
Remember the scandal in the judicial system over the decision of the Gudermes court? Then a resident of Chechnya, Hassan Ediev, filed a lawsuit in the Gudermes court against the Ukrainian billionaire Konstantin Grigorishin. Ediev brought some pieces of paper, said that these are Grigorishin's debt receipts for $ 230 million. And, lo and behold, the court fully satisfied the lawsuit. Grigorishin himself was wanted by that time, as the TFR accused him of tax evasion. The scam organizers knew this very well and tried to get the businessman’s property on the basis of the lawsuit won - Moscow apartments, a house and land in the suburbs. How all this “surfaced” a gigantic scandal erupted. You probably think that the decision of the Gudermes court has been completely destroyed, that all those who were involved in its adoption, if not already landed, are fired? But no. The case has been examined by the Supreme Court of Chechnya for almost two years now. And All Chechnya is ruled by Alavdin Supyanovich Gardaloev, who previously headed the Gudermes court, including at the time the decision was made in favor of Ediev. Details of the story in the investigation of

For almost a year now, since August 2019, a judicial “steam locomotive” has been circling in the Armed Forces of Chechnya. Lawyers for billionaire Grigorishin have repeatedly challenged the entire Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic, since the chairman of the Supreme Court of Chechnya was the chairman of the Gudermes court at the time the case was examined by the court of first instance. The challenges are rejected, and the case is “frozen” by the endless appointment of examinations that are appointed only to delay the process and not refer the case to a higher court. ...

And this story began like that. Civil case No. 2-1077 / 2016 on recovering an amount in excess of 17 billion ruble equivalent fell into the Gudermes City Court in August 2016, when the judicial system of Chechnya was in a fever from an endless stream of anonymous complaints.

A certain resident of the republic Ediev H.B. filed a lawsuit against the Ukrainian billionaire from the FORBS list K.I. Grigorishin on collection of debt under a loan agreement in the amount of 110,000,000 US dollars, interest on borrowed money in the amount of 120,440,000 US dollars, the cost of paying the state fee in the amount of 60,000 rubles. In support of their requirements Ediev H.B. He pointed out that on October 24, 2013 between him and K. Grigorishin a loan agreement was concluded, according to which the latter received money in the amount of 110 million US dollars, which is confirmed by a receipt. According to the receipt, the debt repayment period expired on January 1, 2015, however, the defendant failed to fulfill the obligation to repay the loan amount. The determination of the Gudermes city court of the Chechen Republic of August 9, 2016 satisfied the statement of Ediev Kh.B. about taking measures to secure the claim and seized property belonging to K.I. Grigorishin on the right of ownership - these are several elite apartments in the very center of Moscow and land plots worth over 10 billion rubles.

By the decision of the Gudermes city court of the Chechen Republic of November 10, 2016, the claims were satisfied. With Grigorishina K.I. in favor of Ediev Kh.B. Debt under the loan agreement was recovered in the amount of US $ 230,340,000, of which US $ 110,000,000 is the principal debt amount, US $ 120,340,000 is interest on borrowed money, as well as expenses on the payment of the state fee in the amount of 60,000 rubles . The measures taken to secure the claim were saved until the execution of the court decision. The appeal ruling of the judicial board for civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic of October 18, 2017 was upheld, the appeals of K.I. Grigorishin and Yakos N.R. - without satisfaction.

After this case was claimed by the Supreme Court of Russia on the cassation appeal of lawyers K.I. Grigorishin the fun began.

The case in violation of all existing requirements of the law was not sent to the higher authority for more than one year, such a delay was due to the need to "negotiate" with a higher court to keep the court decision to recover such an impressive amount. Since it was not possible to agree, it was necessary to lose part of the case for non-fulfillment of repeated requests of the RF Armed Forces, which initiated an audit of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation and became the subject of consideration by the VKKS of the Russian Federation.

At a meeting of the VKKS of the Russian Federation on April 3, 2019, they considered the idea of​​holding the head of the Armed Forces of Chechnya AS Gardaloev accountable. and and. about. The chairman of the Gudermes city court B.A. Visitaev . It turned out that in the Chechen courts two volumes were lost from the scandalous case of the Ukrainian oligarch Konstantin Grigorishin.

On the eve of the meeting of the HCCC RF, by the decision of the Gudermes city court of the Chechen Republic of February 20, 2019, the lost judicial proceedings in the form of the 11th and 19th volumes of the indicated civil case were restored.

By the definition of the judicial board in civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2019, the appeal ruling of the judicial board in civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic of October 18, 2017 was canceled, the case was sent for a new consideration to the court of appeal. To date, the case is not being considered, probably again it will be necessary to lose several volumes when it is requested in a higher court.

In May 2016, in Chechnya, on the orders of Kadyrov, the chairman of the Supreme Court of Chechnya Magomed Karataev and three other judges “voluntarily” resigned. Immediately Karataev left the country, fearing for the safety of his family. The vacant place was taken by Alavdin Gardaloev and, as jokes in Chechnya, the era of "Gudermes justice" began.

To be continued

Vakhtang Gordelidze
