
Throughout its existence, the Moscow MFC was closed from unnecessary attention from journalists, control services and departments. This was done on purpose, because... “The showcase of the city” can in no case be discredited by any scandal, which could affect the reputation of Sergei Sobyanin’s team. However, high-profile cases, including the tragedy at the Ryazan MFC, forced the management to cover these events. At that time, the management of the MFC gave information to the top that all branches of the Moscow MFC are equipped with an alarm button (KTS, which should be on guard and in case of an emergency the signal goes to the Russian Guard). However, a source from says that in fact, not a single MFC in Moscow had a panic button. They began to be installed only in March of the following year. The contract was concluded with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Security" of the Russian Guard - the provision of services for console security and technical maintenance of security systems. Agreement No. 547/22 dated March 11, 2022.

Why is this happening? Because throughout the entire time, within the Moscow MFC there is a group of people who have considerable income from purchases that are carried out under Federal Law 44.


- contracts for private security, cleaning, purchase of furniture

- Operation and major repairs of premises and buildings

- consumables (paper, cartridges)

- IT procurement


Marketing can be highlighted as a separate line.

In 2023, inexplicable changes occurred. In the summer of 2023, for the first time in the history of the MFC, an inventory of all premises where goods and materials were stored, as well as IT equipment and consumables, was scheduled. According to the interlocutor of, the work was carried out indiscriminately, and already at the initial stage it became clear that the shortage could be calculated in hundreds of millions of rubles. The accounting department was given the command to “write off everything that can be written off,” letters and statements were sent to the branches for writing off cartridges, office supplies, employee forms, etc. Each MOL in the MFC branch wrote off non-existent positions worth several tens of millions of rubles in 2023.

However, such a colossal shortage could not be quickly closed. Including the employee who, since 2014, has been involved in the provision and procurement of the entire IT infrastructure of the Moscow MFC, he alone had a shortage of more than 200 million rubles. He was simply demoted and a process was organized to spread his shortage across all branches of the Moscow MFC according to the following scheme, which still works to this day. The IT Department at the beginning of 2024 ordered “an inspection of centers regarding the IT equipment located in them.” Unlike the inventory, which takes place annually, this procedure differed in that no order was issued for this survey. The survey was led by the same employee who is responsible for the shortage of more than 200 million rubles, his name is Ilya Nikolaevich Govorov. Under his leadership, employees from different centers united into groups to tour all branches of the State Budgetary Institution MFC of Moscow in order to bypass and identify all IT equipment in each center. If an employee from this group sees, for example, a candy bar, a printer or a surveillance camera, he signals Govorov and he assigns an inventory number to this item and moves it from himself to the center where this equipment is actually located. Needless to say, there is a lot of such equipment in every MFC. The situation is aggravated by the fact that throughout the history of the MFC, the movement of fixed assets between the staff and branches, as well as simply between branches, occurred extremely inaccurately, often without registration of movements or any papers at all. The MOL (financially responsible person) at the branch might not have known at all that, say, a switch worth more than 200 thousand rubles was taken from his server room, because he was urgently needed in another center, because... the server room is maintained by “our own” contracting organization (Avilex and Project Support). Moreover, some MFCs were used as temporary storage warehouses.


In fact, from February 2024 to the present day, a colossal frame-up has been going on to conceal shortages in the MFC, in which several senior IT employees are taking part with the connivance of management.


This is just an isolated case.


With a more in-depth analysis of concluded contracts and contractors actually working at sites in the MFC, we can conclude that throughout the entire operation of the MFC in Moscow, the same people serve it, only the legal entity changes. And God forbid someone else gets in (an example of this is the lawsuit with the KASTA building maintenance company). The supplier of cartridges and drums for MFCs and printers is also his own man. And so it is in everything.

The corruption component is obvious.

Returning to the tragedy at the Ryazansky MFC (where a man opened fire, two people were killed and four were injured), after that incident many thought that this misfortune would force the management to reconsider their view of security. Absolutely nothing has changed. In some ways it got even worse. Just as the employees did not and do not have private security certificates and licenses  niknikov, and no. The main thing for management is to push through a loyal private security company on terms that are beneficial to it. You can look at the price of a private security company contract on procurement, the information is open.

When analyzing the activities of the MFC, you can learn a lot of interesting things, the activities of OVM within the MFC, escheat housing and much, much more.

For example, former managers and employees of the MFC are in the management of companies involved in supplies, for example, furniture, which goes not only to the MFC but also to other government agencies.

Or here’s how individual “teams” of employees take up leadership positions in other, newly opened structures, such as the State Public Institution Social Treasury, to absorb new funds.

Arseny Dronov
