
The Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow has chosen a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest for the ex-head of the rear of the Department of Internal Affairs of the North-West Administrative District of Moscow Verkhoglyad Maxim Anatolyevich. He is a member of a whole series of scandalous stories. There is also the sale of protective equipment intended for employees in the conditions of COVID. And doing business worth hundreds of millions of rubles. And "scam" for millions of rubles of various participants in the medical goods market. And even theft from the warehouse of a batch of products. There are both materials and testimonies of witnesses in three criminal cases at once. Verkhoglyad was fired from his post and brought to justice after the publications of the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and

Максим Верхогляд

Our investigation into the activities of Colonel Verkhoglyad was published on September 22 and was reprinted by many other resources. During the audit, absolutely all the facts collected by our journalists were confirmed. As a result, Verkhoglyad was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies. At the end of 2021, he became a defendant in a criminal case, and on March 3, the case went as far as bringing charges under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud) and choosing a measure of restraint. The Khoroshevsky court sent him under house arrest.

As told, this criminal story began in February 2020, when terrible footage from China, where COVID was rampant, “walked” on all TV channels. The epidemic has not yet reached Russia and Europe. From the frames seen, the head of the rear of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Northwestern Administrative District, Maxim Verkhoglyad, had a brain that worked somewhat differently than the majority. Realizing that China urgently needed masks, he began to look for where to get them. And more. In search, he went to the son of his old friend, a young businessman Pavel Bershadsky. An advanced young man found the right ad for the sale of masks in Telegram. Soon, the colonel and entrepreneur successfully resold 1 million masks. From that moment a commercial union was formed. In Telegram were and resold: military equipment, gas masks and bulletproof vests. In total, it will pull on half a billion rubles. And Verkhoglyad participated in most of the transactions personally. Another millionaire appeared in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was enough to look at his car with a beautiful number K001UV. This is Infiniti qx80 in the original Lart body kits. Not every oil company has one like that, but the SZAO was parked at the Internal Affairs Directorate. On it, Colonel Verkhoglyad came to work.

         In mid-March 2020, Verkhoglyad approached Bershadsky with a business proposal to sell a batch of respirators that were bought for the needs of the ATC. The item went very quickly. Soon, Skygazer announced that he had a new batch of respirators on the way and that he needed to look for new buyers. This one was found. They became a businessman Andrey Suldin. Skygazer personally took 2 million rubles from him and ... threw it away. Something didn’t work out, he didn’t get new respirators, but he didn’t return the money either. Instead, Skygazer began to threaten Suldin, including by organizing his landing. As a result, Andrei got tired of this and he wrote a statement to the FSB of the Russian Federation,


At the same time, another story developed. Skygazer called Bershadsky and asked him to urgently find a warehouse where masks and gloves should be delivered. We managed to rent one on Vasily Petushkov Street. Soon Skygazer arrived there, followed by a truck with goods. Later it turned out that it was the product of a 23-year-old businessman from Blagoveshchensk, Dmitry Gusarov. He took it for sale in China, and Verkhoglyad promised to help sell it profitably in Moscow. In fact, as soon as the cargo was in the warehouse, Verkhoglyad simply stopped letting Gusarov in there. All goods were successfully sold for 15 million rubles, the money went into Verkhoglyad's pocket. Later, Gusarov wrote a corresponding statement to the CSS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow. On this fact, a case was initiated.


 In February 2021, Verkhoglyad contacted Bershadsky with a request to help him “resolve” the issue with Gusarov, buy him off and ask him to withdraw his application. Verkhoglyad said that he had a batch of gloves for which he could take an advance payment of 2 million rubles. If Bershadsky adds another 2.5 million rubles to the "poor" colonel, he will be able to give Gusarov the first tranche of 4.5 million rubles. As a result, an advance payment of 2 million rubles was received from businessman Khalil Mishiev. For a while, while Verkhoglyad is solving the issue with the initiated case, he asked Bershadsky to leave Moscow so that he would not fall under a hot hand.


As a result, Bershadsky was detained at the Crimean airport, taken to Moscow and sent under house arrest. It turned out that Verkhoglyad also scammed Mishiev. But then the most interesting began.

At the time of publication of the investigation, there were three criminal cases, where, in fact, Colonel Verkhoglyad was the main defendant. These are cases of fraud against Suldin and Gusarov, which were being processed by the investigator of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR for Moscow, Artur Agadzhanyan. In these cases, all the witnesses testified against Verkhoglyad, and the OSB collected a lot of materials on him, but the investigator and operative the frames were so opposed that there were no prerequisites for bringing Verkhoglyad to justice. This is understandable. The Colonel always said he was untouchable. Father-in-law is a retired general, his wife is a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A close friend is Anton Romeiko-Gurko, head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-West Administrative District.

There is also a third case - about fraud against Mishiev. It is in the production of GSU in SZAO. The victim also testifies against Verkhoglyad, but initially only Bershadsky was made extreme. After the publication of, Verkhoglyad also became a defendant in this case.


Timofey Grishin


To be continued
