
He stopped communicating exactly one day before his birthday. Relatives, acquaintances and friends tried to reach him. But the subscriber was not available.

Кирилл Чибисов

On May 23, 2022, early in the morning, Kirill Chibisov said goodbye to his mother and left the house. I wanted to go to the clinic. At that moment, a black Audi was already waiting for him at the entrance. The phone was taken away. There were handcuffs on his hands. The car took the famous concert director to an unknown direction.

A well-known concert director, producer, manager, journalist, columnist in show business circles, he worked in different directions.

Owner of the Internet project “Order of Artists” - the largest official resource in Russia for the selection and support of media persons for events, including concluding contracts, booking tickets and hotels. Among his clients were both Russian and foreign stars. Hollywood actors. Among them are Steven Seagal, Julio Iglesias Jr., Vanessa Mae and others. Kirill Chibisov is also the managing partner of the International Concert Agency “RU-CONCERT”.

In the best Moscow hotels, Kirill, by the nature of his activity, had diamond and partner business status. I could book a room with a good discount, not only for myself. But also for friends. It was this service that ultimately turned out to be “bearish” for Kirill himself.




How it all started...

January 28, 2022. Kirill, together with his friend Sergei Novikov, returned to Moscow from Abkhazia. Together they decided to go to the birthday party of a mutual friend Artyom. To the Turandot restaurant. Many famous Moscow “Tiktokers” were there. The company planned to spend the night at a hotel. Kirill did not go home, to the outskirts of the city. Stayed in the center. To go out the next day with friends.

We decided to stay at the Holiday Inn Lesnaya hotel. Where rooms have already been booked. One for Sergei Novikov. And two - on Anatoly Kravchenko.

Before going to the restaurant, Kirill stops at the hotel. And applies your Diamond business status when booking. This allowed us to get a good discount from the hotel.

Two rooms were located on the fourth floor of the hotel. Friends lived in them. One, on the eighth. Kirill settled in it.

January 29, 2022. In the rooms on the fourth floor, Sergei Novikov and Anatoly Kravchenko decide to hold a party. Gathering friends. Kirill is also invited. But, as he later told investigators, he stayed in the room for no more than 5 minutes. Because I saw syringes and drugs. Some guests at the party came from the very restaurant where they celebrated their birthday. “Tiktokers,” according to Kirill, actively used the potion. He views this negatively. So I immediately went to my room to sleep.

January 30, 2022. Early in the morning, Kirill was awakened by a phone call. Sergei Novikov said that the police are working in the rooms on the fourth floor. Kirill came down. I was just about to have breakfast. At the same time, I wanted to find out if my friend needed any help.

The police also questioned him that day. As a witness. The room on the eighth floor was also inspected. With the assistance of a service dog. Neither drugs nor their traces were found. Kirill was sent home.

The testimony of witnesses is in the materials of the criminal case. It was provided to our editorial office by lawyer Kirill Chibisov.

According to the materials, during an inspection of the crime scene on January 30, investigators found drugs and used syringes in the rooms on the 4th floor.

More than a dozen witnesses were questioned in the case. Several people then admitted to using drugs. Someone even bought it. Witnesses spoke about two organizers, Anatoly Kravchenko and Sergei Novikov. Which, they said, brought white powder and sold it to party guests.

Further, the investigation of the case followed a seemingly logical pattern. The drugs were sent for examination. A suspect has been identified. It was Sergei Novikov. At the same time, another alleged organizer, Anatoly Kravchenko, remained as a witness.

February 1, 2022. Sergei Novikov was officially recognized as a suspect. The next day, by court decision, he was arrested and sent to a pre-trial detention center. A search was carried out in the apartment where he lives.

On the same day, Anatoly Kravchenko changes his testimony. On the advice of your lawyer. According to the new version, now he has nothing to do with it. He names Novikov and Chibisov as the organizers of the party. At the same time, Kirill is also accused of drug trafficking.

These testimony, for the time being, remained just text on a piece of paper. The investigation into the case continued as usual. Kirill Chibisov was free. He lent money to Sergei Novikov’s relatives so that they could hire a good lawyer.

March 2, 2022 – the essence of the case regarding the illegal sale of narcotic drugs changes dramatically. Suspect Sergei Novikov enters into a pre-trial agreement with the investigation. And it gives completely different testimony. They say that the organizer of the party was Kirill Chibisov. And Anatoly Kravchenko will help him in every possible way omogal.

After this, the police seize CCTV footage from the Holiday Inn Lesnaya hotel. Kirill Chibisov on them on January 29 - spotted twice. On the 4th floor when going to a party. And with a package in the hall.

According to Kirill, the package contained Italian cheese and sausage. He bought groceries at the Depot food court, not far from the hotel. I wanted to please my mother. She loves them very much. I sent the parcel via delivery. Straight to your home. Because that evening I wasn’t going to see my mother.

But these facts, the concert director believes, were not taken into account. On the contrary, they turned into accusations against him.

April 25, 2022 – a protocol of additional interrogation of witness Kravchenko appears in the case. He admits that he was at the party. But no money. He even agreed to work part-time to get drugs – for free. The task was to meet and see off the guests of the event. And Novikov and Chibisov, according to testimony, were the organizers. They sold and distributed white powder. There is one more thing in the protocol - for some reason the money for the goods went through the plastic cards of Anatoly Kravchenko. And an explanation - that he simply lent these cards to his friends.

Around the same time, according to Kirill, a man came to see Sergei Novikov’s mother. Introduced himself as Alexey Mityushin. An employee of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Showed his ID. He promised to facilitate the release of Sergei if she paid a large fee - 8 million rubles. The woman did not have that kind of money. She did not want to sell her apartment or dacha. I turned to Kirill for help. At the meeting, the parties agreed that the concert director would pay for a good lawyer for Sergei. And no more. By the way, Mityushin exchanged contacts with Kirill that day. Perhaps he realized who really has money.


May 23, 2022

Kirill Chibisov is taken away in an unknown direction by a black Audi.

He is dumbfounded. Scared. And he doesn’t understand what’s happening. At the threshold of the police department, as Kirill himself recalled, he was met by three people.

“Two people introduced themselves as law enforcement officers. Another one is a lawyer. It was clear that they knew each other well,” Kirill recalled.

The people in uniform explained to the detainee that he was suspected of distributing drugs. At that very event, January 29, at the Holiday Inn Lesnaya hotel. But they made it clear that they could “resolve all issues”...

Before the interrogation, Kirill, according to the case materials, hired a lawyer. The same one who met him on the threshold of the department and promised to help.

“Very arrogant and strange,” recalls my mother, Olga Mikhailovna Chibisova. I called and demanded to pay him (the lawyer) money. The amount is large. 5.5 million rubles.

The pensioner gave me the money. I hoped that after this my son would be released. But alas..

Searches in the detainee's apartment were carried out on the same day. No drugs or syringes with potions were found. They also checked the phone and laptop. However, no new evidence has emerged in the case.

The passport and plastic cards were confiscated. Kirill was placed in a temporary detention center. He spent about a week there.

During this time, all savings disappeared from his accounts. Kirill was saving for an apartment. And through a mobile banking application, in his name, someone took out a loan of several million rubles.

A proposal to solve the problem with criminal prosecution was also received by Kirill’s father, Vladimir Chibisov. The pensioner gave the so-called “fixers” two million rubles. I saved this money for many years. I also hoped that my son would be released. Did not help.

According to unofficial estimates, the total amount that disappeared from Kirill’s cards is more than 25 million rubles. Even after the money disappeared and relatives tried to help, the matter never got off the ground.

May 24, 2022 – Kirill was charged. A few days later they sent me to a pre-trial detention center.

In July 2022, Sergei Novikov commits suicide. While in custody in a pre-trial detention center.

After this, Kirill told his lawyers that he once saw a former friend in court. They crossed paths when their guard was extended. Novikov allegedly admitted that he was promised freedom if he gave the “necessary” testimony. Enter 5 specific names of people involved in the drug trade. Chibisov was also on the list. But from this list, in the end, only one alleged distributor was detained.


On August 10, 2022, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow began to consider a criminal case regarding the illegal sale of narcotic drugs committed by an organized group on a large scale. There is only one defendant - Kirill Chibisov.

The case of Sergei Novikov was closed. In connection with his death.

Anatoly Kravchenko remained in the status of a witness. I was unable to attend court hearings. He provided the court with a certificate that he was undergoing surgery. True, it was dated 21 years old.

The court ignored this “oversight.”

Kirill refused the first defender during the investigation. And he hired two new lawyers. In court, they repeatedly stated that the case should be returned to the prosecutor.

 “During the investigation of the case, violations were committed. Evidence, with collected at the preliminary investigation stage must be declared inadmissible. The entire preliminary investigation is based on forged documents, and in general, official forgery is seen in the actions of the investigator. There are a lot of forged signatures in the case. This was proven by the examination,” stated the lawyer, Lyubov Konieva.

The only evidence in the case was the testimony of witnesses, lawyers say. And statements from former friend Sergei Novikov. Who by the time of the proceedings had already died.

But the court ultimately ignored the defense’s arguments and seemingly indisputable evidence.

October 19, 2023 – Kirill Chibisov was found guilty. Sentence: 10 years and 6 months, in a maximum security colony.



Today, the famous concert director has a completely different life. More like a nightmare. Bars on the windows. A small cell for 16 people. Toilet, refrigerator, beds. The daily routine is clear and rigid. Lunches, dinners, lights out - everything is on schedule. Communication with the outside world is only with the permission of the court. And in a strictly allotted time. Mostly with my mother on the phone.

Kirill Chibisov is in pre-trial detention center No. 2 in Moscow. This is the well-known “Butyrka”. He has not yet been sent to a colony. While the court's verdict is being appealed by lawyers.

He is still trying to prove that he was “promoted” with money and left to “rot” in prison.

It is unknown where Kirill's passport is located. The file contains only a photocopy. The original has not been seen for a long time. There is also official paper that law enforcement officers physically do not have passports. Just as it is not in the material evidence in the case.

The question remains unanswered: into whose pocket did the millions of rubles that Kirill’s dad saved, Kirill’s mother gave to the lawyer, and the money that was on the concert director’s cards go? Another question is, who could get a loan for a person who was in a temporary detention center at that moment? No connection!

In a statement to representatives of the Investigative Committee, this question was asked by Kirill Chibisov’s new lawyer, Arthur Prel.

He has been doing this kind of thing for a long time. In 2010, Prel was planted with drugs at a traffic police post. The court sentenced Arthur to 8 years in prison. He was able to achieve a review of the case in the Supreme Court, one might say miraculously. After 2.5 years, the sentence was overturned. And the convict was completely rehabilitated.

Arthur Prel wrote a statement to the investigative committee. He tried to get a criminal case initiated regarding the disappearance of Kirill Chibisov’s money. But I was refused. In the near future, he plans to appeal this decision.

“There are many shortcomings in Kirill’s case. It turns out that a person can be convicted of drugs without even planting drugs on him... based on the testimony of a detainee who entered into a pre-trial agreement with the investigation,” says Arthur Prel.

Kirill Chibisov's defense is planning to appeal the main verdict in the case. Lawyers are ready to go to the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, at home, Kirill’s mother continues to wait. She is disabled. Even around the apartment he has difficulty moving.

Olga Mikhailovna often recalls how her son took care of her. I did laundry, cleaned the apartment, cooked. Paid for utilities. The pensioner herself cannot do this. Sick.

And she cries very often. While her son is not around, a complete stranger from social security takes care of her. The medications that a pensioner needs to take every day are very expensive. Pensions are barely enough, Olga Mikhailovna admits.

- Without him, it’s like without hands. After all, Kirill worked honestly all his life. And I would never get involved with drugs.

In his letter from the pre-trial detention center, Kirill himself confirms this.

“It didn’t make any sense to me to make money from drugs. After all, the income from my permanent job - concert activities and various projects - brought me excellent profits, completely legally,” he said in a letter from the pre-trial detention center.

I don’t intend to give up. Giving up is not in his rules. The character is not like that. If he had given up quickly, he would not have made a career as a concert director, producer, manager, columnist, managing partner...

He's going to go all the way. Prove at all costs that you are not guilty. Makes plans for the future. When he comes out, the first thing he will do is hug his mother. She's really looking forward to it.

He also hopes that the time of silence in his life will end very soon. After all, more than 20 months have passed since the arrest.

Roman Trushkin
