
Игорь Марин

On December 10, the Nikulinsky court held a regular hearing in the case against the ex-plenipotentiary of the head of Chechnya in Ukraine, Ramzan Tsitsulaev. The lawyers once again flooded the judge with petitions, the minister of Themis again took a break in the hearings, this time until December 21, 2020. Among other things, Tsitsulaev is accused of giving a bribe. He received 250,000 euros from the wife of the imprisoned owner of the Delta Key payment system, Andrei Novikov, for his release. Tsitsulaev completely gave this money to his acquaintance, the ex-employee of the state security agencies Igor Marina. He served in positions of responsibility in the Special Communications Service, was the deputy head of the Vympel Foundation for Veterans and Law Enforcement Officers, and the President of the St. Petersburg Taekwondo Sports Federation. During interrogation, Marin said that he had deceived Tsitsulaev and was not going to give a bribe to anyone. Therefore, Marina was charged with fraud. However, sources of said that Marin was cunning during interrogation. The operatives found out that Marin was on friendly terms with one of the former deputy chiefs of the SO for the Central Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow, in whose proceedings the case was. He, making inquiries at his former place of work, said that he had agreed that the charges against Novikov would be changed from kidnapping (article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and extortion (article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) to arbitrariness (330 Criminal Code). However, for this it is necessary to bring the first tranche of the bribe (250 thousand euros was not the whole amount) until a certain date. Then nothing can be changed. However, Novikov's wife gave the tranche later than the date of X. The money reached the ex-deputy head of the CO for the Central Administrative District, who began to try to negotiate. But he didn't really succeed, and then a big scandal began around this whole story.

Рамзан Цицулаев continues to acquaint readers with the "Tsitsulaev case". Today we continue to publish a fragment on the main charge - the kidnapping of a shadow banker, also a native of Chechnya, Ali Zakriev.

  “08.21.2014, no later than 17 hours 00 minutes, Barkovsky R.A. and Balaev T.A. o. by car "Volvo S60" S807UO190RUS under the control of E.V. Nagornev, acting in agreement with R.L. Tsitsulaev. and other accomplices in the crimes, arrived at the house at the place of detention of the victims at the address: Moscow region, Istra district, village Manikhino, st. Zelenaya, 11, where A.A. Zakriev was placed. on the back seat of a car "Volvo S60" S807UO190RUS under the control of E.V. Nagornev Balaev T.A. o. and Soltaliev M.A., placed themselves next to A.A. Zakriev, put a hat on the latter's face, depriving him of the opportunity to freely leave the car and see the route of movement. Then Barkovsky R.A., located in the front passenger seat of the vehicle, took from the glove box belonging to E.V. Nagornev. pistol MP-80-13 t No. 1333116689 caliber 45 Rubber, belonging to the category of firearms of limited destruction and reloading it, thereby demonstrating to the victim that in case of refusal to obey and fulfill the requirements of the accomplices, they will use a “weapon”, after which he indicated to Nagornyev E.V. go to the premises of the shopping and entertainment complex "Evropeisky" at the address: Moscow, Kievskiy vokzal square, 2, in a way that excludes the possibility of hearing his voice.

Approximately at 22 hours 00 minutes 08.21.2014, upon arrival at the shopping and entertainment complex "Evropeyskiy" at the address: Moscow, Kievsky vokzal square, 2, Barkovsky R.A., Balaev T.A.o., Soltaliev MA, by car "Volvo S60" S807UO190RUS under the control of E.V. Nagornev drove to the 5th floor of the parking lot, where having dropped off A.A. Zakriev. and Soltalieva M.A. left the territory of the entertainment complex. After some time, on a Toyota Camry car, b.z. K595KV 777RUS drove up Madaev D.S., who, acting on the instructions of Tsitsulaev R.L. took A.A. Zakriev to the hotel "Golden Ring" at the address: Moscow, st. Smolenskaya, 5.

By their criminal actions, Barkovsky R.A., Novikov A.N., Balaev F.N.o., Taramov Ad.I., Taramov Al.I., Madaev D.S., Madaev Kh.E., Madaev M. M., Soltaliev M.A., Tukaev R.Kh., Sagaipov A.S., Andreev A.Yu., Olshansky V.S., and unidentified accomplices caused Zakriev A.A. bodily injuries in the form of a closed abdominal trauma, hematoma of the mesentery of the small intestine, bruise of the chest, which did not cause harm to health, to Y.B. Argun. - interstitial hematoma in the abdominal wall, on the right anterolateral surface, which formed from the impact or squeezing effect of a hard blunt object, and caused slight harm to health, causing a short-term health disorder lasting up to three weeks.

By his actions Tsitsulaev R.L. organized and directed extortion, by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, with the use of violence, in order to obtain property on an especially large scale, that is, he committed a crime under Part 3 of Art. 33, item "b" part 3 of Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ".



To be continued

Timofey Grishin
