All exclusive

2023-10-22 19:07

The oligarch general is being prepared “for landing”

How Sergei Derevyanko built a corruption vertical

2023-10-21 19:19

Will investigators come for Plenipotentiary Representative for the Volga Federal District Komarov?

Advisor to Igor Komarov escaped from the Russian Federation from criminal prosecution

2023-10-20 20:07

Enrichment using state defense procurement funds

How Okroyan and Yevtushenkov turned an aircraft engine plant into a pit

2023-10-19 20:00

Muddy schemes of Sergei Gordeev

The largest private construction company GC "PIK" does business with money from state banks

2023-10-18 21:04

Testimony against Deputy Nabiullina was not allowed to proceed

How QBF bribed the Central Bank and the top of the power bloc

2023-10-17 20:16

Prodigal son of gangster Petersburg

How cormorants destroyed an object worth 50 billion rubles or the story of Igor Albin’s budgetary torment

2023-10-14 18:39

Gold assets of “friend of Athos” Oleg Karchev

The bank killer has learned to “deal with” other assets

2023-10-13 19:30

The mayor did not return from the stadium

Together with Dmitry Zharikov they are burying traces of unprecedented corruption

2023-10-12 19:56

Roman Abramovich is getting poorer

The oligarch demonstrates losses of hundreds of billions of rubles

2023-10-11 18:50

“The president’s team was preparing to escape on several planes”

Decree on the usurpation of power in the hands of one president

2023-10-10 19:31

Swedish family of Artem Chaika

Judge Natalya Karzhavina serving VIP husbands

2023-10-09 19:53

United Russia deputy turned out to be the leader of the OPS

Harutyunyan, aka Podolsky, aka “forest”

2023-10-08 19:46

Three doubles of the state security general

How Prigogine instilled a love for doppelgängers

2023-10-07 19:45

Curator of Pavel "Prince" Prigozhin

Where did the chief security officer of the PMC leaders Wagner come from?

2023-10-06 19:15

The defender's blow was fatal

How a famous hockey player is “excused” from killing a woman

2023-10-05 18:44

How smugglers imprison the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The TFR case, which smells of tobacco and alcohol

2023-10-04 19:40

“Caucasus.RF is my wallet”

Georgy Boos at the distribution of kickbacks

2023-10-03 19:24

A sect of pedophiles under the “roof” of the Directorate M of the FSB

The head of the Investigative Committee Bastyrkin took personal control of the scandalous case

2023-10-02 19:19

Blokhin Oncology Center and theft of funds for sick children

“I received funds from the foundation to purchase Czech prosthetics for children at an inflated price”

2023-09-30 19:04

How an OPS was “tailored” from 14 female managers

The Ministry of Internal Affairs “lost” the organizers of the financial pyramid and decided to put ordinary employees on trial

2023-09-29 18:29

“Son of Vymplecom” was loved in the Moscow Arbitration Court

How a “friend of Sergei Chemezov” and the authority of an organized crime group are being “thrown away” for money

2023-09-27 16:47

“Prince Artamonov” distributes positions - for trout

General Armageddon's neighbor "drowned" the Lipetsk region in family corruption

2023-09-26 18:38

Nothing can stop the energy collapse in Dagestan

It's too easy to steal in Dagestan

2023-09-25 19:59

Massacre on Michurinsky

In Moscow, young hooligans beat a 9-year-old girl with sticks and broke her father's nose

2023-09-25 18:49

What was promised to Chekhov's judge Shanina and prosecutor Andyamov?

For a guilty verdict in a criminal case against Oleg Gulyaev and Ivan Zavodnov.

2023-09-24 17:08

Chekists against Shaman

“Which agency can protect me from illegal actions of the M FSB department”

2023-09-23 19:14

Robbed miners “congratulated” Usmanov on his anniversary

The German Constitutional Court will deal with the Kremlin oligarch

2023-09-22 20:33

"A shame! A shame"!

Negotiations and ordering the murder of Tishkov

2023-09-19 19:07

“You are suckers, and I am the son of the head of the council of judges”

Rolls-Royce Cullinan from the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court

2023-09-18 19:19

“The Case of Baikal” and Dvorkovich, Chubais, Trapeznikov

“Redirect the huge flow of budget funds in the right direction”