A famous ironic proverb says that "History teaches us that it teaches nothing."


On the rake of scandals

The scandal around the subsidy of 26 million rubles for buying a home for Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko did not manage to disappear, as the Ministry of Finance risks being on the verge of a new one. Because the leadership of the Ministry of Finance is in fact stepping on the same rake, allowing it to be drawn into muddy schemes.

On August 29, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 1921 on the launch of 15 all-Russian state lotteries (5 circulation and 10 non-circulation).

It is planned that the proceeds will be used by the state to support Russian boxing. This program is launched for a period of 15 years. The program will be implemented as part of the federal project “Sport is the norm of life”. The corresponding agreement was signed in June by the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov and the General Director of State Sports Lotteries JSC Valentin Kondrashov. In general, as it is known from open sources, in 2018 alone, targeted allocations to the budget from sports lotteries amounted to 2.4 billion rubles. That is, we are talking about serious amounts.

In general, a government order looks like lobbying the interests of one player in the market. Because the prime minister was appointed curator of the initiative by the Ministry of Finance, and Sports Lotteries LLC was appointed operator.


Without a year a week on the market

Rucriminal.info has studied who in the next 15 years will hold state lotteries in support of boxing.

To begin with, Sports Lotteries is a newcomer to the market. And the newcomer is called green. Judge for yourself, Sports Lotteries LLC was registered only on May 6, 2019 with a legal address in the village of Sukhanovo in the rural settlement of Bulatnikovskoye in the Leninsky district of the Moscow Region. The main activity is the lottery operator, an additional area is the distribution of lottery tickets. Less than six months later, the government granted a company that has been operating on the market for a week without a week the status of an operator of 15 (!!!) state lotteries for a period of 15 years (!!!).

The company has only one founder - the autonomous non-profit organization Center for Boxing Progress with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. In general, far from a financial “giant of thought”.

Kaleidoscope of leadership

There are “Sports Lotteries”, nothing at all, but during this time the CEO has changed three times in the company. First, Sports Lotteries LLC was headed by Denis Medvedev. On September 2, Alexey Avsetsin was appointed head of the company. But not even a month had passed before the director again changed at lightning speed - already on September 26, Roman Antonov became the new head of Sports Lotteries LLC.

The biography of the new director of Sports Lotteries, Roman Antonov, does not give an answer to why he was assigned such an important task as holding 15 state lotteries.

Because any experience in the lottery sphere with a native of Rostov-on-Don is completely absent.

The reason is clear - this is youth. Antonov, born in 1993, where can he get experience, and even work in a leadership position! The new head of Sports Lotteries LLC is yesterday’s student who graduated from the Don State Technical University in Rostov-on-Don only in 2014.

At the same time, there is a noticeable moment in Antonov’s biography - not so long ago, on the eve of his arrival at Sports Lotteries, he worked at the Moscow Zoo. According to sources, the current head of Sports Lotteries got a job at a zoo, the director Svetlana Akulova helped him get a job. And one more interesting fact - Akulova is a friend of the notorious Umar Kremlin. And Umar Kremlev (real name Lutfulloev), the current general secretary of the Boxing Federation of the Russian Federation, as you know, has come a long way, which several times intersected with the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, twice even up to the conditional term for extortion and beating.

Honestly, connections with the Kremlin then explain a lot. First of all, who promoted the newly created LLC in the state lottery operators.


But what about the Criminal Code?

But the previous director and one of the beneficiaries of Sports Lotteries Alexey Avsetsin (born in 1980) is a more prominent figure. According to Internet media, in 2006 Avcecin was brought on charges of theft of 10 air beds from the commercial company Vertin. And frankly, if this is true, then the story takes a completely different turn.

It is interesting how this information is linked to the current 138-FZ “On Lotteries”. After all, the second part of Article 13.1 of the federal law states that “the lottery operator cannot be a legal entity whose head, members of the collegial executive body or chief accountant are persons who have a criminal record for economic crimes (with the exception of those for whom the criminal record has been canceled or removed). "

And in this case, it turns out that the head of the LLC was not just a person with criminal histories in his biography, the Ministry of Finance also contracted this company as an operator of 15 state lotteries at once.


As comrade Shpak said

Honestly, from the start there are doubts that the funds from state lotteries will go specifically for the development of Russian sports, and not for other purposes. "I am tormented by vague doubts ...", - comrade Shpak from Ivan Vasilievich, who was still a swindler, liked to sentence in such suspicious cases.

In general, if you study the ins and outs of Sports Lotteries, it turns out that under the cover of slogans about helping Russian sports, quite dubious players enter the gambling sphere. Indeed, Sports Lotteries LLC has been around for a week without a year, but it has already managed to change three directors in a kaleidoscope. And a violation of the requirements of the federal law on the prohibition of persons with a criminal record is evident if information regarding Avsetsin is confirmed.

But then, if the state with its own hands launches into such a complex sphere of dubious individuals, then is it worth it to be surprised at the scandals with theft, fraud and money laundering schemes?


Taras Ermakov