
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel continues to acquaint readers with the speech at the trial of the former head of the anti-corruption department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Dmitry Muryshov, whose case (he is accused of receiving bribes) is currently being heard in the 235th garrison military court. As we reported earlier, Muryshov turned out to be not a “colonel” of the customs service, as was previously announced, but a major general of the FSB of the Russian Federation, seconded to the Federal Customs Service. The general became a “bargaining chip” in the game to remove his good friend from the FSB, the then head of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Bulavin.

Among other things, he is accused of receiving bribes….antique, collectible plates. These plates were a gift for the then head of the Main Directorate of the "Center for Monitoring and Operational Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" Philip Zolotnitsky. He is a long-time hero of our channel. And not only because of his participation in corruption schemes, but also as the husband of the press secretary of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Irina Volk. Zolotnitsky has always been an untouchable figure in the Federal Customs Service due to his closeness (according to some sources, they are relatives) to the former head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov (who is close to Putin).


The plates in honor of the Franco-Russian Union of 1891 were given to Muryshov by the former employee of the Federal Customs Service Okorokov, previously convicted of fraud. Upon his release, Okorokov became one of the biggest fixers at the Federal Customs Service, knew absolutely all the generals of the department (he was very close and friends with the same Zolotnitsky). He also collected money from businessmen under the pretext of transferring it to the generals of the Federal Customs Service. And at the same time, he was an agent of the K Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. When Tkachev decided to "take down" Muryshov-Bulavin, Okorokov immediately testified that he received money from businessmen for Muryshov. And businessmen Shabaev and Makovkin on the same day wrote a statement and confession in the name of Tkachev that they gave bribes to Okorokov specifically for Muryshov. However, Shabaev and Makovkin themselves never saw Muryshov and could not even name his position in court. publishes the second part of Muryshov's speech:

"About Shabaev D.Yu. and Makovkin A.A.


I knew nothing about Shabaev D.Yu. and Makovkin A.A., as well as about the legal entities in which they carried out their work activities, until the court hearing to extend the term of my detention on 01.03.2024. It was then that I first learned that in January 2024 they had filed confession statements in which they admitted guilt in allegedly giving me a bribe.

It is noteworthy that the said statements signed by Shabaev D.Yu. and Makovkin A.A., who, as established in court, do not know each other, were addressed to the same person - the head of the "K" Department of the FSB of Russia's Economic Security Service Tkachev I.I., and were submitted to the FSB of Russia only in January 2024, despite the fact that both Shabaev D.Yu. and Makovkin A.A. were aware of the "criminality of their actions" back in the fall of 2022.

I know that the procedure for accepting a crime report and conducting an investigation into it in the FSB of Russia is regulated by a special Instruction. According to this instruction, the duty officer receives the initial information, then the Affairs Directorate determines the unit whose competence includes conducting an investigation into the report. All this takes several days. From the testimonies of Shabaev D.Yu. and Makovkin A.A. it follows that their statements and explanations were accepted on the same day. Due to the specifics of the work of the FSB of Russia, this could only happen in one case - if it was prepared and planned in advance by the FSB of Russia employees. In addition, the statements themselves were written in a similar language, using expressions that were not typical for their signatories, which was confirmed by specialist Markovich V.A. in court.


All of the above indicates illegal actions by the employees of the "K" Department of the SEB of the FSB of Russia, aimed at artificially creating and obtaining evidence of my involvement in some crimes.

If they did transfer funds under the circumstances that they themselves stated in the court hearing, then these funds were clearly not intended for me, but for Okorokov I.V. or third parties in whose interests he acted. Considering everything that I have already said about him (in particular, that he had already been convicted), this really seems to be true. This means that there are grounds to see signs of fraud in his actions.


The fact that law enforcement agencies do not see signs of this crime in his actions does not indicate their absence, but rather that Okorokov I.V. acted under pressure from employees of the Department "K" of the FSB of Russia (whose goal was to remove me from office by initiating illegal criminal prosecution against me). Thus, Okorokov I.V. acted as a provocateur under the threat of bringing himself and/or his wife to criminal responsibility.


Neither Shabaev D.Yu. nor Makovkin A.A. reported in their testimony that they had any contacts with me, not to mention the fact that neither of them could name in court where is the name of my position.

In addition, the testimony of Shabaev D.Yu. and Makovkin A.A. that the Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Customs Service of Russia could and did influence the conduct of any verification activities in relation to commercial organizations was not only not verified in any way during the preliminary investigation of the case, but is also absurd, since:


1. Officials of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Customs Service of Russia do not have such powers.


2. Verification activities in relation to businessmen are carried out by other divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia - the Main Department of Customs Control, the Main Directorate of Customs Control after the release of goods, etc.


3. The decision on conducting verification activities during customs clearance (inspection, examination, adjustment of the cost of goods) is carried out in most cases automatically on the basis of the risk management system (RMS) and its main element - the risk profile: it determines the measures to minimize risks and the need to conduct verification activities.


Meanwhile, there is no information in the criminal case materials about any verification activities carried out in relation to Ostashkov Export LLC and Pyat Planet LLC within the framework of customs control. At the same time, this data is easily established in the conditions of the existing level of digitalization in customs authorities, which was not done by the investigation.


ABOUT THE SEARCH 08-09.12.2022


On the night of 08.12.2022 to 09.12.2022, at about 1 a.m., the front door of my service apartment at the address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 131, apt. 540, rang. My wife, M.V. Muryshova, and I woke up, after which I went to the door to find out who had come. Looking through the peephole, I saw a landing filled with people, among whom were my colleagues from the FSB of Russia.


After that, I returned to the bedroom, got dressed and went to open the front door of the apartment. There were about 15 people on the landing, among whom I knew the employees of the 7th department of the "K" department of the SEB FSB of Russia (Voronin Alexey Nikolaevich, Bazhenov Roman Antonovich, Marachevsky Denis Mikhailovich, Korolev Viktor Viktorovich), as well as three officers of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB of Russia, one of whom I personally know - Yaroslav Starshinov.


At least 10 people entered the apartment, the rest remained on the landing in the entrance. One of those present, without introducing himself, demanded that I hand over the mobile phones belonging to me and my wife, which we did, voluntarily providing the passwords. After that, some documents were quickly read to me, and the FSB officer Yaroslav Starshinov suggested that I put on my outerwear, since I needed to go with them. I returned to the bedroom, changed my clothes, took my passport, FSB ID and VTB Bank salary card out of my briefcase. At that moment, I told my wife that there was no need to worry, since my colleagues from the FSB were among the guests. After that, I went to the cloakroom for a jacket, and at that moment I was asked to hand over my salary card. Having dressed, I left the apartment together with several FSB officers. I would like to note that all this time I observed the chaotic movement of those present around the apartment and the landing, and the front door remained open.


I remember that I was taken away by three FSB Internal Security officers (Yaroslav Starshinov and two of his colleagues), as well as an employee of the 7th department of the "K" department of the FSB Economic Security Service, D.M. Marachevsky. Together with the Internal Security officers, we got into a minivan parked near the house, and D.M. Marachevsky got into another car. The remaining guests remained in the apartment. And only in the car I learned from the dialogue between Yaroslav and the driver that we were going to the Investigative Committee of Russia on Tekhnichesky Lane.


I will note that I did not read any resolution on the search of the home that night. I learned that everything that happened in my service apartment was a search after it was conducted.


During my interrogation on 12/15/2022 by investigator Averyanov D.Yu. I learned that on 12/09/2022, during a search in a black leather jacket allegedly belonging to me, hanging on a hanger in the hallway, 57 bills of 100 US dollars each were found.


In this regard, I would like to state that all my outerwear is stored in the dressing room, and the only thing that could hang on the hanger in the hallway was my sports uniform (a warm jacket and bright blue pants), which can in no way be called a black leather jacket.


The specified funds (57 bills of 100 US dollars each) do not belong to me, their origin is unknown to me. I am sure that their so-called discovery is an unfair staging by employees of the 7th Department of the Directorate "K" of the FSB of Russia.




In addition to other health problems, I suffer from an allergic disease. As part of the treatment, I am forced to constantly take medications. In 2022, I was treated at the "Institute of Immunology" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, where I twice received prescriptions from my attending physician, Evgenia Valerievna Nazarova, for the use of medications.


One of the effective drugs recommended to me for use is the drug "Oraltek". In 2022 it was not sold in Russia, and I asked for help with it. purchase to my friends. Several people responded to my request.


I received the first few packages in July 2022 from my colleague from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Vladimir Viktorovich Chevychalov. After that, at the end of July 2022, I received several more bottles of this medicine from my friend Vladimir Vitalyevich Spiridonov.


As a result, I had an excess of this medicine. Since the course of treatment was a year (4 packages of 2 bottles) and given the limited shelf life of Oraltek, my wife and I decided to sell the surplus, which I informed my doctor about. We sent the drug to those in need, and at the end of August 2022 we managed to sell one package of this medicine for 300 euros.


Okorokov I.V. also responded to my request and helped me with the purchase and delivery of this product to Russia. In October 2022, he informed me that the medicine had been delivered and was in his office. Okorokov I.V. handed it over to his employee, who on 10/18/2022 handed over this medicine to my driver Sigachev S.N., which he reliably reported in court. I asked Sigachev S.N. to leave the medicine in the car, since I planned to take it home in the evening, and the temperature conditions in the car parked on the street were suitable for storing this medicine. At the end of the working day on 10/18/2022, Sigachev S.N., as usual, drove me home, and I took these medicines.



In October 2022, my colleague at the Federal Customs Service of Russia Zolotnitsky F.A. invited me and my wife to dinner in honor of his birthday. I asked Okorokov I.V. for help in choosing a gift, since, as far as I knew, they had known each other for a long time and he knew about the preferences. We settled on a set of decorative plates on the theme of the formation of the military alliance between Russia and France. We also discussed the choice of this gift with Okorokov I.V. and my wife Muryshova M.V. in a messenger.


On October 19, 2022, Okorokov I.V. gave me these plates in a black bag, and on the same day I brought them home and asked my wife to pack them beautifully. Three plates were related to the theme of the formation of the military alliance between Russia and France, and the fourth plate was different in style, so my wife and I decided not to give it. On October 20, 2022, my wife and I met with Zolotnitsky F.A. and his wife at the Bouillabaisse restaurant and presented our gift.


On November 1, 2022, I met with Okorokov I.V. in the cafe "Pirogi, Vino i Gus", where Okorokov I.V. gave me a set of plates with a Christmas theme as a gift, including one related to the birth of children. The plates were packed in protective film and given to me in a black bag with golden diagonal stripes. In the cafe, I took out one of the plates, looked at it, and then put it back. That same evening, I brought them home. In conclusion, I would like to note again that I have never received any money as bribes. This criminal case is the result of a provocation, the purpose of which was to remove me from my position by compromising me. For this purpose, persons who knowingly gave false testimony were involved in the provocation (in particular, Kolganov K.E., Okorokov I.V., Shabaev D.Yu., Makovkin A.A.). Moreover, in the absence of direct evidence of my receipt of bribes and, accordingly, attempts to detain me red-handed, the discovery of 5,700 US dollars that obviously did not belong to me was staged during an illegally conducted search.

Finally, Marachevsky D.M. and Kolganov K.E., who took direct part in this provocation, currently hold senior positions in the Federal Customs Service of Russia (the head of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the head of the anti-corruption department of the Domodedovo Customs Office, respectively).”

Timofey Grishin
