
Despite the completion of the Ivanovo criminal history with the participation of ex - governors Me and Konkov, the current governor Stanislav Voskresensky continues to profit from everything that comes into his field of vision.

   In the governor's tenacious embrace were a number of forming enterprises, such as JSC "Ivanovsky Broiler", as well as the implementation of a multi-billion dollar national project for the construction of a regional covid hospital.

Станислав Воскресенский с супругой

  According to a source, in the first case, the corruption scheme works through the joint participation of regional officials and business partners of Governor Stanislav Voskresensky. We are talking about the production activities of a large private agricultural enterprise JSC "Ivanovsky Broiler", which is controlled through a controlled bankruptcy procedure, by the Moscow - Kaliningrad company "ProdMit".

   The founders of the ProdMit company, Golovteev and Mikholap, are co-owners of the scandalous TEMBR-BANK JSC, which have ties with a major businessman Stefano Vlakhovich from Kaliningrad.

   The ingenious governor's plan was thought out and implemented with the participation of trusted and trusted persons who still proved themselves during their work in the Plenipotentiary of the Northwestern Federal District in the Kaliningrad region, where, in fact, Stanislav Voskresensky had a trusting relationship with representatives of the local elite.

   Since the end of 2018, the total revenue of ProdMit has amounted to more than 5 billion rubles, the declared profit is more than 1 billion rubles.

   The operating industrial complex with multibillion-dollar earnings and significant multi-million dollar debts to the budget was leased to friends of the Ivanovo governor for only 800 thousand rubles a month, which actually predetermines the high profitability of such a "business".

As a source told, the second significant criminal case is the construction of the Ivanovsky covid hospital.

  In April 2021, investigators opened a criminal case on abuse of authority by employees of the Department of Construction and Architecture of the Ivanovo Region during the construction of an infectious diseases hospital.

As previously reported by the ICR department for the region:

“According to the investigation, in August 2020, 2.5 billion rubles were allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian government to the region for the construction of a pre-fabricated infectious diseases hospital for the treatment of patients with coronavirus.

In October, the relevant department signed a state contract with the contractor for the construction of the hospital until December 31, however, the work was not completed within the prescribed period, the hospital was not accepted. At the same time, the customer transferred the budgetary funds to the contractor in full, the message says.

   In this story with a covid hospital, the above-named characters also take part, and the transfer of money to a construction contractor in violation of the regulations - took place on the personal order of the governor Stanislav Voskresensky.

      The governor's businessmen, who had previously financed the general contractor Gazkholodmash for the key stages of the construction of the regional covid hospital, were very much interested in such a quick payment for the construction contract. Behind the general contractor Gazkholodmash, there is the shadow of the former governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Kobylkin. Kobylkin and Voskresensky are connected by long-term joint work, including in the Government of the Russian Federation - thus all interests are taken into account.

    Taking into account the growing volume of detected cases of Covid-19 diseases in the Ivanovo region, the regional covid hospital that has not been put into operation on time will result in huge problems for the residents of the region.

Дмитрий Кобылкин

    It is worth noting the long-term opposition of the Ivanovo governor in the initiation of a criminal case. The governor desperately used his position as head of the health care commission in the State Council of the Russian Federation. Stanislav Voskresensky very often mentions the name of the President of the Russian Federation, and claims about the high confidence in his address, which is given to him by the leadership of the state in every possible way ...

      At the same time, I would very much like to hope that the investigation will be able, comprehensively, to establish the facts of abuse and identify criminal connections in such a resonant criminal case.

To be continued

Timofey Zabiyakin
