
The VChK-OGPU telegram channel has obtained a speech at the trial of the former head of the anti-corruption department of the FCS of Russia Dmitry Muryshov, whose case (he is accused of receiving bribes) is currently being heard in the 235th garrison military court. As we reported earlier, Muryshov turned out to be not a "colonel" of the customs service, as was previously announced, but a major general of the FSB of the Russian Federation seconded to the FCS. The general became a "bargaining chip" in the game to remove his good friend from the FSB, the then head of the FCS Vladimir Bulavin. This game was led by the head of the K Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation Ivan Tkachev. Everything was staged in the best "cannibalistic" traditions of Lubyanka. In this post we present the first part of Muryshov's speech, where he talks about his arrest. Everything was staged in the style of the film "Burnt by the Sun". To prevent the general from doing anything stupid, the five FSB officers who came to him at night were his good acquaintances, and some were friends with whom they celebrated the holidays. They did not issue search warrants, etc., but simply took him away. And then, according to Muryshov, they planted the main evidence on him - they put a dollar kidney in his jacket pocket in the hallway. will publish Muryshov's speech in several parts:

"To begin with, I would like to note that the analysis of the evidence presented by the state prosecutor at the court hearing still does not allow me to understand what I am accused of and what exactly I need to defend myself against.

The essence of the charges brought against me is still unclear to me. It is unclear what actions I am personally accused of, what actions of mine the prosecution considers illegal. The time, place and methods of their commission are unknown. It is also unclear on what basis the prosecution concludes that I had the intent to commit a crime and the corresponding mercenary motive.

I would like to state that with such an accusation, I am effectively deprived of the opportunity to defend myself, because I do not know what exactly I need to explain to the unformulated accusation against me. I do not admit my guilt in committing the crimes provided for in Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


About my service and job responsibilities


According to the certificate issued on 09.12.2022 by the Deputy Head of the Personnel Department of Military Unit No. 93967, Colonel Nesov S.V., I am a major general and am serving under a contract in the said military unit. The contract for military service was concluded until 23.09.2026.

My status and rank as a military serviceman are also confirmed by my service ID, which shows that I am a major general of the FSB of the Russian Federation. My service in the customs authorities along with my military service was due to the goals of fulfilling my official duties as an employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation. It was for these purposes that I began serving in the customs authorities in November 2018. First, as an adviser to the head of the FCS of Russia, and from 03.06.2019, as the head of the Anti-Corruption Department of the FCS of Russia. In accordance with the job description of the Head of the Anti-Corruption Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated July 20, 2020, contrary to the position of the prosecution, my competence did not include specific supervisory, control, organizational and administrative or other functions of a government representative, by virtue of which I could provide any "assistance to participants in foreign economic activity in the movement of goods across the customs border", expressed, among other things, in evading operational-search measures to verify their financial and economic activities.

One of the areas of my activity was working with operational information on signs of possible offenses in the activities of customs authorities ....

About my interaction with Okorokov I.V.

The successful fulfillment of my official tasks certainly implied the need to obtain relevant operational information. The sources of such information are varied. One of such sources are persons involved in customs activities in one way or another. One of such persons was Okorokov I.V.


Okorokov I.V.


I met I.V. Okorokov at the end of 2018, that is, in the first months of my service in the FCS of Russia. We were introduced by a mutual friend, my colleague Nikolai Vladimirovich Sintsov, who introduced I.V. Okorokov to me as a former employee of the FCS of Russia. Communication with I.V. Okorokov was important for me, since he was a source of operational information and regularly provided me with information of interest to me as an advisor to the head of the Anti-Corruption Department (UCD) of the FCS of Russia and subsequently as the head of the UPC of the FCS of Russia. In turn, I.V. Okorokov, carrying out entrepreneurial activities, including those related to customs procedures, expressed concern about the possible unjustified and illegal interference in his activities by customs officers, which, among other things, could may be initiated by competitors.

In response to this, I always suggested that Okorokov I.V. continue to carry out his activities, and in the event of signs of illegal behavior on the part of customs officials, inform me officially or unofficially.

Thus, Okorokov I.V. was the bearer of information of professional interest to me (operationally significant information). At the same time, I understood that Okorokov I.V., having been convicted of fraud, had already demonstrated his inclination to commit illegal acts by deception, and the information received from him required careful verification.

I also realized that in communicating with me, Okorokov I.V. could pursue his own interests, including selfish ones. Therefore, I always maintained the necessary distance from him, preventing the use of this communication for committing illegal actions.


For this reason, while motivating him to provide me with information, I, nevertheless, never gave him promises to assist him or his counterparties in achieving their goals aimed at making a profit from entrepreneurial activity related to customs clearance of goods transported across the border by any illegal means.


Assistance and testimony of Okorokov I.V.


The assistance that could be discussed in any matter concerned exclusively the verification of information on possible illegal behavior of customs officials or assistance in obtaining professional advice on current customs tariffs and rules regarding a particular product, especially in the context of the application of new sanctions.

As for the testimony of Okorokov I.V., I declare that in terms of my involvement in receiving bribes, they are deliberately false, which I reported in the statement of crime filed with the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia.


Considering that Okorokov I.V. previously convicted of fraud, I can assume that in a similar situation, not wanting to be brought to criminal responsibility again, he agreed with the proposal of the operatives working on the version of my involvement in the crimes incriminated to me, to slander me. In this regard, in my opinion, his testimony cannot be perceived as absolutely reliable, especially in the absence of other confirmation, in particular, evidence of the transfer of funds to me. Moreover, during a personal conversation in one of the court hearings on extending the term of detention for me and Okorokov I.V., he admitted to me that he slandered me specifically in order to protect his wife from certain problems that she might otherwise have with law enforcement agencies. I note that when my defense attorney asked me about this in the court hearing on this criminal case, Okorokov I.V. did not answer, citing Article 51 of the Constitution. Such a refusal to answer is much more eloquent than the answer itself - after all, Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not give a witness the right to refuse to answer any question. Art. 51 of the Constitution allows not to answer only those questions, the answers to which are directed against the witness himself or his spouse and close relatives. Thus, Okorokov I.V. confirmed that he really had grounds for slandering me.


About Kolganov K.E.


The second person who gave knowingly false testimony against me, slandering me, is Kolganov K.E. I also reported this in the statement of the crime filed with the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia.


I was introduced to Kolganov K.E. by Okorokov I.V. at the beginning of 2020. Okorokov I.V. recommended that I take a closer look at Kolganov K.E. as a candidate for the position in the Anti-Corruption Department (CPC) of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia, giving him a positive characterization. In this regard, after agreement with the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the head of the 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia, the procedure for registering K.E. Kolganov as the head of the Anti-Corruption Service of the Central Base Customs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia was launched.


From April 2020 to April 2022, K.E. Kolganov held the specified position, that is, he was not directly subordinate to me, since the activities of the Anti-Corruption Service of the Central Base Customs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia were actually supervised by my deputy (for operational issues) and directly by the head of the Central Base Customs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. I would like to clarify that K.E. Kolganov, being an employee of this service, as well as the employees of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, did not have the authority to assist participants in foreign economic activity and in the movement of goods across the customs border.

I consider it necessary to note that K.E. Kolganov has a personal interest in my slander. This interest is explained by the following:

In May 2022, Kolganov K.E. was dismissed from the bodies of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on my initiative due to the revealed fact of corrupt actions related to abuse of office. Mnit became known that law enforcement agencies became interested, having information that he allegedly demanded money from an individual for the allegedly rendered service of returning expensive watches seized at the Sheremetyevo customs office when crossing the customs border. The materials of the investigation into the fact of extortion of money by Kolganov K.E. were being processed by:


• Moscow Investigative Department for Air and Water Transport of the Western Interdistrict Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia,

• Investigative Department for the city of Khimki of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region,

• Nikulinsky Mobile District Investigative Department of the Investigative Department of the Russian Federation for the Western Administrative District of the city of Moscow.


Taking into account the information about the investigation being carried out against Kolganov K.E. During the inspection, I suggested that he resign of his own accord before the information about the inspection results became public, and independently defend his interests without casting a shadow on the department called upon to combat corruption among customs officers.


As far as I know, in May 2022, Kolganov K.E. turned himself in to one of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on this fact. However, I do not know whether Kolganov K.E. was brought to criminal responsibility or not.


Subsequently, I learned that Kolganov K.E. intends to be reinstated in the customs service. My position was that this is possible only if a decision is made to refuse to initiate a criminal case.


From this, I assume that Kolganov K.E., wanting to avoid possible liability for the illegal actions he himself committed, decided to provide law enforcement agencies with distorted or fictitious information, including me in the scheme of his relations with persons unknown to me. In doing so, he tried to avoid responsibility for the offense he had committed by inventing and introducing a non-existent role of the organizer of the incriminated crimes onto me.


For these purposes, in my opinion, he could well have acted as an agent provocateur with the aim of artificially creating evidence of my involvement in crimes that did not actually take place, and by compromising me - removing me from my position.


I believe that Kolganov K.E. was forced to cooperate with the special services in such a way in order to avoid responsibility for his own illegal activities. According to Kolganov K.E., he addressed the statement allegedly printed by an FSB officer in the car to the security agencies.


I would like to draw attention to the fact that a person who was actually convicted of committing crimes twice, nevertheless, again turned out to be an employee of the FCS of Russia (as Kolganov K.E. explained in court, he currently holds the position of head of the anti-corruption department of the Domodedovo customs office). I believe that his re-employment is the "30 pieces of silver" that he received by slandering me.

In my opinion, the circumstances of how Kolganov K.E. and Nesterenko D.B. were drawn into this scheme convincingly testify to the far-fetched nature and the creation of the appearance of evidence of my illegal and non-existent activities.

The authorship attributed to me in developing the scheme for transferring funds through Kolganov K.E.'s mailbox at the address: Moscow, Novy Arbat St., Building 16, does not take into account the fact that I did not know either the address of this apartment of Kolganov K.E., or even the location of this mailbox.

I have not communicated with Kolganov K.E. since his dismissal from the post of head of the SPK CT of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, that is, since May 2022. After his dismissal from the customs authorities under the above circumstances, Kolganov K.E. became for me a person who tarnished the honor of an officer.

I will also add that in the testimony of K.E. Kolganov there is no information confirming his knowledge of when, where, how and in what amount the funds were transferred to me.

About D.B. Nesterenko


I first saw D.B. Nesterenko at the first court hearing on extending my detention, which took place on 06.02.2023, I learned about him for the first time from the decision to initiate a criminal case dated 08.12.2022. Before that, I was not familiar with D.B. Nesterenko, I know nothing about his work activity. "

Timofey Grishin

To be continued
