Фильтр по персонам

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Saigadak Svetlana Senior Vice President of Sberbank, the curator of Corporate ...

Sargsyan Arkady Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, a member ...

Scherbovich Ilya Founder, President and Managing Partner of United Capital...

Schukina Elena Art diler

Seleznev Kirill Member of the Management Board, Head of Department 614 PJSC ...

Sergunina Natalya Deputy Mayor of Moscow on economic policy and property-land ...

Serov Michael Former SIC they owned and CEO of LLC "Special technology"

Shinkarenko Alexander Ex-owner of Akros JSC

Simanovskiy Leonid Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Slutsker Vladimir President of the Israel Jewish Congress

Slutskiy Leonid Chairman of the State Duma International Affairs Committee, ...

Starovoyt Roman Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation

Suniev Albert First Deputy General Director for Development of...

Suraykin Maxim Chairman of the Central Committee of the political party...

Suslov Vyacheslav General Director of the Corporation "TogliattiAzot"