
Last week there was news about Cyprus Police Colonel, former head of the local special forces, Yanis Ellinas. The other day, he applied through the Internet reception to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office with a statement that in 2019 they allegedly gave false testimony about Mirimskaya’s role in organizing the abduction and murder of two people in Cyprus - lawyer Petras Valko and his client, from whom Mirimskaya took away not your child. The reason for the slander, the colonel said, was the pressure put on him by ICR investigators, who “kept him without food, rest and under the threat of arrest.”

According to, the interrogation of the Cypriot was carried out under the supervision of the deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee, General Sergei Mikhailov, whom Mirimskaya now obviously accuses of illegal methods of investigation. Her logic can be understood: in anticipation of the first verdict against Mirimskaya, who faces up to 20 years in prison, the Investigative Committee together with the FSB actually intensified the investigation into criminal case No. 11702450039000109, related to the organization of contract killings by a banker in Cyprus and Russia. Potential victims include Mirimskaya's ex-husband, former Yukos shareholder Alexey Golubovich. And the new charges greatly spoil the banker’s chances of agreeing on a suspended sentence in cassation for another bribe with the chairman of the 2nd KSOYu, Anatoly Bondar.

Therefore, the story of the repentant witness now looks extremely convincing. Therefore, only two stupid questions arise for its authors: where was this colonel, scared to death, 5 years after giving “false” testimony, and why is he smiling so much in these photographs taken during the interrogation, is it really out of fear?

The fact that Mirimskaya is ready to spend any money on bribing witnesses, law enforcement officers, etc., say the publications of the Cheka-OGPU.

Here's one of them. The Basmanny Court is hearing case No. 02-0179/2024 on the claim of the former head of the department of “minor” industrial control, Vladimir Golub, against the Housing Commission of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The Colonel of Justice plans to take ownership of a service apartment in building 8 on Yagodnaya Street in Moscow. The grounds are classic for such a claim - the department did not provide Golub with a subsidy to purchase the housing he needs. Apparently in need.

Because Golub actually owns a plot of land near Yalta with an unfinished cottage. The size of the plot is 10 acres. The price of one hundred square meters in this location ranges from 1 to 1.5 million rubles. The price of long-term construction located on the site is over 5 million. In total, according to the most conservative estimates, Golub owns real estate worth more than 15 million rubles. In this state of affairs, what kind of subsidy can one claim and what kind of housing can one demand from the state?

The colonel of justice made all these expensive acquisitions during the period of patronage in the falsification of criminal case No. 90764 to the investigator of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, Yuri Nosov, as a result of which an Israeli citizen, owner of the BKF bank and the Russian Product company, Olga Mirimskaya, illegally registered herself as the mother of her own granddaughter and took the girl away from her real parents. Criminal case No. 90764 was closed, all of its defendants were rehabilitated, Mirimskaya and Nosov were tried in the Izmailovsky court for corruption, Golub was fired by their Investigative Committee for absenteeism.

At the same time, in criminal case No. 11702450039000109, the investigation of which continues in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, there is enough evidence to bring Golub to criminal liability for bribes from Mirimskaya through the mediation of now State Duma deputy from A Just Russia Yana Lantratova and abuse of office in complicity with Nosov. But instead of dealing with Golub in a criminal trial, for some reason the Investigative Committee prefers to fight off his fraudulent claim in a civil trial. Or is someone in the Investigative Committee again deceiving the Chairman?

Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU published excerpts from correspondence between the owner of the BKF bank, Olga Mirimskaya, who is now on trial in the Izmailovo court in Moscow for four bribes worth $2 million, and the chairman of the board of the BKF bank, Sergei Orlov. The correspondence clearly demonstrates how much it costs to initiate a criminal case in the absence of a crime and how this happens. This was done so as not to waste time collecting debt in arbitration - the banker and the head of her bank decided to order criminal prosecution of obviously innocent persons, former employees of the Rosstyle company, which was captured by Chechen raiders. We invite the debtors of the BKF bank, the employees of the FSB and the Investigative Committee to especially think about the following phrases of the board of directors of the BKF:

“They will return the money in exchange for the withdrawal of claims. It may turn out that it will be easier for them to sit down in a “double” case than for us to withdraw it.”

“He asks for money for the check. How much should I give him? Immediately 50 or 7.5 a month, as they used to say? The second question is 100 thousand to Alexey. Do I do it through a loan and withdraw it from your account?”

"In general, there is a surplus of specialists at one place of work per bonus fund. How If only they wouldn't start tearing each other apart"

“Maxim said yesterday that everything is ok and the case will be officially opened before the end of the year if today there is 100 thousand dollars. Question: am I sending Alexey again, telling him that the case has already been opened elsewhere and demanding the advance payment back?”

"Maxim guarantees a personalized criminal case against specific defendants. But if there are 100 thousand"

"Alexey says that he is not in Moscow and does not go there at all, just to hand over the money"

“They do not accept money for starting a business into their own account; here we can say that we bear these expenses jointly, based on the proportion of division of expenses”

“Maxim jumps up on the topic of filing an application to initiate a case. He asks for guarantees for financing for 100 thousand dollars.”

“Maxim backed down. This morning he said that a case will not be opened against specific individuals. No one has the opportunity to immediately attack individuals, you must understand that the provisions of Article 159 are still not there.”

“Max suddenly showed up. He asks about the money. He says that the investigator is ready to get involved next week.”

Arseny Dronov

To be continued
