
Let's talk a little about our former great advanced enterprises and how they were stolen. One of the most striking examples is the LOMO enterprise. Klebanov, who was the director of LOMO from 1992-1997, using personal connections with Chubais, pushed through the privatization of LOMO, which could not have been privatized at all, moreover, a Cypriot offshore company would later be pushed into the composition of shareholders, and the state would not even be left with a blocking stake, which would hardly have been possible without Klebanov's connections in the Gaidar government. It was the absence of a state share in the 2000s that would play a fatal role in the fate of the enterprise. It was during the period when Klebanov was in charge of the production of movie and photo cameras that the relevant authorities established that the branch management significantly inflated the indicators during the production of the said equipment, which accordingly allowed them to receive more money than the branch actually earned. When law enforcement agencies took this matter seriously, several more criminal cases surfaced. But by some "lucky" coincidence, literally within two months the criminal cases were closed, and Klebanov himself was able to breathe a sigh of relief. And then, as the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and found out, a "new-old" figure comes into play, as they say - a man of the people - Arkady Semenovich Kobitsky becomes his successor. In 1965, after graduating from the Leningrad Industrial College, Kobitsky came to LOMO. At first he worked as a mechanic and assembler-mechanic, but a year later he was appointed to the position of foreman. A.S. Kobitsky climbed all the steps of the career ladder and in various years of his career worked as a senior foreman, shop manager, director of the production and technical complex, commercial director, first deputy general director, and from 1997 to June 2005, A.S. Kobitsky worked as the general director of LOMO. Under his leadership, the company successfully carried out a number of stages of "restructuring" necessary for effective operation in a market economy, gradually starting to clean up what was "lying around". It's strange, he was a simple mechanic, and after holding the position of general director of LOMO, he became one of the richest representatives of the elite: land in Sochi, land in the Leningrad region, houses, and non-residential buildings ... the wealth earned for himself, his children and grandchildren is countless. When LOMO was privatized, newspapers promised the new shareholders mountains of gold and, surprisingly, in this particular case it would have happened, but ... the company stumbled on ARONOV.


Aronov's career was dirty and fast-paced. Having abandoned the hateful LOMO laboratory, he became an assistant to the deputy director for economics and finance. A few months later, the deputy was slandered, set up, and fired overnight. And when he tried to justify himself, he died suddenly.

So the assistant-Aronov became the boss and actively began his subversive activities, which continue to this day. He did not disdain anything. He wrote off and sold existing equipment. Cash went straight into his pocket. He achieved the closure of camera production, transferring the rights to China, including the famous "LOMO-compact", which is actively produced now and sold in Europe and the USA at a price of 200 to 800 EUR. Aronov has been getting his share from this business for 30 years now.

He created a bunch of subsidiaries-suckers to LOMO. LOMO illegally and secretly appropriated the cashed profits. He created a system of collecting kickbacks from most transactions. Just a list of ways to steal money from the rapidly shrinking enterprise would take dozens of pages.

Of course, Aronov Alexander Mikhailovich could not carry out such an extensive activity of robbing the enterprise, as well as tens of thousands of his colleagues who became shareholders, alone. Therefore, he began to create a criminal group on a grand scale. A number of enterprises with sonorous names were created: "Bosi", "Financial Broker Bosi", "Bosi Trend", etc. Then one of the enterprises was given a multi-story building (owned by LOMO). The newly-created offices were quickly filled with shady people, who will soon be investigated: what are they doing on the territory of a defense enterprise? Their occupation is questionable even for the local prosecutor. But checks are not carried out in LOMO because of the "Klebans" protection.


The funds coming to LOMO were mostly sent to their own companies, where they were used for financial fraud for a long time. The enterprise groaned and suffocated. Thousands of people quit, not receiving their salaries for months. LOMO's debts increased. But Aronov's criminal business grew in full bloom, his accomplices mastered such useful activities from their point of view as cashing, financial support for smuggling, transferring money abroad, money laundering, tax evasion, etc., etc. and provided these services to anyone who wanted them.


After the "smooth" transfer of power from Kobitsky, Zverev, Kobitsky and Aro nov organized a series of sales of real estate belonging to LOMO at reduced prices, which suggests kickback schemes. They took some for themselves, sold some...


Kobitsky, Zvereva and Aronov are selling the following real estate properties in order to appropriate all the money from the sales personally (the list is not complete):


1. Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsk District, MO "Polyanskoye rural settlement", Tarasovo settlement, "Dacha Pilotchikov", land plots with 6 buildings on them. Cadastral number of the land plot: 47:01:1629001:3330. Experts estimated the value of the property at 9,000,000 rubles. The selling price of Aronov's "Dacha Pilotchikov" is 7,000,000 rubles, which he plans to steal. And surprisingly, the court denies LOMO JSC's claims: Resolution of June 13, 2023 in case No. A56-94158/2021


2. Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsk District, MO "Polyanskoye Rural Settlement", Tarasovo settlement, "Dacha Pilotchikov", land plot. Cadastral number of the land plot: 47:01:1629001:3330. Experts estimated the value of the plot at 14,000,000 rubles.


The selling price of Aronov's land plot is 14,000,000 rubles, which he plans to steal.


3. Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsk District, MO "Polyanskoye rural settlement", Tarasovo settlement, "Family Base", a land plot with 8 buildings on them. Cadastral number of the land plot: 47:01:1629001:3338. Experts estimated the value of the property at 13,000,000 rubles. Refusal of a similar decision: Decision of August 5, 2022 in case No. A56-94158/2021


The selling price of "Family Base" from Aronov is 4,000,000 rubles, which he plans to embezzle.


4. The city of Sochi, Vinogradny Lane, 9. Economic zone of the boarding house "NEVA". Property complex of 5 buildings and 1 structure.


Book value 50,000,000 rubles.


The selling price from Aronov is 5,000,000 rubles. He is selling it to himself, since the property in Sochi cannot cost the same as an apartment. The price is deliberately significantly underestimated so that he can resell the property and thus steal 45,000,000 rubles. And the current co-owner of LOMO Vasily Ilyichev is unsuccessfully challenging the sale of the Neva boarding house in Sochi near the presidential dacha "Bocharov Ruchey" in court. In his opinion, the price of the asset was twice as high as the cost of the closed transaction.


And this is only a small part of what was "stolen" from LOMO in essentially fictitious transactions with the lowest possible price. How long have the current owners of the former LOMO lands, located in the village of Dranishniki, bragged - at one time they paid a ruble per hundred square meters, but apparently history is silent about all the underhand games of the former and current management of LOMO.


And where are these wonderful leaders now, who so inelegantly stole the LOMO heritage? Klebanov, naturally, has long since left for Israel.


Aronov is no longer the CEO and his powers have been suspended. The period for which Kalashnikov has received control over LOMO is apparently not specified in the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


Kobitsky is a mystery shrouded in darkness... they say that at any moment he can leave for his estate, bought long ago, it is not clear with what funds, although no - it is clear - with the stolen funds from the stolen property of LOMO - in Spain, there is a beautiful house and a quiet old age is probably guaranteed for him.


Timofey Grishin


To be continued...
