies in the Central Investigative Committee of Russia, is obliged to identify such official and corruption crimes.
A very interesting trend has been developing recently in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation!!! The professionals from the "old guard" - decent, with principles, who valued the team and observed the law - are being replaced by such unprincipled, reckless and fearless "neither God nor the devil" leaders as Bessmeltsev A.A., who openly spit on the law, on people, on society, putting their own selfish interests above all else and raising the same "employees" by their example.
Once the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation said that every corrupt official will sooner or later answer before the law. So we'll see.
Roman Trushkin