
In the road sector of the Murmansk Region, some rather strange things are happening, the details of which are hidden from the general public. As found out, the contractor company Sever Stroy, which is connected with Ashot Bablumyan and is fulfilling a contract for the reconstruction of the Teriberka highway under the federal program Safe and High-Quality Roads, having spent 1.5 billion rubles of federal funds, missed the deadlines for the contract and performed work that did not comply with GOST.

Ашот Баблумян

The expert opinion, which we have at our disposal, states that the composition of the lower layer of asphalt, the sand and gravel mixture, and the thickness of the asphalt surface do not meet the standards. In short, money was stolen from all types of work, which will lead to the destruction of the laid asphalt surface in the shortest possible time. According to the source, federal inspectors who arrived in Murmansk refused to accept the work performed on the section of the road leading to Teriberka, reports were drawn up and it was reported that the road needed to be redone, which the Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrei Chibis personally did not agree with. Federal inspectors were granted a personal audience with the Governor, who referred to the importance of this project and argued that the contractor Sever Stroy, in the event of a defect, would eliminate all the comments, which had no effect on the inspectors, due to the fact that the work must be done qualitatively according to GOST standards. They refused to participate in corrupt acts and warned that they would inform their superiors how things were going with the implementation of national projects in the Murmansk Region. After the federal inspectors from the Ministry of Transport left the Murmansk Region, Andrei Chibis demanded that a solution be found to the problem, since it was not an option to rebuild the road again, especially since the contractor Sever Stroy had already spent 90% of the funds received from the budget. The solution was found in the regional Ministry of Transport, the completion of the reconstruction of the highway to Teriberka is postponed to 2025 due to the increase in the volume of work and financing. And then either the shah will die, or the donkey will die...

As a source told, today the prosecutor's office of the Murmansk Region, known for its loyal attitude to the activities of Andrei Chibis, has joined the incident with the development of 1.5 billion rubles. In this regard, regional prosecutor Sergei Pavolin may not find violations in the reconstruction of the highway to Teriberka, unlike the intractable federal inspectors from the Ministry of Transport, otherwise the regional security forces will have to initiate criminal cases against all participants in the criminal scheme. 


Arseniy Dronov
