
On March 18, Moscow hosted the funeral of media Manager Igor Malashenko. In the 1990s, he was one of the most influential figures in the Russian political arena. However, to say goodbye to him came not so many notable persons. The main" stars " of the mourners Malashenko in the last journey were the daughter of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin Tatiana Yumasheva (Dyachenko) and former chief of staff of the President Valentin Yumashev. In another situation, they could recall many exciting moments from the 90's. For example, the election campaign of Yeltsin in 1996, when the country could almost be a coup. The details of this story and the role of Malashenko in it can be understood from the archive of wiretaps Boris Berezovsky, who was at the disposal of ahhh!

            So, June 1996. The election campaign is in full swing. One of the most prominent figures at the headquarters of Yeltsin are Arkady Evstafiev and Sergei Lisovsky. In the night from 18th to 19th June 1996, at the appointed time, Arkady Evstafiev and Sergei Lisovsky, taking the prepared box from the copier with the money headed for the exit from Government House. Money - "shadow cash" staff. These figures were selected for the attack is not accidental-the first was the closest ally of the head of the election headquarters of Yeltsin Anatoly Chubais, the second organized and led the campaign "vote or lose" in support of the candidacy of Yeltsin. Both were key figures in the technological design of the election company.

         Employees of the security Service of the President (SPB) of the Russian Federation, controlled by Alexander Korzhakov and Mikhail Barsukov, were informed about it and detained two of these activists. Holding, as expected, employee, and URS started the interrogation of these people. The task of one of the detainees Belo portray a heart attack, call an ambulance and fix the call

June 19, 1996. Morning. The house of Receptions of LogoVAZ, which served as the headquarters of Boris Berezovsky. The head of the Department of culture and information of the government of the Russian Federation Igor Shabdurasulov, Berezovsky reported about the information available to him about the detention of lissovsky, which, in turn, shared with him Mikhail Lesin, who died in 2018 in the US under very strange circumstances. Berezovsky thanks Shabdurasulov for the message. Shabdurasulov, Berezovsky asks to verify the information and

        As follows from the record, which is available, Berezovsky calls back Tatyana Dyachenko and reports to her about the received information, having noted thus that at it in the house of Receptions Vladimir Gusinsky, Anatoly Chubais and Igor Malashenko sits. Dyachenko is surprised. Berezovsky said about the intentions to publish the incident in the media, saying that"pulls here the NTV camera." Dyachenko tries to stop Berezovsky and asks to wait, having rechecked information. Berezovsky is not without pathos said that "if there is a working relationship, he will call you back". Dyachenko said that she is not much like it; it is a possible provocation. Berezovsky is sharply irritated, passes responsibility on Shabdurasulov, taking away Dyachenko from a conversation subject. He says that he said Shabdurasulov, a trigger can only Korzhakov and Barsukov. Dyachenko long thinks, but, agrees, with Berezovsky. He asks: ".. what we need, perhaps, to sit until all, or what, arrest? What do you think, Tatiana?"Then he passes the word to Gusinsky, who in a more loyal and friendly form informs that they will now find out everything and that everyone is nervous; around the house of Receptions there is a "sea of some cars". According to the records in the possession of, again is handing up Berezovsky. Dyachenko is trying to understand, asking about the correctness of comments in the transfer NTV about Boris Fyodorov, Berezovsky abruptly cuts off, that is a process he has no control over and gives up Igor Malashenko. Dyachenko asks him about the aggravation of the situation, Malashenko nervously and mockingly asks what she's talking about, not about whether the escalation in Chechnya, and about what is happening at all. Dyachenko said that they specifically pushed to the provocation, Malashenko, intonation giving others understand the dissatisfaction with the interviewee, ".. well, Yes, probably, pushing..". He gives the phone Berezovsky: "On, talk, I can not."Berezovsky, already more friendly, explains that there will be no hysterics, and that if the rumors are not confirmed, there will be silence, but if Lisovsky was arrested, then "there will be other actions." Agree to be in touch. Dyachenko begs him not to take any action.

The whole recording can be heard below. 


To be continued

Yaroslav Mukhtarov
