At what stages of their lives did the punks from the 90s, who had not just some petty hooliganism but "makruha" on their record, turn into a respected member of society, the owner of a solid business and even a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation? The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and will consider such a transformation using the example of Yuri Aisovich Napso, a multiple deputy of the State Duma of Russia since 2007, who has now fallen out of favor with the authorities and heads the regional group No. 57 of the LDPR (which includes the Rostov Region and Krasnodar Krai).
Yuri Napso began his most important activity for the country with a serious criminal offense. At the end of December 1997, he and his accomplices brutally beat up Tuapse resident Alexander Demenev. Who died from the injuries he received on December 29, 1997.
Even before the murder, young Napso was not distinguished by exemplary behavior. He was on a special register for disobeying police officers. According to police reports, young Napso was considered a youth inclined to crime. He was suspected of involvement in extortion, transportation and illegal possession of weapons.
Now, other State Duma deputies have become angry with their colleague Napso over his 200-day absences. Yuri Aisovich is strictly required to answer the question: how can one sincerely care about the welfare of the Russian people as a whole and the population of the entrusted electoral district in particular, having snubbed his parliamentary work, ignoring meetings at which future achievements were being planned, designed to change everything for the better and even excellent?
Yuri Aisovich himself reacts to the "claims" with references to illnesses and treatment procedures. According to the VChK-OGPU, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is currently moving in parallel with the State Duma's course on Naps. The prosecutor's interest concerns the business and real estate of Yuri Aisovich. There are billions of questions here.
But for some reason no one is asking the question of how a criminal from the 90s was able to build a successful political career. Let's fill in the gap.
In general, Tuapse during the "troubled 90s" could well compete for the title of the bandit capital of Russia. Bloody battles with a considerable number of corpses unfolded here for tasty seaside pieces. And the main piece, of course, were the berths. Through which not only the official transshipment of goods, but also powerful flows of contraband went. Now they no longer remember that one of the first contract killings in the Russian Federation took place in Tuapse. When the director of the ship repair plant, Yevgeny Ivanovich Adamenko, was killed. At that time, two competing gangs, headed by "Lomonos" and "Goose", were fighting for the berths of the Tuapse Shipyard. It was Goose (Vladimir Kusakin) who was suspected of organizing the murder of the shipyard director. At that time, the ethnic composition of Tuapse looked like this: out of approximately 63 thousand residents, there were about 4.5 thousand Armenians, 700-800 Adyghe, and the rest were Russians. Some of the Adyghe youth, of course, were into "shadow" business, but they did not have an obvious criminal leader. For the time being, it was Goose who controlled the criminal interests of this diaspora. However, this control did not last long. He and two of his "comrades" were killed with a "Kalash" in the gym of the oil refinery's Community Center. Before shooting the nobleman, the killers asked to "fuck random people from the audience". However, another criminal leader of the region, Lomonos, did not live long after the elimination of his competitor. A sniper put an end to his career right on the way home in the city's Sortirovka microdistrict. The gang war began to escalate after the loss of its leaders. Relative criminal "peace" came after the operation of the then law enforcement agencies. Young employees, from among the more or less pumped up, got short haircuts "like the lads", and drove into Tuapse in foreign cars with Moscow license plates. In leather jackets and crimson jackets. They began to catch gang members one by one and ... beat up the glorious representatives of the Primorsky crime. Immediately, rumors began to spread through the criminal part of Tuapse that Moscow outlaws had arrived in the city with the aim of seizing an attractive business. The Primorsky lads began to walk around the city with weapons. Which was required. And the security forces began to make arrests for illegal possession of firearms. Numerous arrests freed Tuapse from rampant crime for a long time. Well, Valera Kaptan came to replace Gus and Lomonos in Tuapse. And although he also caused horror, the scale was not the same. Kaptan's end was the same as his predecessors. He was also killed near his home.
This "cleansing" played a role in the life of the Napso family. Yuri Aisovich was 18 years old in 1991. In the 90s, he could well be called a rich kid. After all, it was in the 90s that the golden age of the family began.
On the night of August 1-2, 1991, the most tragic emergency in this century occurred in Tuapse and the Tuapse region. A tornado threw a huge amount of water into the river bed. In the "Georgievsky" state farm, a tent children's camp, where schoolchildren worked and rested, was washed away. About twenty guys died. In the The Uapse river flow destroyed a meat-packing plant, a winery, and a reinforced concrete product located along the river bed. On August 3, Ruslan Khazbulatov came to the city and gave a speech in which he assured that everything would be restored. But the country had no time for restoration. The coup had upset all the grandiose plans. The Russian Federation focused on privatizing everything. The dilapidated meat-packing plant was adapted for its own use by Yuri's father, Ais Napso. And although the Napso family is still listed as the owners of the meat-packing plant, in fact, it has long been a bankrupt enterprise. And after 2002, it is hardly worth talking about any real production here at all. In 2002, Ais Napso was killed on the threshold of the regional arbitration court. He had screwed a farmer from Karachay-Cherkessia, who supplied meat, and for which Ais was not going to pay. The case went to a "friendly" regional arbitration. Where the farmer predictably lost. Ais did not rejoice in his victory for long – until he was stabbed twice – in the stomach and in the heart.
Yuri was 29 at the time. It would have been a pity for the orphan. If he had not already had a murder and a series of “unnoticed” rapes on his conscience.
The victims preferred not to contact the police. There was only one glitch in the well-oiled system. When, after yet another episode, the victim’s relatives and friends organized an attempt on Yurik’s life. His driver was killed, and Napso himself received a bullet, excuse me, in the ass.
At the end of 1997, Alexander Demenev’s comrades were hired for construction work by the Napso gang. And since cheating out of money is a Napso family tradition passed down from generation to generation, Yuri, of course, did not pay the guys. Alexander, a former athlete, went to negotiate with the employer to defend the interests of his friends. The result was completely different from what he had expected. Alexander was beaten so badly that he ended up in the hospital. There was no chance of survival, despite all the efforts of doctors. The Tuapse inter-district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under the then Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (now this is Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm ... resulting in the death of the victim - up to 15 years of imprisonment). And then the entire clan stood up for the killer. Later, the case was transferred to the Goryacheklyuchevsky prosecutor's office. Where it was successfully screwed up. Rumor had it that Napso paid Demenev's parents well so that they "wouldn't make a fuss." The negotiations were accompanied by a description of the gloomy prospects for the family of the murdered man if the "tempting offer" for settlement was not accepted.
The 90s were not only the years of all-Russian lawlessness. It was at that time that many of these outlaws from among such punks began to understand that by force, impudence, and deception you can gain fear of your ruthlessness and some "small change" in money, but big money is not made by deceiving farmers or builders. Big money is made in big business. In Tuapse, in addition to the docks, the oil industry was a big business. There were two enterprises in the industry in the city - an oil refinery and an oil depot. The refinery distilled gasoline and fuel oil. The depot transshipped all this onto tankers. Which carried Tuapse oil products all over the world. Fuel oil was one of the most popular. The reason was that it was cheap, and the depth of refining at the oil refinery was so low that European buyers squeezed a lot of high-quality gasoline out of Tuapse fuel oil. At that time, Tuapse was second in Russia after Novorossiysk in terms of transshipment of oil products. Naturally, the enterprises were of interest to major Russian oil players. More specifically, Rosneft and Lukoil.
For many years, the oil depot was managed by an honorary resident of Tuapse and the region, Aleksandr Yarovenko. One of the products of oil refining was associated gas. It was gas that Yuri Napso "had his eye on" and began to befriend Yarovenko. Among Yarovenko's friends and potential partners was Iosif Kobzon. Iosif Davydovich tried to bring the controlled Atlas into the territory. And although the market of Krasnodar Krai and the Republic of Adygea was ultimately divided between Rosneft and Lukoil, the friendly relations between Yarovenko, Kobzon and Napso, who joined them, remained for years.
As a result of the agreements, Lukoil took over Adygea entirely. For the "understanding" of the then president of the republic, Dzharimov, the Lukoil management even presented him with a red Mercedes. And for this monopoly, Lukoil promised not to interfere with the Black Sea coast. The coast went to Rosneft. The oil depot was eventually called Rosneft-Tuapsenefteprodukt. The Tuapse Oil Refinery also went to Rosneft. Although the bandits, who believed in the prospects of the business, did not give up their attempts to take control of the plant. On December 15, 1995, the director of the oil refinery, Anatoly Vasilenko, and his driver, Alexander Demchenko, were killed by a burst of machine gun fire. The road to their Jeep Cherokee was blocked by a Zhiguli, from which the shooter jumped out... The criminals could not be detained. It was in the 90s that Napso became heavily addicted to the liquefied gas received at the Rosneft Oil Refinery. The vein turned out to be truly golden. The fact is that on the map of natural gas gasification of Kuban there were two absolutely rotten territories, the Tuapse District and Sochi. Even multi-storey buildings in Tuapse had gas tanks in their courtyards, into which the enterprise Tuapsegorgas, controlled by Naps, poured liquefied gas. The gas was largely unaccounted for at the time, or, to put it simply, some of it was stolen.
As a source told, the volume of theft at Rosneft's Tuapse assets can be judged by the current standard of living of Andrey Votinov, who replaced Yarovenko under Sechenov. Under Yarovenko, Votinov started out as a simple gas station attendant. And rose to the level of a top manager. The "Rosneft manager" who fled the Russian Federation now owns a three-story mansion in London worth about $50 million, apartments in Monaco worth about $10 million, and an apartment in Cyprus worth about $6 million. Of course, after he left, it immediately became clear that Votinov was a fraudster, and the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case in 2015. And he was put on the international wanted list. In June 2018, a London court rejected the Russian Federation's request to extradite Andrei Votinov. At that time, under Governor Tkachev, issues of gasification of Sochi with suburban gas were being resolved. Tkachev agreed with Miller on the construction of a branch of the Blue Stream - the Dzhubga-Lazarevsky-Sochi gas pipeline. A pipe was laid across the sea (one of the exits was near the village of Lermontovo in the Tuapse region). In connection with the Olympics, the issue of gasification of Sochi was practically closed. Napso was deprived of the Sochi gas cylinder business. But there was a complete snag with the plans for gasification of the Tuapse region. The modern compressor station, built to supply gas to this entire territory, was never turned on. A new governor, Veniamin Kondratyev, came to power in the region. And it looks like a lot of work was done at that time to... sabotage the gasification of the Tuapse region. Of course, Kondratyev voiced grandiose plans at dozens of meetings. One of them was even in the form of an oath to Putin. Who, having learned during the launch of the South Stream that the Tuapse region was gasified to a shameful 14!!! percent, instructed Kondratyev to rectify the situation. Kondratyev fervently swore. Well, yes. Years have passed. The president's order is still relevant today. Because, by and large, nothing has been done. Well, except for writing the next plans. But back in 2014, it seemed that in a couple of years even in the remote mountain villages of the region there would be gas. Many residents of the region even bought gas boilers. And there was not a single reason to prevent the implementation of the plan.
But in the Krasnodar region under Kondratyev, when there is a choice between fulfilling Putin's orders and powerful, including "shadow", financial flows, the regional leaders never make mistakes - the choice is always in favor of "bucks". No one was going to undermine the Napso business in the region. That is why the gasification process in the Tuapse region is now moving at the speed of a worm in concrete: once a year there is a brave report on the gasification of some street or a couple of houses, which is passed off as powerful leaps in the implementation of the presidential order. Liquefied gas for long-rusted and emergency gas holders of city and district multi-storey buildings, gas stations along the coast - these are the financially attractive points for the real owners of this business. Gasification of the territory with natural gas could significantly reduce income here. And of course, the business had to be covered not only with kickbacks and seaside hospitality. The best cover is being a deputy. The result for today: probably, no Russian family clan has as many deputies as the Napso clan. Back in the 2000s, Iosif Kobzon introduced Yuri Aisovich to Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Having become one of the sponsors of the top of the LDPR, Napso guaranteed himself the badge of a State Duma deputy. Napso skipped Duma sessions while being a deputy of the 5th, 6th, 6th convocations. But for some reason, this professional truant was noticed only now. And the motivation for such “principledness” is not based on absenteeism (for this Napso could have been kicked out of the deputies long ago). The matter, as always happens in the territory of the glorious Kuban, is in the mix of business and politics. Firstly, the party is now disappointed in Napso. In the last elections to the State Duma, the LDPR gained more than 17 percent of the votes (the CPRF even more). And this meant the failure of “United Russia”. The Kuban boss Veniamin Kondratyev, of course, could not allow this. The Kremlin would not have patted him on the head for this (or for whatever reason they do not pat him on the head in such cases). And, apparently, it was in exchange for the promise to sabotage the presidential order on gasification of the Tuapse region (which would have undermined this area of Napso’s business), that the figure of votes cast for the LDPR was reduced by the regional election commission to… 7 percent. And this became the final nail in the demarcation of Napso and the LDPR. Vladimir Volfovich had already been irritated by Napso's party work, back when Yuri Aisovich had agreed to the regional leadership to draw 4 percent for Zhirinovsky in the presidential elections. In reality, Zhirinovsky was gaining many times more. However, "irritation" Napso's underhandedness is too soft a wording. After the announcement of the results in Kuban, Vladimir Volfovich resembled a god burning Sadom and Gomorrah. As a result, it is definitely not worth considering the LDPR as a defender of the criminal deputy. Moreover, as it turned out, Napso did not specifically replenish the party's coffers, dragging bribes to Vladimir Volfovich's son, Igor Lebedev (now the son has renamed himself David Garcia). So the sponsorship was out of the question.
An additional bonus for Napso for the fusion of the federal election results was Kondratyev's guarantee of various deputy seats for "Napso-deputies". And then it went off the rails. If we were talking about male deputies, then they were representatives of the Napso family.
It is more interesting on the female side. As for relationships with the female sex, here, with the advent of business success and deputyship in Napso's life, significant changes also occurred. A whole generation of young ladies has grown up who perceive their own attractiveness as a commodity. A whole gallery of "especially close" girls has appeared. Here is the beneficiary of OOO "NTK" - Olga Zarkova. It was in her name that the "National Fuel Company" (NTK), the pearl of the Napso business empire, was registered in 2014.
However, now Zarkova's phone number is listed only as a contact in one of the modest guest houses in the Sochi village of Vardane. Initially, Zarkova was "gifted" the Sochi pizzeria "Barmalini", but then the pizzeria sinecure went to another young lady - Ekaterina Karaman.
Looking through the data on the current business of the girl Ekaterina, you can find a lot of interesting things. In addition to the fashionable Sochi pizzeria, in addition to the fact that Karaman was listed as the general director of NTK. She is also the founder of Open Interest LLC, registered in the federal territory of Sirius.
And the assumption - whether Napso's current problems are connected with the fact that he crossed the road or simply did not please people with whom it would be better not to quarrel on federal territory with his assertive impudence, does not seem incredible.
In Karaman's profile, another of Napso's close associates is mentioned - Alexandra Bakina.
Now NTK is headed by this pretty girl. Now, of course, she is also a deputy of the regional ZSK.
The deputy director of NTK for commercial issues is also a girl - the beautiful Valeria Eryutina.
Now Valeria, like Roman Napso, is a deputy of the Sochi City Assembly.
Well, and the main holder of the female part of the Napso family income package, as Yuri Aisovich himself now says, is his so-called ex-wife Veronika Ivanchikova. One of the richest deputy wives of the Russian Federation. Veronika also began her difficult deputy path from the Sochi City Assembly. But now she has grown to the regional ZSK.
In the Krasnodar Territory, another tradition has formed over time for business crooks. In addition to receiving deputy badges for their children, as well as mistresses - lovers and even a beloved escort. All of them consider it their duty to acquire land and real estate worth billions. Kuban has recently been famous for high-profile criminal cases in this area. Lands and real estate of the former Sochi mayor Alexei Kopaigorodsky and the former head of the regional court Alexander Chernov are being confiscated based on claims by the Prosecutor General's Office. Yuri Aisovich Napso is no exception. Now the prosecutor's office is trying to return to the state land bosom a plot located right next to the stele "Tuapse - City of Military Glory" (there Napso intended to erect another gas station), a plot along Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street. Land plots in Sochi are being confiscated (in particular, Napso, together with affiliated persons, illegally obtained a lease of land with an area of 3.8 thousand square meters in the Sochi National Park). Also, bypassing competitive procedures, Yuri Napso "confiscated" over 1.2 hectares of land in Sochi for himself through the courts. The amount of damage caused to the state exceeds 1.2 billion rubles. In total, Napso and his representatives are registered as owners of dozens of land plots in Sochi. However, Napso himself is now trying to fight back, stating that some of the claims are completely unfounded. The land is not his, nor is the business. He has been stating this position for the past few years. When one of the well-known Sochi bloggers expressed his opinion that Napso (possibly through his Zitsev) owned part of the beach in Dagomys, for the blogger it all ended in a trial and a sentence. A case of... extortion was quickly fabricated.
The current prosecutor's lawsuit states that "Napso illegally acquired expensive real estate and did not declare information about it... After coming to power (being elected as a State Duma deputy), he did not give up entrepreneurial activity. On the contrary, he decided to use his official position to satisfy his own selfish interests and achieve enrichment."
Incidentally, the figure of the judge who helped Napso seize the resort land is also interesting. This is the same "golden" judge Elena Khakhaleva. Which, let us recall, was asked from the judges for the same claims that today fellow deputies are making against Napso - for absenteeism!!! True, there are only 128 days. The champion in absenteeism in this entire Chernovsky-Khakhalevskiy clan may soon be Chernov's first wife, Galina Timofeevna Chernova, she has been the permanent president of the regional notary chamber since 2001 (we reported that the court in Krasnogorsk is currently considering issues of appealing to the state of the land and property "complex" of the Chernovsky clan in the amount of 7 billion rubles, and among the objects are the premises of the "Chernovsky" notary chamber of the region). Galina Chernova's number of absenteeisms is already measured in years. With full retention of wages and other bonus "carrots". We wrote that Chernova became the heroine of a high-profile criminal scandal regarding the criminal "confiscation of property from dozens of lonely old people. But, most likely, she will also be charged not with a criminal article, but with absenteeism. And there is hope that all the real estate and business objects specified in the prosecutor's claims against Kopaigorodsky, Chernov and their accomplices will be converted to the benefit of the state.
As well as the property of the Napso clan. And this, in addition to objects, real estate and land plots, also shares in the authorized capitals of OOO National Fuel Company, OOO Kubanoil, OOO Sochipetrol. OOO and OAO Tupsegorgaz.
Roman Trushkin
To be continued