In 2023-2024, a system of regular reporting to the Government Office of the Russian Federation on the state of data in the State Information System for Housing and Public Utilities posted by industry participants was established. According to the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and, regular reporting looks good, but has almost no relation to reality: the percentage of “filling” of data in the State Information System for Housing and Public Utilities does not reflect either the reliability of this data or its usefulness for citizens or organizations involved in the management of the housing and public utilities complex. Over the past two years, there has been no regular receipt of information on charges and payments for housing and communal services, no integration with regional settlement and cash centers or the mandatory metrological verification system FGIS ARSHIN, no stable and reliable data from resource supplying organizations, or even information from a fully digitized capital repair program.
In fact, during 2023-2024, the Operator did not launch a single significant service for citizens that they would have any need for. In December 2024, a beautiful but very slow version of the front part of the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal was released, where the same information that was available in the old version of the system was listed in a different order and in a significantly truncated form.
No one is interested in the ability to pay for housing and communal services through a mobile application with a commission: this functionality is available in almost every bank client, and the data on charges does not match the receipts. Public information from the Operator of the State Information System of Housing and Public Utilities, including any press releases, either arrives late, or contains deliberately false statements, or reprints statements by government officials (mainly officials of the Ministry of Construction of Russia). The head of the Operator's press service, former press secretary of the Omsk Governor Alina Atamanenko, prefers these copy-pastas to any meaningful publications, but the Operator has announced a competition for 7 million rubles through State Procurement for "Reputation Management Services" No. 32514588901. However, in the direction of monopolizing additional functions and capabilities of the system, everything turned out to be quite successful: users are persistently recommended to install a video surveillance and intercom system from a certain Perm company, without offering any alternatives, and management organizations are offered to use the services of GIS Housing and Public Utilities fillers with who knows what right in their personal account. According to the VChK-OGPU, the only goal of the new bosses at JSC OIS (Mityashin A.N., Galeev B.Z. and others) was "monetization" - extracting side profits from the system entrusted to them. At the same time, no one seems to be planning to bring the system itself to the point of usability.
And so that this system does not stall in principle - from March 1, 2025, the use of alternative systems for voting was simply banned in the housing and utilities market.
JSC "Operator of the Information System" was created in 2018, but it began active operations only in 2021, when rumors began to circulate that the GIS Housing and Utilities was planned to be transferred from the sole ownership of the Russian Post to a joint venture with InterRAO.
In May 2021, the system was removed from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications and transferred entirely to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. Since April 1, 2022, the development of the GIS Housing and Public Utilities by order of the Government of the Russian Federation was entrusted to JSC OIS under the leadership of Andrey Khanin.
During 2022, together with LANIT (developers of the GIS Housing and Public Utilities system), many improvements to the system were implemented, a new mobile application for citizens was created and launched, which in 2023 became part of State Services and was called State Services.Dom.
In the 2022 version of the mobile application, services for voting at general meetings of owners and transferring data on individual metering devices, correspondence with management organizations, state housing supervision authorities and technical support, information on management organizations, major repairs of apartment buildings, and annual reporting of management organizations were launched.
In December 2022, a partial replacement of the Operator's management was carried out. With the arrival of a new team (following the new CEO V.A. Kolesnikov, who previously headed MosOblEIRC, several new "bosses" in different areas came from there) the pace of development has significantly slowed down. By November 2023, the long-awaited integration with the Federal State Information System of Unified State Register of Real Estate of Rosreestr had occurred, at the end of 2023, integration with chats of owners on VKontakte was carried out, since 2024, telephone technical support was abolished, notifications appeared through personal accounts of the Unified State Services Portal, and by the end of 2024, "guest access" to real estate objects appeared.
And then complete "stagnation"
Yuri Prokov
To be continued