Source: www.rucriminal.info
Co-Chairman of the NGO "Business Russia" Andrei Nazarov may take the post of Prime Minister of Belarus. This was told by the acting head of the region Radiy Khabirov at a meeting with journalists. The head of the Republic of Belarus explained why Andrei Nazarov often appears with him at various investment and economic events. "Andrei Gennadievich and I have been friends for a long time, and we are friends, as they say, with families," said Mr. Khabirov. - In some ways we agree, but in some - no. But, perhaps, this is how it should be: on the contrary, when people are the same, it is also wrong."
According to Rucriminal.info thus, Khabirov and Nazarov, in the period of unrest in Moscow, are ready to cross a new line for the Russian authorities – to appoint to a high post a man who served time for rape of a minor, and was a defendant in a number of other investigations. The verdict against Nazarova, which we published, is replete with facts - minor Nazarov A. G. July 6, 1986, approximately 21 hours while in a state of alcoholic intoxication in the cafe "fairy Tale" has damaged the murals, harassing citizens, and after not raped innocent girl. Then business managed to be hushed up - the sentence was pronounced, but soft. The future Deputy didn't get to a zone. The fact of forgery of the document belonging to the Deputy on graduation of the University - the Kazakh state Academy of management of national economy which is devoted to public disclosure also didn't become a subject of public Prosecutor's reaction.
In this article Rucriminal.info tell how Andrei Nazarov came into the field of view of the Main investigation Department of the UPC. The reason for interest was the address of the businessman Alexander Maltsev in which he asked to protect him from dirty frauds in which he is involved by the Deputy Nazarov. This scandalous story is as follows. In 2003 in Bashkiria the Prosecutor of the city Sibay Hanif Karachurin was killed. For the murder of 14.5 years of imprisonment was condemned by the chief of city traffic police Nurhahmat Shagiyev. But then he suddenly remembered that he organized the murder of the Prosecutor, not from personal revenge, and to order... Prime Minister of Bashkiria rail Sarbayev. Security officers carried out an inspection, however even indirect confirmations to the serious statement didn't find. As a result, the Main investigation Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation issued a resolution on bringing Nuryakhmat Shagiev to justice for knowingly false denunciation. During this investigation and "surfaced in full growth" the person of Andrey Nazarov. It turned out that it was he who organized the false testimony of Shagiyev. As it was described by witness in the case of a businessman from Sibay Alexander Maltsev in a statement to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika: "Nazarov A. G. said that we must help our fellow countryman, the former chief of GAI of the city of Sibay - Sagieva Nuriakhmetov Kuryanovich. I have to go to Shagiyev N. N. to the colony and bring him some papers that he prepared."
Here it is necessary to explain why suddenly the choice fell on Maltsev. Fellow Maltsev and Nazarov linked business relations. Both had businesses in town. Nazarov owned several enterprises, including such large as Bagsmedical.
In the address Maltsev in detail tells how several times on the instructions of the Deputy went on a zone and took away documents. With the content of them he was not acquainted. It is known that only relatives are allowed to see prisoners. But Nazarov, being then a Deputy, calls, according to Maltsev, removed these issues.
"In another visit Nazarov said that I have to go back to Pechora and explain Shagieva N. N., that paper he must write himself, he should confess to them, that really was the only link between the perpetrators of the murder of Prosecutor Karachurina and the customer of this crime. Shagiyev N. N. should write that the customer of this murder was Sarbayev R. S... Realizing that I get into a serious mess, I decided to protect myself and bought a recorder to record all subsequent meetings and conversations
Dictaphone records, an appeal to the Prosecutor General and Maltsev's testimony during interrogations became the evidence base in the case, which was considered in the Investigative Department of the UPC of the Russian Federation.
As a result, the investigators issued a decree on the initiation of criminal proceedings cases under article false denunciation concerning Shagiyev. V resolution on the initiation of proceedings against Shagiyev in plain text it is said that Shagiyev N. N., having intention on reduction of term punishment, after receiving information from a friend in the city of Sibai Of the Republic of Bashkortostan A. Nazarova G. on the possibility of resuming criminal proceedings in view of new or opened the circumstances and the review of the sentence, provided that they declare organization by sarbaeva murder Karachurina H. H., being at the place serving the sentence, prepared a draft statement and handed it 10.11.2008 in the room for visits to the penal colony in a sealed envelope to a common friend Maltsev A. S. with a specially organized Nazarov A. G. appointment. Les look at another formulation of the same resolution: "Realizing his criminal intention directed on committing of knowingly false denunciation... guided instructions Nazarov A. G. ... Shagiyev N. N. prepared five copies of the statement, which said ...that the murder Karachurina H. H. they were done at the direction sarbayeva R. S., and according to Nazarov A. G. the list sent them to the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the UPC, the Prosecutor General and deputies of the state Duma Nazarov A. G. and Fakhritdinov I. G."
To be continued
Mikhail Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info