Source: became the details of an investigation in the United States against a runaway banker and former owner of Vneshprombank Georgy Bedzhamov, who is suspected of money laundering in America. This investigation may be connected with another, which was still led by Robert Mueller’s team - about the “Russian trace” in the pressure of American voters, including the denigrating of Hillary Clinton. One of these companies that worked for Trump turned out to be connected with Bedzhamov, whose business partners for a long time was the family of Alexander Zhukov.

As already said, Georgy Bedzhamov and his sister Larisa Marcus (serving time in the Russian Federation) are suspected in the United States of having laundered large sums of money using the American financial system. Among other things, Bedzhamov invested them in the purchase of a large number of real estate. Several federal services, including the FBI, are taking part in the investigation. As part of the investigation, a certain Zhukov testified. A source at said that the American witness is a relative of the former president of the ROC, Alexander Zhukov. The family of the latter has long been closely associated with Bedzhamov and Vneshprombank (VPB). When Alexander Zhukov came to the leadership of the Olympic Committee in 2010, money flowed not only to the OKR, but also to social funds that Zhukov supervised as deputy chairman of the government, in the VPB. Then George Bedzhamov headed the Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation. The son of the former head of the ROC, Peter was a member of the board of directors of Vneshprombank, his wife Ekaterina, together with their family, Georgy Bedzhamov and his wife Alina Zolotova, bought a five-star premium hotel Badrutt’s Palace Hotel in Swiss St. Moritz. Badrutt’s Palace Hotel is only a small part of the joint assets of Bedzhamov and Zhukovs.

Part of the assets of the Bedzhamov-Zhukov families was registered for offshore operations by Basel Properties Limited and Lucksoft Management Limited, which Alina Zolotova is the beneficial owner of. Prior to fleeing from Russia, Bedzhamov was the ultimate beneficial owner of Basel Properties. In 2010–2016, Swiss lawyer Judith Hamburger acted as director and secretary at Basel Properties Limited and Lucksoft Management Limited. At that time, she controlled the companies Prime Nominees and Sea Holdings, which, in turn, owned the Israeli company Psy Group.

Earlier, the FBI found that the former adviser to the election headquarters of the current president of the United States, Rick Gates, applied to the Psy Group in 2016 to provide him with a number of different methods and technologies for manipulating the opinion of voters on social networks that could help Donald Trump win the American election. As a result, the Psy-Group created a lot of fake accounts that posted information that teased Texas Senator Ted Cruz in an unsightly light. He was Trump's main Republican rival during the primary US election in 2016.

Another Psy-Group proposal was a secret collection of various information regarding the then rival of Trump from the Democrats Hillary Clinton and her associates, which would help the Republican win. Psy-Group also proposed manipulating information on social networks in such a way as to sow a split in American society and expose the contradictions in views that were observed in Trump's main rivals in the election.

As the Russian investigation established, Bedzhavmov withdrew from Vneshprombank depositors' funds worth more than $ 3.4 billion. Apparently, part of these funds was also controlled by the Zhukov family, but after the escape, Bedzhamov cut off access to joint assets to the family of the ex-head of the ROC. Now it turns out that Bedzhamov and Alina Zolotova have a financial relationship with the company that worked against Trump. It is clear that the FBI became interested in this couple and their money. Here the Zhukov family’s desire to “sort out” the offenders, helping the FBI, is surprising. After all, what this investigation will lead to is unknown.

To be continued

Timofey Grishin
