
If Russia had a specially designated Forbes list of the shadow incomes of heads of municipalities, then Yuri Vasin, the recently dismissed head of the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Krasnodar region, would be among the leaders. The calculated income of his family is slightly over a billion. Half a billion was received for the sale of the family business - a solid waste landfill in the village of Poltavskaya to the Russian garbage king Andrei Polovinkin (which we talked about). The head of the coveted billion was made in a way that was somewhat unusual for Russia. When millions of kickbacks and bribes were paid... by bank transfers. Details at

More than a third of a billion rubles in kickbacks were managed to be run through her personal accounts and cashed by the modest accountant of the Krasnoarmeysky district administration of the Krasnodar region Elena Shikova. The recipient of the "kickback" money was now the former head of the district, Yuri Vasin.

Юрий Васин

The fact that the effective team of officials of the Krasnodar Territory is bright in corruption and diverse in kickbacks can be traced precisely on the example of Vasin. The reason for his resignation is considered to be his stupidity in suppressing the protest movement of the residents of the Poltavskaya village. The village people rallied against the garbage dump that the head's family founded right in the "heart" of the southern rice systems, which was killing Russian rice and the health of the villagers. It was this family garbage "leftist" that the "relatives" sold to the capital's Andrei Polovinkin with considerable profit.

As always happens in Kuban, as soon as the boss, no matter municipal or regional scale, flies out of his chair, interesting corruption "spots" begin to appear on such a former "sun" of power. One could expect something similar about the exciting affairs of the former head, but still the information about Vasin's schemes managed to surprise.

All his time in the main district chair, Yuri Vasin was officially poor. The profitable, smoking solid waste landfill was owned by his brother and daughter. The head lived in a house registered to his brother. With his nose buried in the podium microphone, he always insisted that he was the only one of the Kuban municipal heads who drove a "Niva". And that seven "BMW" that was parked in the yard of the "brother's house" (like the rest of the car fleet) is not his, but his brother's. But before the leadership chair had time to cool down from the warmth of Vasin's body, some details of his "poverty" began to emerge that contradicted the image of a pauper official.

Since 2012, the financial department of the Krasnoarmeysky district administration was headed by Vasin's mistress Lyudmila Pirogova. She also oversaw financial machinations with budget money. Even by Kuban corruption standards, the financial "chemistry" was organized in an unusual way. Kickback schemes were implemented by transferring money to the personal accounts of Vasin and Pirogova's confidant Elena Shikova, the chief accountant of the administration. In Russia, bribes and kickbacks were always preferred to be taken in cash or "greyhound" puppies - expensive "gifts", but not by bank transfers. This is supposedly easy to calculate for vigilant law enforcement officers, right?

Елена Шикова

The money from this corrupt "common fund" credited to Shikova's account was cashed and transferred to the final recipient - Vasin, already in the form of packages, bags and sacks. The income amounts of the modest accountant are impressive.

For 2020, over 56 million rubles. For 2022 - over 161 million. For 2023 - over 93 million.

Despite the fact that the official with an income of about a third of a billion rubles over these three years, is modest in everyday life. She owns only simple cars - a Toyota and a Mazda. The family has a small house of 113 square meters and a small apartment. Which is evident from her official income declaration.

However, this modesty is easily explained: Shikova was nothing more than a cashier - a "laundress" laundering the owner's hundreds of millions of rubles. It seems that such considerable and by capital standards super-incomes of modest workers in the municipal bureaucratic field could attract the attention of tax authorities, the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office or the governor Kondratyev, who loves the Krasnoarmeysky District so much.

After all, if someone was inconvenient for the regional authorities, they would slap the one who fell into disgrace and for his sins a couple of thousand rubles, but here there are hundreds of millions and no law enforcement interest. To some extent, the lack of interest could be explained by the scheme built by Yuri Vasin to blur this stormy flow of shadow income. To do this, Vasin used the high professionalism in such matters of the head of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 11, V. V. Kotov. As a result, it turned out that hundreds of millions of "income" passing through the "laundress" Shikova, in her official declarations magically turned into those same 909 thousand of her annual income and a "Mazda". The regional administrative inspectors, vigilantly monitoring the purity of the ranks, naturally had no questions. The head of the district gave out rewards to the "understanding" tax officer in the form of land plots in the area of ​​the settlement of Krasny Les. Krasny Les is a protected area, a favorite "point" for deer hunting for high-ranking officials. 

of the named shooters. In this Kuban hunting "Rublevka" the plots cost from 10 million. The land was registered to the parents of Kotov's wife. The principle is the same: all high-ranking crooks of Kuban must officially be poor and fight for the people every day. Taking an oath of allegiance to serving the cause of prosperity of their native MO, the region and Russia as a whole.

 Arseny Dronov
