
A huge scandal is breaking out in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. Employees of this department, headed by the recently appointed Oleg Paukov (son of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, Viktor Paukov), are suspected of fleecing exchangers. Hundreds of millions of rubles are allegedly “confiscated”, which then disappear. According to and the Cheka-OGPU, since September 2023, employees of the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate “went through” at least six currency exchange points, where, without providing any documents about the seizure, they took a total of more than 300 million rubles... Since in most exchangers could not explain the origin of the money, so they have not yet filed complaints. However, in one case it was the money of a specific client. He wrote a statement and created a scandal. Other victims are going to follow suit.

A businessman from Moscow who submitted an application handed over 350 thousand dollars to the exchanger for recalculation and verification of authenticity. Immediately after this, employees of the Department of Economic Crimes and Combating Crimes of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District raided the exchanger and actually stole this money. Officially, the event was called “inspection of the premises”; the operatives’ movements inside the exchanger were filmed on CCTV cameras. However, during the “inspection” they simply took $350 thousand.

Where the money is now is unknown.

And for more than 9 months there has been complete silence from the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate, no one is returning the money...

According to, Yuri brought $350 thousand to an exchange office on Marksistskaya Street on September 5, 2023. And on the sixth, people broke in, introduced themselves as officers from the anti-corruption department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District, presented an order to inspect the premises, climbed into the cash register and took all the cash. The police officers did not react in any way to the arguments of the exchange office employees, who said that the money had been accepted for recounting...

According to the exchanger's employees, no seizure protocols were drawn up. Having taken the money, computers, stamps and documents, the operatives left with the words: “Well, you say that the money is not yours, so we will not give you any protocols on the seizure.” The fate of the money has been unknown for nine months now.

Yuri, the owner of the money, believes that the police money was simply stolen. He wrote several statements to the district police department, but they did not respond. In June, applications were submitted to the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District and to the prosecutor's office, but so far there has been no reaction...

According to the information available to, since September 2023, in a similar manner, operatives of the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate visited at least 5 more currency exchange points, where in the same way, without providing any documents about the seizure, they took a total of more than 300 million rubles.

This is not the first such scandal with employees of the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate.

Previously, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported numerous complaints against the leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Presnensky district of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. According to the interlocutor, the police carry out real terror for businessmen in the territory entrusted to them. Moreover, Presnya’s representatives are “shaking the regime” in all directions. Thus, the head of the criminal investigation department of this department, Alexander Platonov, was in the spotlight. The chief operative of the Presnensky district came to a meeting at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District with an ugly long beard. The head of the department, Oleg Paukov, reprimanded him, comparing him to a mujahid, but Platonov still has not shaved his beard. But this is more of a prank.

But the real skeletons are hiding in the closets of department head Sergei Shchukin (former head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Arbat district) and police chief Rodion Kostikov (former head of the criminal investigation department from the same Arbat department). The latter is the son-in-law of a high-ranking official who provides support to the authorities of the Presnensky Department of Internal Affairs. The interlocutor shared that, through controlled subordinates, the “team” imposed a tribute on almost all entrepreneurs of the Presnensky district. For example, monthly more than a million rubles in taxes are paid to the administration of the Hefien Strip Club and Loft Men's Club. Both establishments provide guests with a variety of services, including illegal ones. Knowing this, Shchukin and Kostikov set not only a financial fee, but also do not neglect “in kind”. The authorities of the Presnya Department of Internal Affairs hold so-called “subbotniks” - and use the services of establishments for adults for free.

Timofey Grishin
