Alexander Udodov from the beginning of the 2000s until 2010 was the vice-president of the company Peresvet-Invest, specializing in the construction and development of residential and commercial real estate projects, engineering and social infrastructure facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region. Since 2010 - Vice-President for non-core assets of the Itera Group of Companies (merged those assets of the gas company Itera, which were not included in the sale of the main business of Rosneft). Itera also oversees the development of the Pavlovy Ozera business-class cottage community.
Alexander Udodov's personal commercial projects in the mass market segment are consolidated into the Atlas group, which manages the Obninsk shopping center Atlas, two of the same-name shopping centers in Odintsovo (one of them during the construction phase) and the flagship project in the Moscow region of Zhukovsky, Atlas Park ". Trading house "Hymenei" (an area of about 15,000 sq. M.) About two and a half years ago Udodov bought from his former employer GC Peresvet, which acquired it in 2003 and rebuilt it into a commercial and office complex. Udodov reconstructed "Hymen", turning it into a luxury shopping center. Alexander Udodov, according to the businessman himself, is the sole owner of the assets. Udodov also owns the hotel in Kiev.
In 2002, Mikhail Mishustin met with a truly legendary person in the field of VAT refund from the budget - Alexander Karmanov and his younger partner - Alexander Udodov. Then the Karmanov-Udodov group romantically called themselves the Assemblers.
At the end of 2002, a new love appeared in the life of the installer Alexander Udodov - the head of the Moscow Tax Inspectorate # 5 Olga Chernichuk, who reciprocates with him. As a result of this tandem, installers register several companies in the inspection headed by Olga Chernichuk, who declare the production of children's toys as their activity. Buying raw materials including 20% VAT and selling finished products with 10% VAT, the state will always remain with you.
The volume of VAT refund received in the fifth Moscow inspection, which exceeded 1 billion rubles in 2003, struck with its scale. It is interesting that around this time, Olga Chernichuk had unusually warm relations not only with her lover Alexander Udodov, but also with the deputy minister for taxes and charges, Mikhail Mishustin.
Large scale searches were also carried out at the office of the installers, located in the Moscow hotel Sputnik, where, according to the police, counterfeit documents were produced for which VAT was subsequently paid from the budget, but there were no clear evidence of Udodov and Karmanov's involvement in illegal actions and no The charges were not brought against them. After 2003, the installers stopped their work, their group broke up. Alexander "Karmanov" engaged in quite legal business, and Alexander Udodov became close friends with "Michael Mishustin" and became his shadow. 11/08/2010
Anyone who wanted to agree on anything in the period from 2004 to 2006 with Mikhail Mishustin, could safely do it through Alexander Udodov, who was close to him.
On December 20, 2006, Mikhail Mishustin was appointed head of the Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones. Having taken this position also on the recommendation of German Gref, Mikhail Mishustin is drawing closer to Sergei Naryshkin. And Alexander Udodov, under the patronage of Mishustin, his former boss, Boris Federov, recruits to the company "UFG - asset management" for the position of managing director.
"Moscow Post". 10/07/2010
So, in the summer and autumn of 2010, several dozen similar companies turned to the Moscow tax inspectorate with applications to return to them from the budget unnecessarily paid by them the amount of VAT. And the organization of receipt, it seems, a positive decision of the tax authorities on these reimbursements engaged an amateur hockey player, a resident of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, Alexander Evgenievich Udodov and deputy head of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow Olga Vladimirovna Chernichuk ...
At the same time, all the issues raised by the law enforcement agencies were to be decided by the division of the Economic Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to combat the illegal refund of VAT, controlled by Comrade Udodov, Andrei Viktorovich Khorev ...
The most important of these departments, number 5 in ORB No. 7, responsible for control over the use of tax benefits and reimbursements, and in the common people referred to as the "VAT Department", Andrei Khorev entrusted Lieutenant Colonel Damir Feizulin, who proved his devotion to the commander in Time of teamwork in FSKN. And after this appointment, Khorev simply introduced Feizulin to all the "reimbursors" known to him. So Damir Feizulin acquired a reliable friend - Alexander Udodov.
"Ruspress". 11/30/2010
Yesterday, officers of the Main Investigative Directorate (GUS) of the TFR in Moscow, with the support of the FSB operatives, simultaneously searched and seized documents at the central office of the Moscow Department of the Federal Tax Service, at home and at the dacha of the deputy head of the department, Olga Chernichuk, and also in St. Petersburg and Vyborgsky District of the Leningrad Region. The investigative actions were carried out within the framework of the investigation of the criminal case about the attempt of OOO ES-Contractstroy to illegally receive from the budget more than 1.87 billion rubles. Under the guise of refunding VAT ...
The investigators tried to search the apartment on Khalturinskaya Street, where the officially unemployed person lives, but Alexander Udodov, who decides much in the tax sphere, was not at home. As it turned out, on April 2, Mr. Udodov, speaking with the head of the Federal Tax Service, Mikhail Mishustin, for the amateur ice hockey club Sportima of the Russian government flew from Moscow to Munich. Meanwhile, the investigation suspects that Mr. Udodov was an accomplice, and possibly one of the organizers, of machinations with VAT.
Kommersant. 04/07/2011
As it became known to The Moscow Post, in the Investigative Committee of Russia, such important witnesses as Olga Vladimirovna Chernichuk and "Alexander Evgenievich Udodov" have already disappeared from the criminal case on illegal VAT refund from the state budget. Apparently, as in the case of Magnitsky, the entrepreneurs of the Arkhangelsk company ES-Kontrakstroy will be extreme, namely its director Roman Temkin and financial director Elena Bevza. Will they survive until the end of the investigation and whether this consequence will have an end is a big question.
The thing is that Olga Vladimirovna Chernichuk has already resigned voluntarily from the Moscow Tax Service and left the capital in an unknown direction. As for her lover Alexander Evgenievich Udodov, he is currently quietly staying on Russian territory and is actively engaged in drying out his tarnished reputation.
"Moscow Post". 2012
The Swiss Federal Office of Public Prosecutor opened an investigation into the money laundering case when the Albana hotel in Veggis, owned by Russian Alexander Udodov, was bought.
For the first time, Swiss taxpayers learned the name of Alexander Udodov from the "Rundschau" TV program of the SF channel, a serious weekly program devoted to politics and economics. It said that in 2007 Alexander Udodov bought in one of the most picturesque corners of Switzerland - Veggis in the canton of Lucerne - a four-star hotel Albana ...
As it was told in "Rundschau", the buyer was the company Avrora Albana GmbH with the address on the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich, its owner and was named Alexander Udodov. As the organizer of the transaction, the Swiss television program was named Galina Sato, who registered Avrora Albana in 2007, and then two more firms in the Marshall Islands and one in Luxembourg, through which money was transferred when buying a hotel ...
After the telecast "Rundschau", the Federal Criminal Police Fedpol requested the institution of a criminal case in the Federal Prosecutor's Office, "the newspaper Tagesanzeiger writes. Jeannette Ballmer, the speaker of the Swiss Federal Attorney's Office, confirmed for publication last week: "The prosecutor's office is investigating this case.
"Our Newspaper." 02.04.2012
Fate brought together two scammers, each of whom no doubt stands another - a specialist in squandering the people's bowels and fraudulent licenses for their development, Alexander Popov and the long-term trust management of the "T" UEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, a brilliant master of machinations for VAT refund Alexander Udodov. The place where this truly "sweet couple" was reunited was the office of the oil company "Itera" ....
With Popov, with one of the members of the tandem, in my opinion everything becomes clear, let's pay attention to his future subordinate, the developer Alexander Udodov, who will manage non-core assets in the Itere's rank. . Mr. Udodov still does not give up hopes of getting a position in the Department for Regulation and Planning of Procurement of the Ministry of Economy of the Moscow Region. To do this, he probably regularly drives the puck with the governor of Moscow region, the same hockey player, amateur Andrei Vorobyov in the same Moscow, Odintsovo, in the team "Sportima". The governor is certain and would be glad to share his position with a team-mate, but, Mr. Udodov's reputation is painfully damaged. 09/09/2013
Vitse-prezident gruppy "Itera" Aleksandr Udodov mozhet stat' krupneyshim vladel'tsem kommercheskoy nedvizhimosti na Yakimanke v peshey dostupnosti ot Kremlya. V etom rayone krome torgovogo kompleksa "Gimeney" on vykupil u roznichnoy seti "Detskiy mir" zdaniye "Detskoy galerei "Yakimanka"". Riteyler utverzhdayet, chto prodal ob"yekt pochti za 1,5 mlrd rub… Etot ob"yekt do krizisa 2009 goda polnost'yu prinadlezhal "Peresvet-investu", gde Aleksandr Udodov v 2001-2010 godakh zanimal dolzhnost' vitse-prezidenta.
«Kommersant». 03.03.2015
S Alekseyem Kudrinym, nachinavshim vmeste s Putinym v merii Sankt-Peterburga, a zatem 11 let vozglavlyavshim pri nom ministerstvo finansov, Karmanov sosholsya cherez Valentina Yudashkina. Lyubimogo kutyur'ye Svetlany Medvedevoy finansiroval lider izmaylovskoy OPG Anton Malevskiy, no v 2001 godu Malevskiy pogib, i na yego meste okazalsya Karmanov. Prinadlezhavshaya khozyainu «YETK» investitsionno-finansovaya kompaniya «Biznes-tekhnolodzhis» stala vladel'tsem 51,33% firmy «Valentin Yudashkin Grupp». Drugimi uchreditelyami byli oformleny sam model'yer, supruga Kudrina Irina Tintyakova i nekto Oleg Yevgen'yevich Udodov. Karmanov yavlyalsya biznes-partnerom yego brata Aleksandra Yevgen'yevicha Udodova, upominavshegosya v svyazi s delami o kriminal'noy obnalichke NDS v interesakh chlenov okruzheniya rukovoditeley Federal'noy nalogovoy sluzhby i generala Andreya Khoreva.
«Ruspres». 02.04.2015
Po dannym SPARK, doch' vitse-mera Irina Biryukova vmeste s 28-letney Yekaterinoy Biryukovoy vladeyut OOO «Venta» (vyruchka v 2014 godu — 717,5 mln rub., chistaya pribyl' — 211,8 mln rub.), kotoroye sdayet v arendu gruzovyye avtomobili s voditelem. ...Pomimo etogo Irina Biryukova byla yedinstvennoy vladelitsey OOO «Stop servis», kotoromu prinadlezhala chast' torgovogo tsentra «Detskaya galereya «Yakimanka». V oktyabre 2014 goda vitse-prezident gruppy «Itera» Aleksandr Udodov vykupil chast' zdaniya u Biryukovoy, a ostavshuyusya chast' ob"yekta — u kompanii «Detskiy mir». Summa sdelki Udodova s «Detskim mirom» — 1,44 mlrd rub., summa sdelki s Biryukovoy ne razglashalas'.
«RBK». 20.20.2015
Otkrytoye aktsionernoye obshchestvo «Verkhne-Volzhskaya energeticheskaya kompaniya»
Sokrashchennoye naimenovaniye Obshchestva na russkom yazyke:
Grazhdanin Rossiyskoy Federatsii Udodov Aleksandr Yevgen'yevich
(24,000 %)
Nizhegorodskaya oblast' v litse Ministerstva gosudarstvennogo imushchestva i zemel'nykh resursov
(25,000 %)
Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost'yu «Energoinvest»
(13,000 %).
Godovoy otchet za 2015 god.
Kurskoye OOO «Gribnaya raduga» planiruyet nachat' proizvodstvo kul'tiviruyemykh gribov shampin'onov na sobstvennom komposte so vtorogo kvartala 2017 goda, soobshchili v oblpravitel'stve…
OOO «Gribnaya raduga» zaregistrirovano v 2015 godu. Po dannym, kompaniyey vladeyut Aleksandr Udodov (70%) i Oleg Logvinov (30%). Vyruchki ot prodazh v 2015 godu u kompanii net, chistyy ubytok – 597 tys. rubley. 15.03.2017
Vladelets TTS «Gimeney» milliarder Aleksandr Udodov, reshil izbavit'sya ot dvukh uchastkov pod stroitel'stvo zhil'ya na yuge i zapade Moskvy. Biznesmen oformil razreshitel'nuyu dokumentatsiyu, i teper' nameren pereprodat' ikh v neskol'ko raz dorozhe, chem pri pokupke, vyruchiv pri etom poryadka 4 milliardov rubley.
Odin iz uchastkov ploshchad'yu 2,2 ga raspolozhen v Setun'skom proyezde. Vtoroy - 2,1 ga - na peresechenii Simonovskoy naberezhnoy i Avtozavodskoy ulitse. Soglasno vypiske iz YEGRP, pravo sobstvennosti po oboim uchastkam zaregistrirovano v seredine aprelya 2016 goda. Zemlya prinadlezhat OOO «Krossbill» i OOO «Neva Inform». Eksperty podozrevayut, chto Aleksandr Udodov deystvuyet kak «bumazhnyy developer», kotoryy priobretayet zemlyu bez dokumentov, oformlyayet razreshitel'nuyu dokumentatsiyu, a potom pereprodayet yeye v neskol'ko raz dorozhe. Potentsial'naya prodazha, vozmozhno, i ne vyzvala by takogo interesa, yesli by ne chereda skandalov, nedoskazannosti i nedomolvok, svyazannykh s imenem milliardera…
Aleksandru Udodovu prinadlezhit takzhe torgovo-razvlekatel'nyy kompleks «U Rechnogo» (boleye 15 tys. kv. m) i TRTS «Aprel'» v Obninske (pochti 13 tys. kv. m).
«Versiya». 26.05.2017
Itera Group Vice-President Alexander Udodov may become the largest owner of commercial real estate in Yakimanka in walking distance from the Kremlin. In this area, in addition to the shopping complex "Hymen", he bought the building of the Yakimanka Children's Gallery from the Detsky Mir retail network. " The retailer claims that it sold the property for almost 1.5 billion rubles ... This object was fully owned by "Peresvet-Invest" before the crisis of 2009, where Alexander Udodov held the post of vice-president in 2001-2010.
Kommersant. 03/03/2015
With Alexei Kudrin, who started with Putin in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, and then headed the finance ministry for 11 years, Karmanov met through Valentin Yudashkin. Favorite couturier Svetlana Medvedeva was financed by the leader of the Izmaylovo OPG Anton Malevsky, but in 2001 Malevsky was killed, and in his place was Karmanov. Owned by the owner of the "ETK" investment and finance company "Business Technology" became the owner of 51.33% of the company "Valentin Yudashkin Group." Other founders were decorated by the fashion designer himself, Kudrin's wife Irina Tintyakova and a certain Oleg Evgenievich Udodov. Karmanov was a business partner of his brother, Aleksandr Evgenevich Udodov, who was mentioned in connection with the cases of criminal VAT fraud in the interests of members of the environment of the heads of the Federal Tax Service and General Andrei Khorev.
"Ruspress". 04/02/2015
According to SPARK, the daughter of the vice-mayor Irina Biryukova along with 28-year-old Ekaterina Biryukova own Venta LLC (revenue in 2014 is 717.5 million rubles, net profit is 211.8 million rubles.), Which rents out Trucks with driver. ... In addition, Irina Biryukova was the only owner of LLC Stop Service, which owned part of the shopping center Children's Gallery Yakimanka. In October 2014, the vice-president of the group "Itera" Alexander Udodov bought a part of the building from Biriukova, and the rest of the object - from the company "Detsky Mir". The amount of the transaction Udodova with the "Children's World" - 1.44 billion rubles., The transaction with Biryukova was not disclosed.
RBC. 20.20.2015
Open Joint-Stock Company Verkhne-Volzhskaya Energy Company
Abbreviated name of the Company in Russian:
Citizen of the Russian Federation Udodov Alexander Evgenievich
The Nizhny Novgorod region represented by the Ministry of State Property and Land Resources
Limited Liability Company "Energoinvest"
Annual report for the year 2015.
Kursk LLC "Mushroom Rainbow" plans to start the production of cultivated mushroom mushrooms on its own compost from the second quarter of 2017, the regional government said ...
LLC "Mushroom Rainbow" was registered in 2015. According to, the company is owned by Alexander Udodov (70%) and Oleg Logvinov (30%). Sales of the company in 2015 do not exist, the net loss is 597 thousand rubles. 03/15/2012
The owner of the shopping center "Hymen" billionaire Alexander Udodov, decided to get rid of two sites for housing construction in the south and west of Moscow. The businessman has issued the permit documentation, and now intends to resell them several times more expensive than when buying, while gaining about 4 billion rubles.
One of the sites with an area of 2.2 hectares is located in Setunsky proezd. The second - 2,1 hectares - at the intersection of Simonovskaya embankment and Avtozavodskaya street. According to the extract from the Unified State Register of Property, the ownership of both sites was registered in mid-April 2016. The land belongs to LLC Crossbill and OOO Neva Inform. Experts suspect that Alexander Udodov acts as a "paper developer," which acquires land without documents, prepares permits, and then resells it several times more. Potential sale, perhaps, would not cause such interest, if not for a series of scandals, understatement and omissions associated with the name of the billionaire ...
Alexander Udodov also owns the shopping and entertainment complex "U Rechnoy" (more than 15 thousand sq. M.) And the SEC "April" in Obninsk (almost 13 thousand sq. M.).
"Version". 05/26/2017