
In 2013, the TFR had all the prerequisites to resume the investigation into the murder of Vladislav Listyev in 1995 in connection with newly discovered circumstances. Then "Snob" published an interview with Konstantin Ernst, which the CEO of Channel One himself had forbidden to publish at one time. In the interview, in particular, Ernst allegedly said not under the record words that the former advertising magnate, and now Senator Sergey Lisovsky, was behind the murder of Vladislav Listyev. sources say that the investigators should have questioned Ernst. Who knows what it would lead to. When the investigation was in hot pursuit, the investigators had a strong opinion that Listyev's close friend Ernst knew much more than he said during interrogations. It was just that then he had every reason to fear the same fate as Vlad. Lisovsky, on the one hand, participated in the financial support of the Family, in particular in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin in 1996. On the other hand, he closely communicated with representatives of the mafia, primarily the Solntsevo organized criminal group. Having taken the post of general producer of Channel One, Ernst in every possible way avoided joint projects with Lisovsky, even if they were imposed from the Kremlin. This can be clearly seen from the records that found in the archive of Boris Berezovsky's wiretaps.

On the first recording of the conversation, the representative of the owner (Boris Berezovsky) on Channel One (then ORT) Badri Patarkatsishvili, General Director of Channel One Igor Shabdurasulov and Deputy General Director Kirill Ignatiev. Shabdurasulov says that BN (Boris Yeltsin) approved two actions. The first will be a rally and a concert, Yeltsin and Luzhkov will perform at it, and then they will go to the Kremlin together. After that, a concert based on "Old songs about the main thing" is to begin in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses (CDC). There are no problems with the first event. “According to“ Songs about the main thing, ”Lisovsky takes over the scenery. And for artists and performers we need a guarantee from Ernst (he is the “father” of Songs about the Most Important - Ed.), ”Shabdurasulov explains. Further, on technical issues, Patarkatsishvili and Ignatiev continue the conversation. Here it turns out that "Kostya (Ernst-Ed.) Does not want to do this at all." Ignatiev says that Ernst is now at Kinotavr and we need to discuss with him upon his return, otherwise everything will be taken “in the wrong emotional context”. Patarkatsishvili counters that there is no time. But then Ignatiev convinces him to wait: "I will 100% persuade Kostya, without him it cannot be done."

On the next recording, Patarkatsishvili and Ernst speak. The latter says that he is against "Songs about the main thing" and "runs into" Lisovsky, declaring that nothing is ready (Lisovsky is the one who deals with the technical side of the concert). Badri counters that Lisovsky promised the scenery and everything else. “Lisovsky doesn't want to build the scenery, he doesn't give money,” Ernst swears. And he says that he is ready to transfer all rights to "Songs about the main thing" and let them arrange a concert. Further conversations between Badri and Ernst can be found here.

Patarkatsishvili and Sergei Lisovsky are already speaking on the third recording. Badri notes that he only talked about Lisovsky with Berezovsky and Sergei immediately called. They joke that Lisovsky has a "bug" in his office. He replies: "I have a good security service." And he moves on to the main topic. “I’m talking about“ Old songs about the main thing ”. Kostya (Ernst-Ed.) Is letting me down. I fought, fought, and he steps aside, ”says Lisovsky. Badri stands up for Ernst and says that there is a general opinion about the impossibility of holding two concerts - on Vasilievsky Spusk and in the KDS. Lisovsky objects that in his plan, agreed in the Kremlin, there are two concerts. Badri refers to Berezovsky, who is categorically against it. Here it is already difficult for Lisovsky to argue and then he asks him to "cover up" so that later he would not be accused of not having passed both concerts. At the same time, Lisovsky destroys Ernst's arguments: “It is not a problem to build the scenery. We talked with the artists. 2-3 will not be, it's not so scary. "

  To be continued

Yaroslav Mukhtarov
