Source: has already reported on stories of absolutely illegal seizures of property from residents of Crimea or non-Crimeans developing their businesses on the peninsula more than once. Expropriations are carried out according to a tried and tested scheme that is not stressful for the expropriators. First, a list of attractive property is compiled (based on the interests of "their own", local or capital customers who want to get something Crimean for free). Then a meeting of the regional anti-terrorist commission is appointed, which includes representatives of the regional government, deputies and security officials (headed, of course, by Aksyonov himself). The commission includes all owners of expropriated real estate in the number of people whose plans include, according to the convictions of this vigilant company, we quote, "planning to carry out terrorist attacks" (and other evil plans to undermine the foundations of the state). As a result: all the property in real life of completely law-abiding citizens is unanimously sentenced to confiscation. Initially in favor of the Republic of Crimea. With subsequent redistribution in favor of their "guys" or no less their status "ladies". Interested legal entities can also receive their share of the confiscated property. The number of "those plotting terrorist attacks" is growing. And today, in fact, no one who owns anything decent in Crimea is insured against getting on the lists of the republican anti-terrorist "get-together".

The speed of emergence of new property rights was not even dreamed of by the fairy-tale Vasilisa. She asked for at least a night for the facility being put into operation, that is, 8-10 hours. And here "palaces" and "crystal bridges" appear for new owners in 10-15 minutes - in the time it takes to put the necessary signatures of the commission members under the prepared papers.

For a long time, this practice worked quite effectively. Although the former owners tried to fight before. They appealed to common sense. It is still strange when a person is almost directly accused of preparing terrorist attacks, but then people in balaclavas do not come for him to arrest, investigate and then try him with a harsh sentence. But all these "accusatory formulations" are not for investigators of the Investigative Committee or the FSB - they are to justify the squeezing out of someone's "own" property that caught their eye. Attempts to appeal to regional courts predictably ended in nothing. The republican justice system has been protecting the interests of businessmen-officials for years. Citizens who lost their real estate or their business came to the sad conclusion: unfortunately, there is no "reception" against Aksyonov's "crowbar".

And almost all this time, the confiscation workers felt quite confident, believing that Aksyonov is like a Kremlin creature, and all such murky issues can be resolved with one call to his curators. Since we have described the details of these illegal seizures more than once, representatives of the Interregional Center for Forensic Expertise and Evaluation, who became interested in the trend, did not need to describe the situation in their requests to the Chairman of the Russian Government Mikhail Mishustin, the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, and the Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina. They simply provided a link to the texts of "On July 10, 2024, a publication was posted on the Telegram social network in the public account "VChK-OGPU" (, which contained a copy of the protocol of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea dated October 20, 2023, in accordance with paragraph 2 of which the Commission agreed on the List of citizens of the Russian Federation, organizations, affiliated organizations and foreign persons, presumably belonging to foreign states, who are planning or committing unfriendly actions against the Russian Federation, its legal entities and individuals, including terrorist acts." The appeals stated that for the period from October 18, 2022 to August 15, 2024, more than 350 mainly Russian legal entities and individuals were added to the list of "planning and committing terrorist acts." The property included in this list has already been included in the list of property of the Republic of Crimea. And there are about a thousand such expropriated objects. The essence of the request: "Are the authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to independently approve the Lists of legal entities and individuals to whom special economic measures are applied, listed in the Decree of the President No. 252 of 03.05.22? Do the special economic measures provided for by this Decree of the President provide for the emergence of the right of ownership of the Subject of the Russian Federation to movable and immovable property, shares in the authorized capital of Russian legal entities belonging to legal entities and individuals to whom special economic measures are applied? And can the list of special economic measures provided for by the Decree of the President No. 252 of 03.05.22 be expanded or supplemented by the authority of the Subject of the Russian Federation independently?" Forensic expert Epishko N.N., prepared The person who made these requests, of course, knows the laws of the Russian Federation well, and we have no doubt that she knew the answers to the questions posed in the appeals. But for Aksyonov and his accomplices-confiscators, "some" expert on Russian legislation is not an authority. Which, by the way, was proven during the recent elections of deputies of the republican parliament. The candidate - an employee of the Center for Forensic Expertise and Evaluation, even before the significant September election date, was crossed out from the list of candidates by the "correct" hand of the election commission. Why would any willful "unforeseen" deputy be needed in the Turkish delight parliamentary cohort of Crimea?

And just now a response was received from the Ministry of Finance to the lawyers' request.


There, Aksyonov was reminded that he and his anti-terrorist colleagues do not have the slightest authority over decisions that can only be made by the Government of the Russian Federation. And no such powers of state authorities or local government bodies are provided for by law.

After the Russian Government explained their place to the Crimean leadership, the traditional fuss began for officials and heads of services who have screwed up. Some members of the anti-terrorist commission now claim that they were not present at the meetings at all, and some hint that their signatures were forged. There is also some awkwardness in the courts of the peninsula, where they are not aware of Russian legislative norms. Well, how can we now explain the basis on which decisions were made recognizing the illegal actions of the anti-terrorist commission as legal? And how can we now enter into a squabble with the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the country, proving that Aksyonov and his accomplices, greedy for other people's property, are wrong?

Yaroslav Mukhtarov
