Source: continues to tell readers where he began his journey the current owner of the company "Granel" Andrey Nazarov. In his youth, he and his friends spent days drinking alcohol, and then smashed the cafe, raped minors, etc.All this follows from the publication of a copy of the verdict against Andrei Nazarov, issued on October 15, 1988 by the Baymak district court of the RSFSR. In the last article we gave the testimony of the victim is a minor girl three intruders, including Nazarov, dragged to the basement and raped her. In the new article, we will give evidence of Nazarov himself, who tried to convince the judges that this poor woman voluntarily went to a dirty basement and gave herself to three young men whom she had never seen before.

  "At a stop "the Collective-farm market" we saw a long talk with the girl, approached them. Caplin A. (name of the victim, the editorial does not mention) retired, and he spoke with tagievym. Caplin A. went in the direction of the market, Caplin, I turned around and called him. She did not resist them, went down to the house, undressed. Caplin was staying with her, and he went out into the hallway. For Kaplin went to it he. When he was in the hallway, in the basement came Pauline, who, after he went to AA and had sexual intercourse. He (Nazarov) believes that sexual intercourse with her was performed by voluntary consent. And her minors are not considered, assumed, about 18, 19 years", - said at the disposal the testimony Nazarov.

            Andrey Nazarov's accomplice, Kaplin, also pleaded not guilty. Here's how he got out in court: "with Nazarov and Pauline on November 19, at about 22 hours at the bus stop "Collective farm market" Tagirov saw a girl and approached them. Nazarov left and Tagirova, and he asked her name, offered to step aside, where she was asked to commit a sexual act. She refused, but then agreed, and they went down the street Makrushina. Here he called Nazarov, who also went with them. She walked quietly, no violence in relation to it it was not used. Going into the basement of the house,  undressed, he remained with her, committed by consent sexual intercourse. After he went in and had sexual intercourse with Nazarov and came up. After which he was conducted by A. Nazarov to the bus stop. He did not consider her a minor."

            This evidence contradicts what she told the poor girl. Her testimony, too, has

            "The victim showed that on November 19, 1986 at 22 o'clock was with Tagirov at a bus stop "Collective farm market" where Kaplin and Nazarov approached. The latter called Tagirov aside, and Kaplin told her that she would go with him. She refused, for which Caplin punched in the shoulder. Trying to run away from him, she fell. Then Caplin and approached Nazarov began to beat her, to strike with hands and feet on various parts of the body," - said in the verdict, a copy of which has "Then lifting it and not allowing them to scream, dragged and brought to the basement of the house. Having undressed her, pushed in a pantry where Nazarov held her, and Kaplin made with her sexual intercourse, then in the same way sexual intercourse made Nazarov, and after sexual intercourse with her, who was in a helpless state, made Pauline. After the rape, they threatened to kill if they told anyone." Experts have recorded at the minor damage in the form of bruises and bruises of the soft tissues relating to the category of the lungs which have entailed short-term disorder of health.

            The testimony of the victim was fully confirmed by witnesses, who also described what a loose lifestyle led Nazarov. There is reason to believe that the lifestyle of the owner "Graneli" did not change. But about this will tell in the next publication.


To be continued


Mikhail Ermakov
