
On June 22, the RANEPA will host the Conference of scientific and pedagogical workers and students. The main intrigue of the conference is the refusal of the head of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin to join the Academic Council of the presidential university. His candidacy was hastily excluded from the draft List of candidates for the new composition of the Academic Council.

“The prime minister washes his hands,” comments a source from the administration of the RANEPA itself, “and rector V. Mau, knocked out by the“ Bartsits case ”and ongoing scandals in the branches, is forced to give a number of key positions to the Chekists“ to put things in order ”. To clarify the situation in the main Russian forge of officials and to answer the question why Mishustin, who previously reappointed Mau to the post of rector ahead of schedule, “disowned” him now, allows information from internal sources in the RANEPA.

Both sources confirmed that Dmitry Fedorishchev, the brother of the vice-governor of the Tula region Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, who simultaneously holds two positions at the academy: director for regional development and director of the Moscow regional branch, is leaving the academy. Artashches Arsenyan, director of the Department of Regional Policy, also leaves with him. A source close to Fedorishchev noted that Dmitry did not live up to the rector's expectations and left the RANEPA for nowhere without the support of the academy. The task of stabilizing the branch network was failed miserably by D. Fedorishchev. They do not expect him in Tula with his brother, who, on a number of issues, let the governor Alexei Dyumin down and himself is in limbo.

Now the former FSB officer Igor Aleksandrovich Bidenko will monitor the branches in all regions (and, as you know, there are no ex-FSB officers). Bidenko has already been "introduced" as an advisor to the vice-rector of the academy - the shadow head of the academy and concurrently to the rector of the Academy of Aviation Technologies - Sinelnikov-Murylev. Igor Bidenko is the son of a high-ranking general, who is widely known, including on the Internet, for shooting a lawyer friend with a pistol in the stomach.

Владимир Мау и Сергей Синельников-Мурылев

"The detention of Bartsits is only part of the FSB's special operation against RANEPA and personally the rector Mau, who has long been an oligarch from education," explains a source at RANEPA. - This federal scandal became a fiasco of the FSB General Viktor Zorin, who for many years has been responsible at the academy for the immunity of Mau in the “office”. Both the rector and Sinelnikov-Murylev heard this alarm bell "from the high corridors". Obviously, the security forces have been given carte blanche and rarely work alone. Recently, inspections of the General Prosecutor's Office for the branches revealed significant waste and embezzlement.

According to a source in the RANEPA, the reason for the FSB's entry into the academy's walls and the sharp activation of vice-rector Sinelnikov-Murylev was the rector's well-known greed and his "managerial bungling", primarily in the financial and personnel sectors. All this has already created a threat for Sinelnikov himself, his financial and property empire and the people of his team, including those in the circle of Prime Minister Mishustin (for example, now the fate of ex-vice-rector of the RANEPA Idrisov, "delegated" by Sinelnikov as an assistant to Mikhail Vladimirovich, is under threat).

Another high-ranking RANEPA employee concludes in the conversation: “Judging by what is happening, there are good reasons to believe that the leadership of the Presidential Administration (S. Kirienko) has been instructed to“ comb ”the country's largest university, moreover, under the President of Russia, by September elections to the State. Duma. In such a situation, the distancing of Mishustin as Chairman of the Government from the academy in general and from its rector in particular is natural. In addition, after the elections, such a “fat” position may become a subject of struggle among outsiders and those who will be left “without work”. In such matters, the presence of a "special daddy" is never superfluous, therefore the FSB has taken on the academy so thoroughly, placing "its own" in the regional block - and this is only the beginning.

To be continued

Denis Zhirnov
