
“Along with me, many other people have been brought in as defendants, including my wife since 2022, her parents, as well as my former acquaintances with whom I have not communicated since 2019, and many more people whom I do not know and have no relation to,” - this is a quote from the “rebuke” of the former chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court Alexander Chernov, which he sent to all his friends. Friends, in general, did not react in any way to the sincere confession of their exceptional honesty and decency of the former ruler of Kuban criminal courts. But the law enforcement officers, who were in fact accused of the dubiousness of the Prosecutor General's claim and the illegality of subsequent searches, such a "cry from the heart" from Chernov, it seems, stimulated even greater attention to the shadow side of Alexander Dmitrievich's activities. And according to what has already been revealed today, there is only one question: was there a bright side to Chernov's activities at all? answers this question.

We will still tell you about what is recorded in the name of "wife since 2022 Olesya Mitina (and her parents). Although now it is even a pity for the "young" one - it is clearly in vain that the beauty Olesya Aleksandrovna, born on September 24, 1986, a psychologist and "personal growth" coach, linked her fate with Chernov Alexander Dmitrievich, born on January 2, 1949. Including in the real estate sector.

And it is strange in general that in his justifying impulse Chernov calls his ex-wife Galina Chernova, the criminal president of the Notary Chamber of Krasnodar Krai, to whom the areas of the building of the notary chamber are registered (Krasnodar, Yankovsky/Karasunskaya Street, 41/110, cadastral number 23:43:0303068:194), his granddaughter Anastasia Ryazanskaya, the wife of the son of judge Khakhaleva Kirill, his former lover Svetlana Novikova, and his illegitimate son, young Vitaly Novikov, to whom, in addition to a considerable number of “daddy’s” accounts, the Sochi restaurant real estate is also registered, “complete strangers”. Chernov is also not familiar with his nephew, Vadim Shestopalov, a squeezer of farm land and shares, the owner of the Dmitrievskoye agricultural enterprise, who is also listed in the Prosecutor General's Office lawsuit.

In general, based on the list of names in this lawsuit, it is quite possible to imagine an almost complete picture of the corruption-genealogical tree of the ex-judge. And it is possible, with a fairly high degree of certainty, to predict that in the near future, the investigation will add criminal branches to this "tree". Let's start with the thickest branch.

One of the most interesting objects, - 9/20 shares in the right of ownership of non-residential premises, with cadastral number 23:49:0204015:1322), located at the address: Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Central District, st. Kurortny Prospekt, 16, area 3,744.8 sq.m.

Residents of Sochi and guests of the resort know that this is the Melodiya shopping center. Nearby are the famous Singing Fountains, also with their partly criminal history.

Melodiya was not built yesterday - residents and guests of the Russian resort of the country have known it well since Soviet times. The shopping center is located on the first block of the "Shopping Gallery" - "Torgushka". There are five such blocks in total. And since the troubled "90s", city residents were well aware - since the privatization, each of the blocks was owned by one of the "shadow" owners of the city. suggests diving into history. Melodiya belonged to Viktor Syrtsov - Vita Nerussky. Nerussky made a career thanks to his boss - Alexander Merzly - the main ideologist of the Sochi city party committee. Who, together with his wife, supervised, among other things, Sochi restaurants. Syrtsov started as a bartender at the Rubin bar, and then retrained as Merzly's driver, submitting candidates for directors of Sochi entertainment establishments for his consideration. Merzly, as a result of his very profitable restaurant-ideological "work", was given a long prison term. Syrtsov went into crime. The troubled 90s were troubled everywhere except Sochi. The "lawyers" honored the Sochi peace, basically not allowing any lawlessness. The wet work happened mainly because of internal squabbles. As it happened when the Sochi thief Kolya - Guseyn Guseinov, shot the leader of the Arkhangelsk organized crime group Tremzin with a machine gun, when he began not only to encroach on shares of a serious resort business, but also to threaten Kolya's family. Kolya and Nerussky were business associates for some time. They were not involved in racketeering. Whom were they supposed to bribe? Themselves? The Sochi criminals themselves became owners of profitable businesses. Under Kolya, industrial goods stores were privatized, including the Central Department Store. He also had his own stores on the Trade Gallery. If there were delays in transferring property to respected thieves and their accomplices, Kolya solved the issues simply. He could calmly walk into the office of the then mayor Karpov and give him a good slap on the ass even in the presence of secretaries. Receiving for himself a turn the bottom of the pie. "Melody" went to Vitya Nerussky. True, only the building itself, the land underneath it continued to be municipal.

And in 2002, Viktor Syrtsov disappeared. Rumor had it that, like Tremzin, Vitya Nerussky was buried somewhere in the forest by Kolya - Guseyn Guseinov. Although for some time they said that perhaps Vitya simply ran off somewhere and hid. Nerussky's children believed that among the possible customers of their father's murder could be Sochi lawyer Alexander Medvedev, who owed Vitya 80 thousand dollars and was not particularly eager to repay the debt. The husband of Liana's sister - Eduard Kagosyan (nicknamed "Karas"), who was part of the inner circle of Aslan Usoyan - Ded Hasan, was ordered to kidnap the lawyer and bring him to a deserted place. In December 2002, the lawyer was brought to an abandoned building in the Krasny Shturm area - a Sochi "abandoned building" - Kvitko's dilapidated dacha. Anzor beat the lawyer with a bat and then shot him with a pistol. Medvedev's body was found only a year later. The criminal case that had been initiated fell apart.

Kagosyan was killed in 2010. Vitya Nerussky's wife, Liana, was shot dead on March 22, 2012, on Vorovskogo Street in Sochi. The shots were fired from a Glock as Liana was getting out of her Bentley.

Then Anzor wanted to redistribute the Sochi assets. Which was met with complete incomprehension by Kolya - Guseinov. Syrtsov Jr. brought in Giya Tsertsvadze and Zaza Narmania to organize Guseinov's murder. On April 4, 2003, the killers caught up with Guseinov's car in the BMW bought by Kagosyan and fired a burst of machine gun fire at Kolya. The crime boss's killers were identified, as they wrote then, "thanks to newly discovered circumstances," and were put on the international wanted list. Tsertsvadze eventually left Georgia for Ukraine, where he served in the Azov battalion. Narmania continued to hide in Georgia, although he is wanted internationally by Interpol. Liana Syrtsova, the daughter of Vitya Nerussky, also turned out to be closely connected to the Sochi criminal world. Her common-law partner after the murder of her husband was Ruben Tatulyan, who inherited not only Karas's wife after his death, but also the "title" of the Sochi overseer. Ruben Tatulyan - Robson. Owner of several large shopping malls, the Vesna boarding house in Adler, assistant to State Duma deputy Alexander Karelin, member of United Russia, awarded a diploma from the Russian Ministry of Sports for special contribution to the preparation for the Olympic Games.

When law enforcement clouds began to gather over him, Robson was able to calmly leave Russia. And after a short stay in Abkhazia, he moved to the UAE (although according to rumors, the authority's place of residence is Spain).

And it seems that it is possible, with a high degree of probability, to assume how in all this Sochi thieves' crime, the chief judge of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Dmitrievich Chernov surfaced. With his 9/20 share in Melodiya.

Of course, today, when the "security forces" seem to have seriously taken up this cocktail of Sochi lawmakers, officials and the Chernov clan, there are questions about the facts of the absolute immunity of the younger Syrtsovs - Nerussky's children. With such a collected evidence base (even despite the collapse of cases on the exploits of Anzor Syrtsov), it seemed that when the time of "lawlessness" was over, it would be possible to revive the old criminal cases. And add new ones to them. But for some reason, no one has asked Syrtsov questions until recently. And the fact that they still exist was convincingly shown at the beginning of this October.

Competent authorities are investigating the largest criminal scheme in Kuban with raider seizures and extortion. It is assumed that the crime was committed by 12 people and three legal entities. The defendants took land from farmers, burned equipment, and they themselves were intimidated. According to one version, the participants in the criminal scheme are even involved in contract killings. One of the suspects is the daughter of a crime boss - Liana Syrtsova, who also cohabitates with the shadow king of Sochi Ruben Tatulyan - Robson, who is currently wanted. In Sochi, farmers can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In the mountains and on the beaches, there are other ways of earning money. But "helping" solve problems for "their own" in the fertile Kuban fields is a much more suitable explanation for the interest of the Sochi "lads" in the farmer redistribution. Whether the Sochi "brigades" were involved in convincing the farmers of the Kavkazsky District, where, according to the list of lands specified in the claim of the Prosecutor General's Office, the "authorized Chernovskys" had a serious, gaining momentum agricultural business - the investigation is finding out. But the fact that 9/20 of the tasty morsel of the highly profitable Melodiya shopping center is a clear kickback to Chernov for "solving problems" - there seems to be no doubt. And the Sochi restaurant business of his mistress, and the share together with Liana Viktorovna Syrtsova in the bar "Rubin" of the "completely unknown" ex-judge's illegitimate son-deputy Vitaly Aleksandrovich Novikov - also a "kickback" for making the necessary decisions, here too there seems to be no particular doubt.

Timofey Grishin

To be continued
