
One of the most notorious crimes of Valid Lurakhmaev's (Validol) killers' brigade was the shooting of Mikhail Lanin, the former owner of Saratovstekl, near Nice.

Михаил Ланин

On March 7, 2011, he and his friend Elena Pravoslavnaya arrived in Nice, the natives of Chechnya who met them put them in a car, took them to a secluded place and opened fire. Lanin died on the spot, the Orthodox was wounded in the head, but survived. In the course of the investigation, it was established that Lanin closely communicated with the leader of the group of fixers (posing as employees of the Presidential Administration) Akhmad Khamidov and gave him a total of 200 million rubles. For this money, Lanin himself had to head some state corporation, and his son had to get a place in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. When this did not happen, Lanin started threatening Khamidov with exposure. And then the latter gave the go-ahead to eliminate Validol. Lanin was lured to Nice by promising that instead of money he would be given a house in France. One of the members of the fixers' OCG was Dmitry Pivovarov, posing as an employee of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Moreover, he received visitors right in the office on the Old Square. At the disposal of were the interrogation protocols of Pivovarov, during which he tells how and through whom the “fixers” organized their business. We continue to publish them. In this part of the interrogation, Pivovarov reports how the negotiations with Lanin were going on and how they tried to attach him to some position. It is worth noting that the fixers did not throw and kill everyone. They really managed to organize some of the appointments in the regions.

Михаил Ланин

Question: Did Sigauri S.A. to you with other similar requests?

Answer: Sigauri asked me two more times to resolve the issue of employment of two more people, I remember their names Lanin and Mayorov. Sigauri himself did not talk about his relationship with these people. Their subscriber numbers are in the list of contacts of my phone, Sigauri dictated them to me during a personal meeting. Regarding Mayorov, I can explain that Sigauri gave me his resume in the summer of 2010, it indicated a desire to take any managerial position in the civil service or in a commercial enterprise. Having studied Mayorov's resume, I refused Sigauri, since he was not suitable for such positions. By what criteria Mayorov did not fit at the moment, I find it difficult to remember. Personally, I did not call Mayorov and did not meet. Sigauri approached Mayorov several times. but I refused him. I did not show his CV to anyone. Regarding Lanin, I can explain that I also received his CV in the summer of 2010 and wore it to Pavel Moiseevich Maslo, who is a representative of some German company in OAO Gazprom. I got acquainted with Oil through an intermediary (I don't remember his name), who offered cooperation on joint gas and oil supplies to consumers, since various people, including Sigauri, repeatedly asked me about the purchase of such raw materials. Lanin wanted to become the director of Mezhregiongaz-Saratov. We could have consulted Maslo on Lanin's question, which I did. Maslo explained that Lanin did not work in this industry, that he had to first log into the system, and then gradually rise to a higher position. I personally spoke with Lanin twice, met with him in the building of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the second time on the street near the building. The meeting in the building with Lanin was similar to the meeting with Pisny. We phoned and I met Lanin in the building. I don't remember the exact date; I remember that it happened in the summer of 2010. Moreover, Sigauri also asked to meet with Lanin in the building of the Administration, however, to Lanin, unlike Pisny, I told him that I was working in the Presidential Administration on a voluntary basis. I explained to Lanin that I have personal contacts, and I will try to resolve the issue of his appointment, asked him to prepare the relevant documents. Meeting Lanin for the second time, I took my resume to take it to Oil. Then I called Lanin several times on the phone, conveyed Maslo's opinion about Lanin's appointment to the post of director of Mezhregiongaz-Saratov, whom I consulted with, I did not speak to Lanin himself. Lanin answered me that he did not agree to be in second place, that he was the director of the plant (which one I do not remember) and said that lower positions did not suit him. Then we called Lanin on the same issue, he asked me to come up with something, but I explained to him again that in order to get the position of director of this enterprise, you must already work in the system. "

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To be continued

Tomasz Wisniewski
