
Exclusive details of the death of a popular player and coach especially for the Cheka-OGPU and - from the wife of Georgy Alexandrovich - Lyubov Ivanovna.

On July 15 it will be exactly two years since the famous football mentor passed away.

Lyubov Ivanovna, since the day of the death of Georgy Alexandrovich, did not communicate in detail with any of the journalists on a dark topic for her. And only for us she made an exception.



“In the summer, as usual, we spent a lot of time at the dacha,” recalls Lyubov Ivanovna. “And on the day of George’s death, a flock of crows suddenly flew into the gazebo, cawing so loudly that they felt uneasy. It turned out that they were inviting trouble... Maybe they felt that grief had come to our family. Well, I didn’t really experience such a premonition myself, but it became creepy.

And Zhora stayed in the Moscow apartment then. Actually, we were invited together to the Fetisovs, with whom we have been friends for a long time. Slava’s wife, Lada, has a birthday on July 17th. So we wanted to sit and chat with friends. George’s sister, Olya, was visiting Moscow at the time. She has the key to our Moscow apartment, opens the door, and on the sofa is the lifeless body of her brother. Of course, she immediately called an ambulance. And our daughter Ksenia arrived immediately.

He calls me and says: “Your husband and my dad have died.” I didn’t even immediately understand the meaning of what was said, I also thought, maybe this is a prank from our beloved daughter? She repeated what she had said. I took the wheel and rushed to our apartment in Sokolniki. The doctors stated that the blood clot had broken off. By the time I arrived, Zhora had already been taken away by doctors to the morgue. There was no time to help. A blood clot is such an unpredictable thing; this can happen to any of us, especially to older people.

- Has anything previously foreshadowed trouble, except for the crow’s cawing? Maybe he complained of pain in his heart and was overcome by other ailments?

- Yes, nothing foreshadowed trouble! Well, just in case, I carried nitroglycerin tablets with me, they put them under the tongue for heart pain. But this was almost of no use to George, although at one time he suffered a serious illness from Covid. So I was insured just in case.

My husband also smoked a lot, and the damage to his liver was twenty percent, which is very, very significant. So in the morning I convinced him to eat two spoons of honey with tea or coffee. But he continued to smoke a fair amount, the habit is ineradicable, alas, and he drank too much coffee. No amount of persuasion helped.



- Almost immediately after his death, it was reported that George would most likely be buried at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery, or at Preobrazhenskoye. Although the latter has long been closed for burials...

- We went to Troekurovskoye, it seems that we initially agreed to put our Georgy there, on the “Walk of Fame” next to the popular performer Yura Shatunov. But something went wrong. Yes, in general, it was better for us on Preobrazhenka, our son, Alexander, is buried there. At one time, Luzhkov himself ordered the allocation of a place for the grave.

That’s what they did, and now the son and father are lying next to each other. They are united not only by their blood, but also, I think, by a wonderful monument made of red granite with Spartak symbols in the form of a diamond and a soccer ball. After all, the son, according to experts and the boys themselves, was also a good coach, he was respected and loved. And the monument for my relatives was made with soul. Fans come in droves to be with the Yartsevs, father and son. Fresh flowers do not disappear on the grave...

- George’s grandson, also Zhora, isn’t he following in his grandfather’s footsteps and playing football?

- Our Zhorka has already finished ninth grade, time flies inexorably. He did not turn out to be a professional football player. He studied at the Spartak Youth Sports School, by the way, with Oleg Romantsev’s son, Vadim. Zhora Jr. changed playing roles, including goalkeeper. Still, he is a little lazy and is not a football fan. And Georgy Sr. somehow defended the phrase: “Don’t torture the boy, don’t force him to become a football player, let him go.” And so they did. But no one forced his grandson to become a professional player.

- Yartsev and Romantsev are generally considered friends. What kind of friend is this, hypocritical, who essentially forced Georgy to leave Spartak after a triumphant season, when Yartsev led the young Spartak players to the championship? This probably only added to your husband’s heartache, and he went to the clinic with problems in 1996. This smacks of betrayal, not friendship...

- Well, no, I don’t agree. They are, indeed, sincere friends, colleagues in football. There can be no talk of any kind of betrayal. At some point, the club became crowded for both of them, Georgy was then called to Dynamo as head coach, and Oleg, after a pause, worked similarly at Spartak. But in soul and in thoughts they always remained together. We called each other and met. Sometimes we talked as families. So don’t blame Oleg for the past years, they were wonderful.

- What did your husband do in the last years before his death, besides solving the problems of the Spartak veterans team?

- A couple of years before his death, he brought the Tambov team from the lower division to a higher level. The fans were simply crazy about it the success of their favorites, they almost carried George in their arms, they understood that this was, first of all, his merit. Georgiy left and the team was blown away. It's a pity. They gave money for the club “under Yartsev”; without him everything fell into disrepair. In general, yes, a story with a sad outcome.

- Two years have passed since the death of George. Sorry, have you thought about a new marriage?

- You know, I haven’t taken off my black for a year, even longer. It’s still very difficult internally. You can't explain it in words, you have to feel it. It’s hard to return home; at the first opportunity, you might say, I run to my daughter’s family, Ksenia, where they always wait for me and love me.

No, I don’t go to church, I’m not devout. I don't smoke, I hardly drink. But this time I’ll go to the birthday of Lada, Slava Fetisov’s wife. I want to be in a warm, kind company, among old friends...
