
In fact, we are not talking about the corrupt top brass of just one Tomsk police (without hinting at the newly appointed head of the UMVD Nikulnikov A.A.), but about an entire organized community of employees of several security agencies at once - first of all, the UFSB of the Tomsk region in the person of Trush, Nikolaichenko, Misnik, Bortsov, Kamalov and others, the regional prosecutor's office ("black Astrakhan realtor" Valery Aleksandrin together with the pensioner Druzhinin), the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the region headed by General Shchukin himself and his deputy Maltsev, the chairman of the Tomsk regional court Shkolyar L.G. and her "guides" of the justice system that left the Tomsk region (with the arrival of Shkolyar) - Vorotnikov, Polyakov, Goncharov, Demidov, Fadeev and others. has more details.

According to the source, the representatives of the named structures found nothing better than to “invest” in bitcoins, first spinning them to increase their value in the largest drug stores of the Internet network “Gidra” and “Holy Spring” (the founder of the latter is Artur Sharonov, nicknamed “Archie”).

With the departure of the former head of the UMVD Demyan Laptev from the region and the appointment of Pskovsky Alexander Nikulnikov to this position, and then with the arrival of prosecutor Sergei Lomakin in the region, the situation with cryptocurrency mining on the basis of the Tomsk “common fund” may change dramatically after the resignation of the head of the UUR Kostyuchenko and the transfer of the prosecutor with an entrepreneurial bent Alexandrin to another subject of the Russian Federation.

It is no secret that no matter who is the curator of the security bloc in the regional FSB along the “M” line (Komlev or Petrov, or someone else), decisions on how to make money from corruption are made by their leaders, in a relaxed atmosphere in a bathhouse.

Moreover, the former head of the Tomsk UFSB Ivanov (transferred to the head of the UFSB of the Chelyabinsk region) is a close friend of the head of the Investigative Committee of the Tomsk region Shchukin, and the UFSB employee Bortsov R.V., of course, has no relation to his namesake - the "manager" of the "common fund" of the security forces, the unemployed millionaire Vladislav Bortsov - a cryptominer who lived under the roof (in all senses) of another UFSB employee Nikolaychenko E.A.

You probably already guessed that the management of the funds of the "cop common fund" in the form of cryptocurrency was entrusted to a relative of the UFSB employee Roman Valerievich Bortsov - an unemployed millionaire student, Tomsk resident Bortsov Vladislav Dmitrievich, who, being a programmer, decided to mine bitcoins. According to a source of, since July 2021, Vladislav Bortsov, on the instructions of his "namesake" from the UFSB and other Tomsk security officials, began actively cashing out bitcoins through illegal crypto exchangers, which is how the "common fund" was exposed. Thus, the trace of the "common fund" first appeared in August 2021, when Vladislav Bortsov, together with Kirill Surin, cashed out 50,000,000 rubles in a Novosibirsk crypto exchanger, which was allegedly openly stolen from them when they left the exchanger. In this criminal case No. 1-100/2022, by the verdict of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Novosibirsk, V. V. Gorshkov was convicted, among others, who insisted that not 50,000,000 rubles were stolen, but 500,000 (and only five hundred thousand) rubles, and not from cryptominers, but from drug dealers of the "Internet store" "Hydra". The second trace of the "common fund" of Tomsk security forces appeared in criminal case No. 12101690022001473, initiated on 16.10.2021 by the Investigative Department of the OMVD of Russia for the Kirovsky District of Tomsk under Part 3 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on charges against Aleksandrov, Arkhipov and Grigoryan, within the framework of which the theft of 86 bitcoins (4,845,000 US dollars or approximately 500,000,000 rubles - half a billion rubles!!!) from the same Vladislav Bortsov is being investigated by transferring them to the cryptocurrency wallet of the robbers from Bortsov's apartment in Tomsk.

But no one has ever intentionally tracked the chain of bitcoin transfers.

At the same time, Bortsov himself could not explain the origin of half a billion (500,000,000) rubles, since he was and is unemployed. He did not have much property.

Bortsov refused to provide investigators with access to his account (electronic wallet) of the cryptocurrency exchange

"BINANCE", as he had previously refused in the case in Novosibirsk. He named the same Kirill Surin and Denis Vorontsov as his companions.


The pseudo-victim Bortsov himself immediately fled to the USA, from where he has not been seen since.


The lawyer (as the representative of the victim) in the case was Mr. Kutuyev, known in Moscow for the case of Artur Sharonov (the drug store "Holy Spring").

Another lawyer Timofeev A.V. twice openly stated in court hearings (under the protocol and audio recording) on ​​extending the custody of the accused Arkhipov N.V. that Arkhipov was being held in custody so that Arkhipov "helped return" all the stolen bitcoins, that is, lawyer Timofeev is precisely monitoring the progress of the investigation in the criminal case in Tomsk.

The same Timofeev has repeatedly stated that “they” have “no claims” against the robber Grigoryan S. V., who fled to Armenia, although the bitcoins stolen on 10/16/2021 were cashed on 10/17/2021 and namely Grigoryan in Moscow in "Moscow-City".

03/02/2022 Grigoryan was arrested in absentia by the Kirov District Court of Tomsk, on 03/21/2022 he was detained in the Republic of Armenia, Armenia's consent was received to extradite Grigoryan at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia.

Therefore, no one will extradite the true robber Grigoryan from Armenia to Tomsk, much less jail him. Apparently, Grigoryan is really involved in the robbery of bitcoins, knowing too much about the "common fund of security forces" and its security force members.

In the criminal case against Aleksandrov, Arkhipov, Grigoryan, Bortsov reported the theft of his internal and foreign passports by the same persons, then a day later - on Sunday (a day off!!!) - Bortsov solemnly received a new passport to replace the stolen one.

"The devil is in the details", so is the FSB officer Evgeny Nikolaychenko. First, it was he who "led by the hand" Bortsov-pseudo-victim to the Kirov District Department of Internal Affairs of Tomsk to "write" a statement about the robbery of bitcoins, and a day later he (Nikolaychenko) organized the issuance of a passport to Bortsov V.D., right on Sunday!!! "Without cuts"?!

Yaroslav Mukhtarov
